Summer Nights

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Who knew that a single night could change the relationship between two people?! What started out as an innocent stakeout and night out between friends turned out to be a real complication.

After Shawna and Clay escape again the clutches of Flash and the team, Barry calls Caitlin and tells her he's going to check out the bars where Shawna and Clay hung out.

- That's a good idea. I'll join you.- Said Caitlin, taking off her lab coat and heading home to change.

Once she arrived at her house, Caitlin must have considered dozens of outfit combinations to bring to her work date with Barry, but opted to pick up a black dress, which contained some glitter. When she parked in the parking lot, she glanced in the car mirror to make sure she was all right, then went inside the bar, heading to the table where Barry was.

"Hi..." Said Barry smiling, but as soon as he paid more attention to the outfit Caitlin was wearing, the smile desappeared.

Barry had always considered Caitlin to be a very beautiful woman, both physically and mentally, but for some reason, seeing her dressed like that left him speechless, it was as if his brain had stopped and he couldn't think of anything to say.

- What?- asked Caitlin. 

- Nothing. You look really nice.

"I don't always dress like a high school principal." Said Caitlin, sitting down next to Barry.

- So.. This is where Shawna Baez and Clay Parker used to hang out...

- It is, according to the files. I thought we could kill two birds with one stone. Look for them and get ourselves back out there.

- I keep making the same mistake, you know?. Every time Iris falls, I race to pick her up, thinking that one of these times things are going to chance but things are never going to chance. I am destined to be just a friend.

- At least you're not pining for someone who bursts into flames and wants nothing to do with you.

- What is wrong with us? I mean we're in our 20s, we should be having fun, meeting people, going on a lots of dates.

- Wells, here's to liquid courage. - Said Caitlin, drinking the liquid that was on her glass.

Before Barry realized what was going on, Caitlin was up on stage calling for him to sing a song together. At first Barry tried to dodge that request, but he knew Caitlin wouldn't let this chance pass, so he calmly walked to the stage, grabbing the free mic. At the end of the song, both thanked the audience's applause and went to the bar counter.

- You are fast and you can sing?! What can't you do?

- Stop you from drinking, apparently.

After drinking another shot, Caitlin went to the bathroom and while Barry asked the bartender to close his account, a woman named Linda sits down next to him. Barry was confused as to how this woman knew his name, but then he realized that probably everyone who was there did.

- Sorry about us up there.

- Are you kidding? That was some of the best singing that I've heard come from that stage. You definitely made my ears happy, don't worry.

- Thanks.

- So, was that your girlfriend up there?

- Oh, no, no, she's a friend.

Linda gave him her cell phone number and told Barry to call her one of these days, to which Barry could only smile. A few seconds later Caitlin returned to his side complaining that she was in a bad mood, so Barry used his speed to get her home.

- So, are you going to call her?

- Who?

- That girl, the one who gave you her phone number.

- I hadn't really thought about it.

- Yes, you have. But I know you, you won't call her. - Said Caitlin while trying to take out her dress.- A little help please? !

Barry was a little speechless and not knowing what to do when he turned and saw Caitlin, one of his best friends and co-worker, in underwear, but he managed to get her pajamas on with the help of her super speed.

Carefully, he helped Caitlin into bed and after covering her with the blankets, he rose from the bed, ready to leave.

- Barry, will you stay with me until I fall asleep?

- Sure, yeah.

- Thank you for tonight... I sang.

- Anytime.

And then, after a few seconds they both just looked into each other's eyes, the inevitable happened. As soon as his lips touched  Caitlin's lips, a wave of  desire appeared out of nowhere and before he could stop that kiss he was already inside of the bed covers and what began as an innocent kiss turned out to be a night of love.

In the morning, the first person who woke up was Barry and after managing to adapt to the sunlight that entered Caitlin's room, he realized where he was and memories of what happened invaded his mind. He knew Caitlin was drunk so she would never remember what had happened and that saddened him.

Carefully so that she wouldn't wake up, he got out of bed, put on his clothes and went home to take a shower and change. What he didn't know was that Caitlin would remember everything that happened that night.

As soon as Caitlin woke up she looked to the other side of the bed looking for her friend, but when she saw an emptiness in the place where Barry had spent the night, an enormous sadness invaded her heart. Despite her drunk state, she could remember what had happened.

Both Barry and Caitlin knew that what had happened last night had the power to ruin their friendship, yet neither of them regretted what had happened. Yet they both agreed to pretend nothing had happened, for in Barry's mind Caitlin was too drunk to remember and in Caitlin's mind Barry was terribly sorry for the night they'd spent together.

Once they were both reunited in STAR Labs, the atmosphere got a little heavy between them as they both wanted to talk about last night, but neither of them wanted to get hurt and the remaining team members noticed the atmosphere between the two colleagues.

And the rest of the day was like that between conversations that should have been there but didn't happen and between distracted looks that both gave when the other wasn't looking. But it was Caitlin who decided to end the silence. So, as they were both leaving STAR Labs to go to their respective homes, Caitlin grabbed Barry's arm, forcing him to look at her and said the words she'd been longing to say since she'd set foot in STAR Labs this morning.

"About what happened yesterday... I'm sorry, but I don't regret anything," Caitlin said, leaving Barry gaping at this statement.

Before Barry could say anything, Caitlin continued on her way to her car and headed to her house.

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