Hello ~ 😈

374 17 2

I need to make my way below deck.

"Sheila there you are," Hank comes over.

I wave, and walk over to him.

"How you liking the ship?"

'It's a big ship, trying to remember everything.'

"Haha, it isn't it. I never saw that ring before." He looks at Kidd's ring.

'I found it in the chest.'

"Really? I don't remember ever putting it in there."

'Maybe it's an older ring? You don't mind, do you?'

"I said that chest was yours. You keep it."

'Thank you.'

Like I would ever give you the ring. Kidd made it just for me.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with your ex-captain."

'It's okay. I was bound to run into him again.'

"Once we set sail you won't see him again."

I smile and nod. I need to find those maps. They're not in the treasure room or any other rooms. They must be down those stairs. I have to get down there. Maybe after the party, when everyone is drunk and asleep. I can sneak down there, grab the maps and anything else I can get my hands on.

"Shelia, do you want a drink?" Hank holds out a glass for me. I shake my head. "One more drink?"

'I think I reached my limit thanks. I wasn't much of a drinker. One of the things he didn't like about me.'

"Maybe he wanted you drunk, to you know."

'No, I wasn't his type. And I didn't give it up.'

He did ask when I was drunk. Once I said no he never push.

"I don't think he's the type who would care. To you know do that with a drunk girl."

Keep it cool. I need to get those maps and treasure.

'I never saw him be like that.'

"Did you ever see him fight? How he kills people."

'Yes, I have. I was on the ship for almost a year.'

"It didn't bother you?"

'Not really. I kill people too.'

"Really?" I nod, "you look so innocent."

I shrug, and I look him over. He's acting weird.

"You okay?"

'I'm getting tired, think I'll go to bed.'

"One more drink?" He holds it out for me.

Why does he want me to drink it? I said no I didn't want it.

'I'll have it on the way to my room.'

I take it, "you sure you don't want to drink it now?"

I nod and head below deck.

"Welcome to the crew Shelia!"

I hold my drink up and walk down. I walk down the hall, no one around. I'm not risking it, they might have spiked it. Best to tip it out. Where's the kitchen again? I stumble, I don't feel so good. Why is everything going fuzzy? I feel so tired...

Fuck they spike my drink... I drop the glass. I need to... Find a transponder... I don't remember seeing one. I'm fuck...

"Hello ~" I look behind me it's Hank. "Not feeling so well? ~"


"You can speak ~"

I try to get away, and he laughs. I need to signal Brother and Kidd.

"You're not going anywhere ~" He grabs my arm.


"Is that all you can say?" I glare at him, "I knew you were lying this whole time. You're his little girlfriend ~ I'm getting Kidd back through you ~ You're the only person he cares about more than himself ~ I'm going to use that against him ~"

"Fuck..." You... I have to stay awake...

He drags me upstairs, I can't even pull out of his grip. We get out on the deck, and all of them are cheering.

I need to get Brother and Kidd over here. My gun, I can remember if I put the new bullets in. Wait... Did I give it back? I can't remember, my head is cloudy.

"What's the matter? Can't keep your eyes open? ~"

"Fuck..." I have to see, I'm sure I kept it.

"What are you doing? ~" It's the one that got me the beer... I can't remember his name... "Lookie here, she was packing a gun ~" He waves in front of me.


"We should kill her with her own gun ~"

"No, Connor. I have a better idea. We kill her in front of Kidd ~ Give her the gun, at least we can say she tried to fight for her life, hahaha." Hank drops me.

"Here go ~ Good luck ~" Connor hands me my gun.

I can't see straight, even if I hit him. The others will kill me. I wonder if the flame bullet is in? I can shoot the sail, Brother and Kidd should see it.

I try and aim, "you can do it ~ I'm right here ~"

I may not be able to kill him. I pull the trigger. But, "Kidd" will.

"You missed, hahaha."


He turns around and sees the sail. "You bitch!" He rips the gun out of my hands.

"Kidd ~"

"You'll pay for -"

"(Y/N)!!" Kidd drops a body.

"Kidd... ~"

"(Y/N)!!" And there's Brother, his blades are bloody.

"Brother... ~"

"BROTHER?!" Hank looks between us.

"Brother ~" Now he's going to die.

"What did you do to her?!" Brother is pissed, he's going to make it painful.

I make a drinking motion, "you spike her drink?!" Kidd going to make him pay, haha.

"Kidd ~ Brother ~" I point below deck, gesturing money.

"You tramp!" Hank points the gun at him. "At least I get to kill you! Hahahaha."

Idiot Kidd made that gun. He's dead for sure...

- Kidd -

(Y/N) collapse on the deck, "(Y/N)!!"

"I really wanted to see the life leave her eyes. As I -"

The gun flies into my hand. "I'm going to kill you for what you did to (Y/N)."

"Not before I slice him up," Killer got that look.

"You can try! Berserkers kill the Kidd Pirates!!"

Killer's Little Sister - Eustass 'Captain' Kidd x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now