Call out my name

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Thanks fireeeeanddddiceeee  for the title of this one shot :) I really hope you like it. 


A soul mate is like a best friend, but more than that. It's the person who knows you better than anyone else and who makes you a better person. In fact, she doesn't make you a better person, because you yourself want to be a better person because she is an inspiration. A soul mate is the only person who knows you and accepts you as you are and who has always believed in you, even when the rest of the world doesn't. And whatever happens, she will always love you and nothing can change that!

Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow are soul mates! They have this special connection that a lot of people dream of finding. Whenever one of them is in danger, the other feels that something is wrong. And that's exactly what happened this morning. From the first moment Caitlin saw the sun come in through the blinds on her bedroom window, she'd had a feeling something wasn't right. It was as if her heart was suddenly tight!

She knew something was up with Barry, so before she got dressed, cleaned up and had breakfast, she decided to call Barry to make sure her bad feeling was just that, a bad feeling. However, he didn't answer her call, making her even more worried. But since Barry had told her he would have to go to the CCPD early, she suspected that was the reason he hadn't answered her, so Caitlin texted Joe so he could see if Barry was okay when Joe went to the CCPD.

At CCPD, Joe arrived at his workstation, but before sitting in his chair, he went to Barry's office, however no one was inside. Initially he assumed that Barry had gone to a crime scene, but as the hours progressed he continued to realize that Barry was not at the CCPD. Before he called Caitlin, Joe went to the CCPD captain's office and made up an excuse to cover for Barry's absence and then went looking for him at his apartment. When he saw that the house was empty, he went through all the places Barry used to frequent, but there was no sign of him.

Joe, not knowing where to look next, went to STAR Labs because his friends could help him. As soon as he entered the STAR Labs cortex, Caitlin knew there was no good news and so Joe told them that Barry hadn't shown up at CCPD and that he wasn't home.

"And have you looked at the places he likes to go?" asked Cisco.

- Yeah! I went to all the places he frequent, but there is no sign of him.

"But then, where is he?" Harry asked this time.

The answer to this question is quite simple and complicated at the same time. Barry Allen was in the middle of a desert. And how did he get there? Well, that's the tricky part... Because actually not even Barry Allen himself knows how he ended up in the desert. The last thing he remembers is going to bed last night and when he woke up, he was already lying on the hot desert sand. However, it wasn't enough that he was in the middle of the desert, but Barry Allen seemed to have lost his powers.

- Caitlin....... Caitlin.... - Barry shouted. - Caitlin, please help me! Caitlin!

Barry knew perfectly well that Caitlin couldn't hear him, but his subconscious wanted to scream her name anyway. While no one came to get him out of there, Barry walked at a slow pace through the hot sand in the hope of finding something that would help him get out of that place. Back in STAR Labs, while Cisco and Harry searched the surveillance cameras for clues to where Barry might be, Caitlin and Joe went to Barry's apartment to try to find clues.

- Where are you Barry? Give me a sign please.- Caitlin said as she sat on Barry's bed, which was still to be done. It was then that she looked at the small green waste bin Barry had by his locker and noticed that it had a syringe.

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