Little Sister 👱🏼‍♀️ D4

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The past few days Killer been coming to the restaurant. He orders mostly pasta dishes, sometimes the others come. But Kidd always looks mad, maybe he hates me. Because I don't speak, and he has to read. Who knows...

Anyway, today's my day off. So someone else will have to serve them. I walk through the town window shopping. I wasn't paying attention I bumped into someone and fell down.

"Watch where you're... Oh, it's you..." Look to see Kidd.

I hop up, dust myself off and grab my notepad out.

'Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going.'

"Yeah, I noticed." I saw he was staring at something on my chest. He must of saw I notice him staring.

"Skulls huh?" He looked away. "Didn't think a girl like you would like that."

'What do you mean a girl like me? You don't even know me.'

He growled at me, eek I'm in trouble.

'Well, I'm gunna get going. Bye!'

I quickly showed him the note and left as quickly as I can. Without looking scared. No need to piss him off.

- Kidd -

(Y/N) left pretty quick. Great, she's going to tell Killer and I'll have to listen to him go on.

- Flash Back To First Day Back On The Ship -

"Don't see why you're so hung up on that girl. Just fuck her you've got a week and a half before the log post resets." I shouted at Killer when we got into the mess hall.

"Shut up!"

"If you're not going to fuck her I will," I smirk. She's a mute so no one will hear her screams for help.

Next, thing I knew Killer had me against the wall. "Don't you dare!"

"What you think you can stop me? Hahaha." He lets me down, "I thought so."

I go to leave wait for her to finish work. I'll catch her on the way home.



"Shut the door."

"No, I'm g-"

"Kidd please."

I slam the door shut, "what?!"

"Samantha was wearing the locket I gave 'her'."

"Who?" What's he going on about?

"My little sister (Y/N)."

Oh, right I forgot about her. "How do you know it's the same locket. There are hundreds of lockets out there."

"No, that's the locket I gave (Y/N). I did the pattern on it. I know it (Y/N)'s!"

"Killer even if that is the same locket. I doubt that Samantha is (Y/N). Why would she travel all the way here from the South Blue?"

"Same reason I left, got tired of being there."

"You also faked your own death, remember?"

"I know..."

"She doesn't even have scars on her face. So it can't be her."

"It's called makeup. Our Mother forced her to wear makeup. It wouldn't surprise me if she still wore it. She probably changed her name too, so our parents wouldn't find her."

"What do you want me to say? Yes, it's your little sister! Go live a happy fucking life!"

"Fuck it! You don't understand." As he tried to leave I push him back. "What the fuck Kidd?"

"You got a week and a half. Do what you got to do. Soon as the log post is reset we're leaving."

"Right Captain." He left the room.

- End Of Flash Back -

That's some detailed work he did. But I wonder why the locket was soldered shut for? It wasn't enough to seal it shut, just enough so it wouldn't open. I suppose I better watch out for her. Otherwise Killer will go off his nut.

For the next few hours I was looking for her. I can't find her anywhere. "Gawd damnit... Bloody girl... Where is she?"

"If you're looking for Samantha, you might want to try the other side of the island." Turn around to see an old man resting at his stall.

"What makes you think I was looking for her?!"

"Just a guess. On her days off she's either window shopping or she's on the other side. I got work to get back to."

Saw Killer and the others coming over. "What are you doing?" Heat asked.

"Looking for her."

"Samantha?" Wire asks

"She's on the other side of the island. Thank you, have a great day."

"I heard you the first time old man."

"What's on the other side of the island?" Killer ask.

"Just a place if you're looking for trouble." Old man smirk.

"Why would she be looking for trouble?" Heat asked.

"Why don't you find out for yourselves."

Killer grabs him by the shirt held him in the air. "Listen here if you don't tell me where she is, I swear."

"Okay okay calm down. She's at the arena. She goes in fights every so often."


"She says to train."

Killer places old man back down. "Where's this arena?"

"All you have to do is go to the other side and you'll see it. It's not hard to spot."

Killer starts walking off, "where do you think you're going?"

"Stop her from fighting."

Great now he wants to play Big Brother...


We make it to the other side of the island. Stood in front giant arena, "she could be dead for all we know."

"Then I'll kill everyone in the arena." He keeps walking. I can't argue with that.

"What's the fuss about this girl anyway?" Wire asks.

"Is she you're girlfriend or something?" Heat continues.

"She's my little sister, we leave it at that." Killer started walking faster. Almost breaking into a run.


We walk into the place there are people everywhere. There's no name pirates, bandits, criminals and shifty people

"Killer I doubt that she's here."

A guy's voice came on the speakers.


People around us started cheering and booing.


"Little Lady huh?" Look to Killer, he was pissed.

"What does she think she's doing? She's going to get herself killed!" He walks off.

"Shouldn't we go after him?" Wire asks.

"Ahhh I suppose..."

Killer's Little Sister - Eustass 'Captain' Kidd x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now