Dick x reader - a situation

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Y/n P.O.V

The young justice team were all having a food fight in the kitchen, well everyone except for me and Dick. We were just watching the chaos unfold around our teammates. It was getting a bit violent because Wally had just thrown a giant meatball at Conner and things were just going to go downhill from there.

"So, do you think we should do something" I asked my boyfriend

"Sure. Do you have an idea?" He asked me back

" I may have a solution" I said smirking up at him

"Great what is it?" 

"You might not like it though"

"It's fine, what's your idea"

"It involves fire" I said sheepishly 

"I take it back, Absolutely not" He said frowning at me

"Well do you have another idea" I said rolling my eyes

"As a matter of fact I do"

"And what might that be Mister Grayson?" I said mockingly

The moment I finished my sentence he jumped up onto the table and yelled at everyone the stop. But that didn't do much other than when he opened his mouth a piece of a cookie disrupted his speech.

I laughed but that was interrupted when Dick threw a piece of food at my abdomen. Let's just say that at the end of the day we were all cleaning the kitchen under the supervision of some league members.

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