You're Dead! 😡

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I walk out on the deck, that fucking whore!? She fucked up everything!? (Y/N) won't talk to me!? Killer keeps fucking blocking me!?

"FUCK!?" I'm going to kill that whore!?

I look back at the door, I'll talk to (Y/N) after. Now I got to look for that whore. I head back into town.

"Where is she?" I look in the alleyways, behind buildings.

I see other whores and idiots falling over them.

"Fuck!! I've been looking for that whore for 10 minutes!!"

She's probably in the brothel... Fuck... I head to the closest one. All I need now is (Y/N) or Killer to see me...

I open the door and look around. Where is she?

"H-Hello Captain K-Kidd... Would -" I walk past the blabbing idiot.

And go straight to the rooms. Break down the door, "not here." I go to the next one.

"Ex-Excuse you can't -" I glare back at him, "or keep going..."

I keep going, till I find the whore. "That whore better be in this one..." I break the door down, there she is. I walk into the room.

"Kidd, you came back ~" She goes to grab my arm, I move away. "Oh, Kidd why are you being so mean to your fiancee? ~"

"You fucked everything up!!"

"I fucked everything up? I saved you from that thing. You must have been drunk to be with her."

"Thing?! The only thing is you!?" I grab her throat and lift her. "You fucked up everything!? Everything was good, till you came along!?"

She pulls at my hand, "stop... Don't... Kill... Me..." She digs her nails in.

I squeeze her throat, "you fucked my life!? I'm going to kill you!?" I throw her back, she lands on the bed.

"I'm sorry! Argh, please don't!"

I walk over to her, "too late."


I crush the ring throw it on her, and walk out of the room. The idiot and whores standing around in the hallway. I head back to the ship, I have to talk to (Y/N).

"You monster!!" I look back at the whore. "You killed Crystal!!"

"She should have kept her mouth shut." I walk out, "I'll make (Y/N) listen to me. I'm not losing her over some whore."

"Gotten back and to see your 'fiancee'?"

"I would be if you didn't keep stopping me."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"You keep fucking getting in my way to talk to (Y/N)!?"

"Cause you fucking cheated on her with a two-bit whore!?"

"I didn't cheat on (Y/N)!? The fucking whore kissed me!?"

"Find that hard to believe. You just came out of the fucking brothel!?"

"I just killed the whore," I smile.


"I killed the lying, disease whore."

"You tried to cover your tracks."

"What?! I killed the fucking lying bitch!?"

"No, you tried to cover your tracks! Fuck knows why? (Y/N) already knows."

"I didn't fucking cheat on her!?" Killer grabs me, I grab his hand. "Let. Me. Go."

"Go find yourself a new first mate. The next island (Y/N) and I are leaving." He pushes me back.

"(Y/N) not fucking leaving. That means you're staying. Where ever you go, (Y/N) going to follow."

"That's why I'm leaving. She isn't going to stay with you. Nor is she going to believe your lies."

"I didn't fucking lie to her!?"

"Forgot your lie already? You saw a drop-dead gorgeous woman. That knew she was beautiful. She was worth more than any gold or treasure. Like you would ever say something g like that."

"She told you..."

"(Y/N) tells me everything. I'm her brother!? The only reason we're not staying here, it's a shit hole. Don't go near (Y/N)!" He walks off.

"She's not fucking leaving me!" I can't believe she told Killer. Everyone going to think I've gone soft!?

I get back to the ship and head for (Y/N)'s room. Heat steps in, "you might want to let (Y/N) be."

"I don't fucking care I'm seeing (Y/N)!"

"She's with Killer making dinner."

Doesn't matter I'm going to talk to her. "I don't care."

"Why are you covered in blood?"

"I killed the whore. Now move!" I push him aside.

"Maybe let (Y/N) be. She looks like a wreck."


"Girls are emotional and that."

"I'm going to see her!"

"Killer pissed."

"I don't fucking care!? I'm fucking going to see her!?"

"She's crying."

"Fuck!?" I head to the workshop.

- Second -

Kidd slams the door and flips one of the tables. Metal and scrap crash against the wall and onto the floor.

Kidd had hoped you wouldn't cry. He didn't know how to handle crying. Closest he got was you being shocked to him being honest. Ended with him kissing you, you going to bed.

He tried to think of how to deal with your crying. Nothing came to mind, made him more pissed. He spent the afternoon in his workshop thinking. Before he knew it, there was a knock at the door.

"Fucking what?!"

"Dinner," Heat called through the door.

"Did (Y/N) make it?"

"... No?"

"I don't fucking want it."

"You sure?"


"Okay, fuck!" Heat walks away.

Kidd pulls at his hair, "I need to talk to her! I can't when she's crying!" He slams his hand la on the bench, leaving dint in it.

He didn't want to go back to his room. He knew he wasn't going to get any sleep. His bed smelled like you. He got used to you sleeping beside him. Having you in his arm, he was still surprised that you never woke up with a sore neck. He slept at his bench the whole night. Tried to sleep.

Killer's Little Sister - Eustass 'Captain' Kidd x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now