Damian x reader - Angel in hell

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Trigger warning : Blood, Torture

This takes place during Justice League vs Teen Titans when they are in hell


3rd person P.O.V

The pain of life was unbearable. The fire and the screams of tortured souls was deafening. This was no place for an angel of heaven. She looked lifeless and dead. Luckily or unluckily, for this angel, she was alive, but not for much longer.

Y/n P.O.V

My body was numb and I couldn't look at anything for long enough to see what it was. I immitted a shrill scream. I had just been stabbed with a rusty metal pole. It felt as if the life was leaving my body as well as my blood.

Suddenly I can hear and see some fuzzy bodies coming towards me. I tried to warn them not to come any closer but I couldn't even move my mouth.

The unknown person started attacking the demons who were hurting me, and soon enough they were all gone. My knees buckled underneath me once they took off the shackles that were holding me up. Instead of feeling the hard hot ground of hell I fell into a pair of strong arms.

I looked up at the mysterious person to see a handsome mortal who was wearing a domino mask and had beautiful raven black hair. 

"T-thank y-you" Were the last words I spoke before I fell unconscious.

Damian P.O.V

I was on my way to help raven when I heard a shrill scream coming from nearby. I looked to the side and saw a girl my age being stabbed with a metal pole. I ran towards her and kicked and punched the guards until they left her alone. While I saw fighting them I managed to get the keys to the shackles that held the girl in place. I carefully unlocked the chains and she started falling, but I managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

She was a gorgeous to say the least. Her eyes were filled with relief and she took a deep breath.

"T-thank y-you" She whispered before her body went limp in my arms. I freaked out, thinking she was dead, but then I checked her pulse and she was just unconscious.

I carried her bridal style towards the rest of the team

"Who is that?" Starfire asked with concern

"I'm not sure, but she was being tortured and I saved her. She's stable for the moment but I'm not sure for how much more time she can keep it up." I replied

"We should get back to the tower" Raven said


Y/n P.O.V

I woke up on a comfortable mattress to see six people looking straight at me. I jumped up but quickly sat back down due to the growing pain my body and head.

"You shouldn't move to much or you might rip your stiches" The boy who saved said, putting a hand on my shoulder

"Okay I guess. Who are you?" I asked

"We're the Teen Titans. I'm Beast boy. That's Raven, that's Robin, that's Starfire, that's Blue Beetle and that's Cyborg" A Green boy said pointing at multiple different people around the room

"Wait. I'm in the mortal world?" I asked

"What do you mean" Cyborg said

"I mean am I or am I not in Heaven or Hell?" I said crossing my fingers

"Yes you are in the mortal world. But what do you mean Heaven?" said Robin

"Oh right, I'm Y/n. I'm an angel" I said putting my hand out for them to shake

Their eyes widened and their mouths fell open. The first one to shake my hand was Robin. He shook my hand with one hand and took off his mask with the other.

My eyes were met with the vibrant green irises. I felt myself blush at the intense stare and at the contact.

"It's good to have you here Y/n" Robin said


I hope you liked it

Have a great day, night wherever you are in the world, I'll see you later

Stay Crash!

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