Kamazo The Manslayer ⚔️

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You were sleeping peacefully, all rugged up in bed

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You were sleeping peacefully, all rugged up in bed. The sea gently rocking the ship. A creaky floorboard stirs you, your eyes flutter open. The room falls silent again, you close your eyes. Thinking the ship talking.

"Fafafafafa..." Your eyes shot open, hearing the nerve-racking laugh.

"This time I won't fail my mission! Fafafafafa." You notice its Killer. You quickly turn around and sit up.

He's holding two scythes, you put your hands up. "Now die!"

He goes to attack, you dive for the floor missing the blade by mere millimetres. He turns around, stares you dead in the eyes. "You're quick... But I'm quicker! Fafafafafa!"

You scramble for the door, running out making your way to Kidd's room. You can hear Killer coming after you. What were mere few steps to his room felt like kilometres. As you reach his door the blade was at your neck.

"Fafafafafa, I have you now little girl!" As he goes to cut your head off, you drop to the ground. Not wasting time you get back up and run for the door. Out on the deck, hoping someone was out there.

You reach the deck, no ones there. You can hear him laughing. You were terrified.

- (Y/N) -

What's wrong with Big Brother? It's like he doesn't know who I am. Did my scars affect him that much?

"Fafafafafa where did you go little girl?" Oh no, he's coming!

Where is everyone? I know they're not dead otherwise I would have heard them fighting. Unless he killed them while they were sleeping! Don't think like that! They're alive, I just have to make noise. Somehow...

"Fafafafafa there you are!"

I go to run, but trip over my own feet. Fuck! Lookup Big Brother brings his foot down on my leg. I scream in pain but nothing comes out. I can't even scream I'm dead!

Big Brother holds his scythes above his head. "Time for you to die, fafafafafa!"

I close my eyes. "KIDD!!!"

Hear the clash of metal. Open my eyes Kidd stop the scythes.

"What the fuck man?!" Kidd pushes Big Brother back.

I crawl backwards, get out of the way. Back myself up to the foremast.

"You're her protector, fafafafafa. You can die alongside her, fafafafafa!" He stands there and laughs. He doesn't even remember Kidd!

"Killer snap the fuck out of it. It's (Y/N) your little sister!"

"Little sister? I don't have a little sister, fafafafafa!"

I feel my heartbreak, literally. He doesn't think of me as his little sister anymore. Tears start to run down my face.

- Kidd -

Killer's Little Sister - Eustass 'Captain' Kidd x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now