(Y/N)!? 💀

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- After this chapter, there's only 2 left. Then we're onto Cute Moments -

The Kidd Pirates and the Berserk Pirates were fighting. Both Kidd and Killer went for Hank.

"I'm going to slice you up limb by limb!" Killer races to him.

"I'm killing him first! Then you can have him!" Kidd tried to run ahead.

Connor holds you up and held a knife to your throat. "Take one more step, I'll cut her wide open ~"

They both stop in their tracks. They watch Hank and Connor.

"This is why you don't bring a woman on board. They make you soft, you two have gone limp ~" Hank laughs, "you use to be a bloodthirsty pirate. Fuck whores, drink, kill, repeat. And now," he holds (Y/N)'s chin.


"Now you're soft ~ All for this little bitch!" He throws her head. "

Kidd looks at the knife, it was made of hard plastic.

"You notice my knife ~ I made it just to fuck you up ~" Connor smiles evilly.

"Let (Y/N) go!"

"I'll let her go? Oh ~ I'll let the life leave her body ~" Conner laughs, "huh?"

Hank snatches the knife and plunges it into your shoulder. "..." Your eyes shot open, and you try to scream. Nothing came out, you try to move.

"YOU BASTARD!?" Killer yells

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!?" Kidd runs at Hank, he goes to backhand him. Hank jumps back.

Killer runs at Connor, "you're both dead!"

Kidd picks you up, "(Y/N)!?"

"Kidd..." You look at him, eyes heavy. "Kidd..." You clasp in his arm.

"(Y/N)!?" He looks around, "HEAT!? WIRE!?"

Heat burns the guy in front of him. Wire plunges his trident into the guy's chest. They run over to him.

"Get (Y/N) back to the ship now!" He hands you over to Heat.


Wire runs ahead and plunges his trident into the guys. Heat follows behind him with you in his arms.

"She'll be dead soon, hahaha. Don't worry you will be too, hahaha."

Kidd raises his metal arm, and all the metal laying around flies to him. "You'll pay for hurting (Y/N)!?"

Nails started to fly out of the deck. Some piercing and cutting some of the men.

"Fuck Captain lost it!"

"We should get the fuck off this ship! Before we get killed!"

"You're right!"

The Kidd Pirates run off the ship. Leaving the Berserk Pirates laughing. Till a nail flies straight through one of their heads. The body drops to the floor, they start to back up. The hoops of the barrels wrap around some of their necks. The hoops tighten around their neck. They tried to pull them off.

"You're going to regret ever crossing me!?"

"Hahahaha, all I regret is not ending her life soon!?"

'I'm going to prolong his pain! I'll make him suffer!'


"Uhh... No... More..." Hank was hanging from a metal cross. With cuts, slices, and pieces of jaggeder metal sticking out of his body. "Just kill me..."

Killer's Little Sister - Eustass 'Captain' Kidd x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now