Beast-boy x reader - Don't leave me alone *Fluff*

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I will be using one of 's prompts from her Batboys book. It's REALLY good, you should check it out.


Y/n P.O.V

I was frozen in place by more than just fear. And by that I mean I was literally frozen in ice. Poison Ivy and Mr.Freeze had been going on a rampage and the young justice team was told to take care of it. During our apprehension, I had gotten hit by his freeze gun. It only hit my feet which immobilized me long enough for Poison Ivy to stab me with Deadly Nightshade, also known as Atropa Belladonna.

I knew from my extensive research that Nightshade contains atropine and scopolamine in its stems, leaves, berries, and roots, and causes paralysis in the involuntary muscles of the body, including the heart. Even physical contact with the leaves can cause skin irritation. 

So after I got stabbed with it, I could start to feel the effects of it on my body. The plant had driven straight through my abdomen and the paralysis was spreading through my body, so much so that I couldn't feel my legs, hands or anything. My legs buckled under the pressure of the poison and I fell unconscious. I welcomed death as if they were an old friend.

My heart stopped and I died, or so I thought.





My death was rudely interrupted by the noise of an obnoxious machine. I peeked one eye open to see the ceiling of some sort of hospital. I couldn't really move my head so I had to use all of my strength to open my eyes wider and look out of my peripheral vision. I could see a green figured with darker green hair. I immediately knew who it was. It was beast boy. He was holding my hand and looked as if he would never let go. As soon as I found any strength, I squeezed his hand so that he knew I was awake. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. 

"Y/n! Oh my gosh! Are you okay! I'm so glad you're awake!" He said with bright eyes. 

He hugged me so hard that I almost died again. He pulled away immediately after noticing that he was hurting me. I relaxed and did my best to smile at him. 

"Don't leave me alone again"

The end

Stay whelmed ✌🏻

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