Damian Wayne - Christmas *Fluff*

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Here are the ages for them 

Alfred : Immortal

Bruce : 65

Selina : 63

Dick : 41

Barbara : 40

Jason : 36

Tim : 25

Stephanie : 24

Damian : 21

Y/n : 20

This one shot is for 


Y/n P.O.V

It's Christmas eve and I'm currently at the Wayne manor helping/forcing my boyfriend Damian put up decorations. I'm sitting on his shoulders trying to put the (probably very expensive) star on the tree. And it doesn't help that Christmas music is playing and I just want start dancing. "Alright easy, easy" I said trying to stabilize myself to get the star on properly. Finally as if it took forever I got the star on perfectly, I smiled at myself.

"Beloved, have you finished putting the star on? You haven't been moving much."Damian asked

"Yeah Dami, I'm done." I replied preparing for him to get me off his shoulders. In one movement suddenly I was standing on the floor in front of him. I smiled, focusing on his features. His beautiful green orbs that I could stare at for the rest of eternity, his slightly spiky raven hair, his black turtleneck sweater that I will eventually borrow/steal.

"Beloved you are staring" He said with a slight blush for the way he was being observed.

"I know habib albi (which means 'love of my heart' in arabic)" I said fully aware of the situation.

He blushed even more at the name but decided to turn the tables. He took a step closer to me and looked down at my lips. I could feel the heat radiating off his body and could feel my face heat up due to the distance of our bodies.

Before I could get any more flustered by the boy, I pecked his cheek quickly and ran off to the kitchen so we can possibly have some of the cookies that Alfred was baking. To say that he was surprised by this action would be an understatement. I knew that I couldn't possibly outrun him but I ran anyways knowing that he was already on my tail.

I dashed through the long hallways of the Manor while laughing. I knew that I probably would be able to reach 2/3rds of the way to the large clean kitchen before he got me so I did my best to get there before he did. When I looked over my shoulder I couldn't see Damian there, I didn't think much of it and just kept running.

I glanced at my surroundings and used the artwork as a map to the kitchen. On my first visit to the Manor I had gotten lost, but this time I have the power of experience on my side. Damian and I have been dating for 4 years now and if I didn't know my way around the manor I would be upset with myself.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw the entrance to the kitchen. It took me around 5 minutes to even find the door let alone enter it. I skidded to a halt in front of the door and pushed it open. I scanned the kitchen to see if a certain someone was there already there and to my disappointment he was. Damian had somehow gotten there before I did. He stood in front of me with a smirk that I loved. I looked to the island table to see a variety of different cookies placed in a large dish that were baked to perfection.

I walked forwards to the cookies, my mouth watering. I picked up a chocolate chip one and passed it to Damian while I took one of my favorites and bit into it. it was the perfect mix of chewy and crunchy, the flavors blended into each other to make the perfect cookie [in my opinion] 

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