Dick/Robin - Writing prompt

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Y/n P.O.V

I just woke up in my room at the mountain and knew that everyone was awake besides Robin. He always sleeps in if he has the chance.

My room was on one of the higher levels of the mountain so I had to walk down the stairs in my cat slippers, walking past Dick's room on the way.

"Good morning everyone" I said to everyone in the living room " Arty, do you have the camera and mic ready?" I asked diverting my attention from the delicious pancakes to Artemis.

"Yup" she replied from the couch, motioning to the portable camera and fake microphone. You might be confused right now but whenever Dick gets to sleep-in he always wakes at the same exact time.  Dick also has a mini fridge with milk and some cereal so whenever he wakes up he can get breakfast immediately from the get-go.


I'm at the bottom of the staircase and I can hear Dick coming down the stairs with his cereal. I hold the microphone in front of me and stare deadpan into the camera.

"3...2...1...Go" Artemis whispered to me.

"And here, you can see the endangered Robin in their natural habitat" I said just as Dick tripped over his own feet and fell down the stairs while spilling his cereal everywhere.

Everyone starts laughing, including me, then I go to help him off of the hard concrete of the cave. 

"Good morning bird-boy" I say helping him up.

We already had towels on hand so I helped him clean himself up while still laughing.

"Good morning to you too babe" he grumbled to me while giving me a kiss and the cheek. He smelled like milk and fruit-loops.

It was safe to say that we had some memories to share with future generations

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