The Locket ✉️ D5

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I hardly got any sleep last night. What Kidd said was on repeat, 'Do you really think the person that gave you that locket, wants you to kill yourself?'

I never thought it like that... Maybe Big Brother wants me to live. But I want to be with him so badly. Far out I hate this!

Knock Knock

"Sam are you awake?" Nightmare calls through the door. Guess I better hop-up.

I open the door, smile good morning. "Morning, I'm heading to the bar. No fighting today, alright?"

I nod, gestured I was tired pointed back to the bed. "Okay but don't sleep in too late you'll get a headache. Later make sure you drop by the bar." He kisses my forehead, I kiss his cheek and close the door. Hop back into bed pull the quilt over me, and hide.

Why is it that Kidd's words made such an effect when Nightmare's felt more like meh. Kidd means nothing to me really. First, he was a customer. Then at the bar, we had fun. We're not friends or anything.

Then there's Killer, he was watching over me all last night. How he came over when the captain first grabbed me. Nightmare did the first few times, he knows I can handle myself now. More I think about it I doubt Nightmare told him to watch over me. Everyone that works there does, so why bother Killer with it?

I sat up in bed, ran my thumbnail over the small wield on the locket. And why did Nightmare and Killer have a talk yesterday? He never mentions the Kidd Pirates before. He's never spoken of Killer before.

I hear a little click. Look down and see a small piece of metal in my lap. No... No no no! I quickly take my necklace off. Fuck if my locket opens I'll lose what remains for Big Brother's vivre card! I get out of bed go to the desk.

Fuck fuck fuck! I look for something to sit the locket in, in case any remains fall out. I grab a box lid and place the locket in it. Sit at the desk wondering what to do. I could open it and place the remains in a little wooden box. They never did find his body, nor the piece of my vivre card I gave him. I'm just glad I was able to steal them back off our parents. Otherwise, they would have found me by now.

I'll have to go out and buy a box. I guess for now I'll place them in an envelope. Pop open an envelope and slid the locket in. All I have to do is open it and let the remains fall in it. Do it quick, like ripping off a bandaid. With my eyes close, lessen the pain...

Carefully open it and tip remains in the envelope. I can already feel the tears starting to well. That should be it, it wasn't a big piece. Take the locker out close it, look in the envelope. See its empty...? So there were no remains, no ash? Maybe it's stuck in the locket. Pick it back up open it.

I... I... can't... It's not possible... Is it? Big Brother vivre card, its... It's there! He's alive... He's alive. HE'S ALIVE! Fall off my chair clutching my locket. Tears stream down my face. This... This is the best day of my life! My Big Brother is alive!


After a while, I was able to collect myself. I sit back on the bed. This explains why they were talking yesterday. Nightmare must have found out somehow. He was protecting me, I couldn't help but smile. That's probably why Kidd shot the captain, he knew who I was! Wait... Big Brother must have told him he gave me the locket, I never told him. Nightmare didn't spend enough time to tell him.

I should probably feel upset about them not telling me. Honestly, I not. I've missed him so much I can't be upset with him. I know Nightmare would have told me before they left.

I fall back on to my pillow. I'm so happy right now, nothing can kill my mood.

- Time Skip -

It was late afternoon by the time I got to the bar. I hope Big Brother there! I open the bar doors, it's empty? I'll see if they're in the office. I wave to the workers and make my way up. Knock on the door and wait for Nightmare to call out.

"Come in."

I open the door, it's only Nightmare. Where are they? "Is there something wrong?"

I shake my head, take my notepad out.

'The Kidd pirates not coming today?'

"Don't think so why?"

'I thought they would come back, try and get more free drinks.'

Really only excuse I could think of. "They had a fair bit yesterday, there probably nursing a hangover."

'Haha probably. I'm going to help downstairs.'

"Okay, just no repeats of last night." I smile back at him and close the door.

Damn, I thought they would have come back today. No matter there's still later and tomorrow. Oh my gosh, tomorrow! It's Big Brother's birthday tomorrow! Yes yes yes! This is great! I know I'll get them to come tomorrow and have drinks. And I'll tell him or something. Whatever he's alive! Tomorrow we're celebrating his birthday together! I have so much planning to do before tomorrow.

Killer's Little Sister - Eustass 'Captain' Kidd x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now