Big Brothers 👱🏼‍♂️👱🏼‍♂️ ⚠️

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⚠️Warning: Mention Of Suicide. A ⚠️ will show the beginning and another show the end. If you wish to skip it ⚠️

Killer walks upstairs, knocks on the door. "Come in."

Killer walks in and closes the door. Sits on the lounge across from Nightmare. "So you own a bar."

"We own the bar. Well, our little sister does. She's the one who got this place back on track. She lets me run the place like it's mine."

"I see... So how long has our little sister been here?"

"Almost three years now. And she's changed the island for the better."


"Both sides were at war with each other. Samantha washes up, the war kinda ended. Don't know how but it stop, no complaints here."

"War? What do you mean war?!"

"Not like the war you have with the marines. Each side trying to take over the others. Less bloodshed. She came and well... She got along with both sides, and it kinda ended there and then."

"She washed ashore?"

"Yep, went for a walk along the beach one afternoon. There she was face down in the sand. Rolled her over, saw she was still breathing. Hand clutched to her locket. She had sand all over her face, I didn't see the scars till we got home. And I clean her up."

"Why didn't you take her to the hospital?"

"It's on the other side of the island. And they won't treat people from this side. Even if they wash up on this side, they wouldn't treat her. She didn't have any injures just waterlog. Which I'm surprised she didn't. There was a storm the day before. 


Anyway, she woke up said she was a mute, and that she 'fell off' the ship she was on." He did quotation fingers for fell off.

"What do you mean fell off? Like she tired to kill herself or something?"

"Exactly right, it was month later before I found out. I only found out cause she almost got killed during a fight. Said she had a Big Brother that died. All she wanted was to be with him again."

Killer sat there horrified, that you would go so far to kill yourself to be back with him.

Nightmare noticed his horrified face. "Yes, she's willing to KILL herself for you. That's how much she loves and misses you. All you have to do is tell her that you're alive, and she'll stop."


Killer walked over to the window. Saw you smiling and hanging out with his friends. "I don't want to ruin her life here. She looks so happy here."

Nightmare walks up to him, sees you smiling. "Her life is already ruined, cause you're not in it. If you tell her she'll actually smile, instead of wearing that fake one she's wearing all the time."

"All she has to do is open the locket."

Nightmare looked at him puzzled. "I know you gave her the locket. I don't understand what that's got to do with you being alive."

"It has our vivre cards in it. If she opens it she'll see that mine there."

"You're an idiot..."

"Excuse me?"

"Look at from her point of view. If she was to open it, sees burnt pieces of paper. It'll bring her heartache all over again. It'll be like she's reliving your death all over again."

Killer sighed. "If I tell her she'll want to come with me. I doubt that Kidd will let her join."

You sunk the black ball, you and Kidd cheered. "I don't think you have to worry about him. Especially when he finds out she's a pool shark. And the amount of money she'll bring in."

Nightmare walks to his desk, Killer follows him. "What do you mean she'll bring the money in?"

He pulls out newspaper articles hands them to him. He looks through them, "yeah there a bunch of petty thefts."

He takes the papers back. "If you actually read the paper, the thief stole money from rich and dangerous people. And the only reason they found out was there was a note left behind. Signed by lT."

"Little Thieft..." He remembers you use to steal things when you were kids. Nothing big, like cookies, lollies things you weren't supposed to have. Only stole enough so no one would notice.

"She uses to signs her notes with a little L and a capital T. In case our parents found out. They never did, she was careful and quiet."

"Well her stealing hasn't stopped. She still steals but she returns the items. I wouldn't doubt it, she's already taken something from your friends. And they haven't even noticed."

"Really? Surely Kidd would notice."

"Doubt it, she's good at what she does. She distracts then steals. Took me about two years to notice. At the moment I think she's doing it for fun. Seeing what she can't get away with."

"So she's bored."

"More like she's entertaining herself till she dies. Or gets killed. My guess you only have a few more days before your log post resets. You're going to have to make a decision and quick. I'll let you be, I'm going downstairs make sure she hasn't got herself into too much trouble."

Nightmare left Killer in the office. Killer went over everything, from you washing up there. Your attempts to kill yourself to be with him. Now you were a thief, that left notes.

He picks up a newspaper that had one of your notes pictured.

Thanks for the goods and money. It's muchly appreciated.

=D lT'

"You little thief," he chuckles to himself.

He knew what he had to do, was to tell you. He didn't want you to kill yourself. Only to find out he wasn't dead. If you chose to go with him, he would find a way to convince Kidd to let you join. Who knows maybe having a thief, would be a good thing.

He walks downstairs, sees you and Kidd laughing your heads off. Mostly Kidd since you couldn't actually laugh. It was visible you were having a great time. He sees Heat and Wire on stage singing.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

You fall to the floor, holding your stomach. Kidd hitting the bar, unable to talk.

Ben leans over. "They made a deal whoever lost had to do what the winners say."

"And they lost, so they have to sing?"

"Yep, not any songs. Really girly songs."

"Ben you should of warn them first." Nightmare stood and watch.

"Hey I was bored, I wanted some entertainment."

Killer shook his head, it seems you and Kidd got on well. Maybe Kidd would have no problems with you joining.

Killer's Little Sister - Eustass 'Captain' Kidd x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now