Dick Grayson/Nightwing x reader(ROMANTIC AF)

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A/N: The part at the end of the song where Zendaya rejcts him doesnt happen in this story because I would be bummed out if it did.

Y/n P.O.V

I have been in love with Richard Grayson for 7 long years. We both know that he likes me a bit more than just a friend but there's always been something in the way. We met when I was adopted by Haley. Yes the Haley as in Haley's circus. I joined the acrobatics act but once Dick's parents died I had to go with him. He was my best friend. Bruce Wayne didn't really adopt me legally but I had just been staying with him for the last 10 years. I became a part of the young justice team at the same time as Robin. We have that friendship where everyone thinks we're together. I wish. Both of us have been blatenly obvious about our affection but yet nothing has happened. 

I'm in the batcave. I'm all alone and I decide to practice on my silks.

(I decided to go with another greatest showman song because they are just so good)

After my practice I carefully dismount my silks when I start to hear clapping. I turn around to see Nightwing, he is smiling as if I just gave him a 'best robin' award. 

''What are you doing here?'' I ask him as I walk over to my water on the bench.

''Just visiting'' Dick says ''How about you? What are you doing here? There's a perfectly good gym at HQ. I made sure that there were silks there for you.''

The ghost of a smile covers my as I respond ''Just felt like it''

He sits down next to me and takes my hands into his. My hands are cold and blistered from the silks so the extra warmth helps.

''What's going on?'' He asks

I look up at him to see that his face has contorted into one of concern ans worry. I don't answer. I feel tears start to prick at my eyes as I look down. As soon as I do, he grabs my chin and forces me to look into his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

''You never talk to me anymore'' I say barely loud enough for him to hear.

He looks at me with a sad smile and says

''I know N/n. I'm so sorry''

With a burst of confidence I said

''But you're not though. Because what you do is way more important than me. You save the world on a daily basis and me being a dumbass wants you to just hang out with me instead of taking down a traficking ring or something.''

 As I said that, I started walking back to the silks. But just as my hands grasped the silk Dick started singing.

''You know I want you''

I pause for a second and then continue

''­It's not a secret I try to hide''

I tense up a bit but I continue

''I know you want me so don't keep saying our hands are tied''

I try to pretend like he's not there just so that I can try not to cry

''You claim it's not in the cards and fate is pullin' you miles away and out of reach from me''

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