Moan For Me 🍋

876 20 16

"(Y/N)!" Kidd yelling again.

I turn around and look at him, "Kidd?"

"Come here!"

I shake my head and turn back to the sea. I hear him stomp over.

"I said come here!"

I pat his head, 'good boy.'

"I'm not a dog!"

'Neither am I.' I'm happy he's actually trying to learn sign language now. He still understands me more without it.

"When I ask you to come. You come!"

'I'm not a dog! I am your fiancee!' I stomp my foot.

He grins, "someone angry ~"

'What do you want?'

"I was going to take you out. But now ~" He looks me over. "You're looking drop dead."

He's still using that...

He holds my chin, "gorgeous ~"

Okay, he got me ~ "Kidd ~"

His metal arm wraps around me. He runs his finger down my neck. "Let's see if I can rip a moan out of that pretty throat of yours ~"

"Kidd ~"

He picks me up and carries me back to our room. He kicks the door open and kicks it shut. He drops me on the bed and grins. "Now ~" He tosses his coat on the ground.

"Kidd ~"

"You'll be screaming my name ~"

We haven't done it without his metal arm before.

"Kidd ~"

"What is it?"

'Can you take your arm off?'


'You always say you can pleasure me with one hand.'

"Haha, I see." His arm drops with a thud. He climbs onto the bed, he looms over me. "You wanted this ~"

Yes, I do ~ "Kidd ~"

- Second -

Kidd grabs your shirt, pulls it off and throws it behind him. He leans towards your ears, "you really think I can't pleasure you with one hand?" He unclips your bra and tosses it aside. "I don't need two hands ~" He stands back and drops his pants.

You stare at him, 'fuck ~ Doesn't matter how many times I see him naked ~ He's hot ~' You take your jeans and underwear off.

"Stop ~" He lays beside you, he hooks his finger into your underwear.

'Couldn't unbutton my jeans?' You look at him mockingly.

He growls then grins, "you're going to pay for mocking ~"

He presses on your clit, "Kidd ~"

He draws circles, "enjoying yourself?"

"Kidd ~" He stops, "Kidd..."

"Maybe you shouldn't mock me."

You push him on his back and straddle him. "Kidd ~" You grind on him, "Kidd fuck? ~"

"I'll fuck you alright ~" He tries to buck you off, you hook your legs around his.

"Kidd ~"

He grins, you're on your back. He holds himself up. "You can try and win this. We both know I'll win ~"

You stroke him, you mouthed really?

"Fuck me..."

You smirk at him, he growls sits back on his knees and rips your underwear off.

Killer's Little Sister - Eustass 'Captain' Kidd x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now