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 lvmz29 I really hope you like this One Shot :) :)


Being a superhero or having super powers is something that virtually every human on the planet wants, but a  few know the costs that an empowered life can have on an individual. Both Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow have suffered many times and in many ways as a result of superhero life.

All bruises, cuts, black eyes, occasional bullets are wounds that affect a person for a short period of time or in the case of our two super heroes, who thanks to their healing abilities, only affect them for a few hours or two days, there are those most serious injuries. That's the kind of injuries we're going to talk about today.


Caitlin has been lying in this bed in the STAR Labs ward unconscious for two months today. And how did this happen? I'll tell you... Two months ago a meta-human pair, a man and a woman, decided to rob STAR Labs. As I understand it, the objective was not so much to steal anything from the lab as it was to free two of the prisoners we had held in the meta-human prison.

So they took advantage of the fact that it was closing time, to go inside while there was a change of guards, but what they didn't expect was that Cailtin had returned to the lab as she'd forgotten something. As soon as she noticed something was wrong, she went to the edge of the guard at the entrance and asked him to lock STAR Labs and call me so I could go help her confront them.

The guard, after protesting a bit, as his task was to protect the laboratory and its members, did as Caitlin had ordered him and after locking STAR Labs, he called me. While I wasn't there, Caitlin was trying to face the two meta-humans on her own, which I know she was quite capable of doing, but it's more complicated since she's just one person.

I can't tell you what happened after Starling called me, but when I got to STAR Labs I saw the front door open and I saw a bloody handprint and as soon as I walked in I saw Starling lying on the floor with his hand pressed on his shoulder, which was bleeding. Joe, Harry and Cisco arrived shortly after me and while they stayed in the doorway with Starling, I went to look for Caitlin.

I went to the cortex, but there was no one, so I moved to the next room and it was when I reached the meta-human prison area that I saw three meta-humans completely frozen next to one of the cells and Caitlin was inanimate on the floor near the door. Before doing anything, I used my super speed to pick up Cisco and Harry at the entrance to the lab and took them to the area of ​​the meta-human cells. While Cisco put the meta-humans in the cells, Harry and I took Caitlin to the lab's infirmary.

As Harry tried to staunch the blood that was coming out of a wound Caitlin had on the back of her head, I just prayed Killer Frost would take over Caitlin's body so she could heal her wound. But it's been two months and that hasn't happened yet... Both Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost were unconscious for two months and that scares me a lot.

- I have news. - said Cisco who arrived at our edge like a needle and a yellow liquid.

- What is that? - I asked him.

- We said it's some kind of accelerator that I hope can wake Cailtin. She's been like this for two months, Barry, we have to do something." Cisco said sticking the needle in Caitlin's left arm.

The liquid took about two minutes to take effect, but the result was positive as Caitlin had finally woken up. But not everything was a bed of roses, as it seems that the confrontation cost her memory. As soon as she woke up, Harry ran some tests on her and saw that a part of her brain was still a little swollen, due to the hard blow she took that day and that's why she didn't remember anything.

"And how long can this amnesia last?" I asked worriedly.

- I can't tell you for sure. Can last for a few days, a few weeks or even a few months.

And just like Harry had said, a few weeks after she woke up, she could already remember everyone... I mean, except for me. As much as Caitlin wanted to remember, she couldn't remember me and that made us both very sad. But I thought it was time to wake up her memory, so I started taking her to all our special places and showing her some pictures of the two of us.

- You're here, I've been looking for you.- Caitlin said as she arrived at our favorite part of the park that was close to STAR Labs.

- It's the best place to think. - I said smiling as Caitlin sat on the swing that was available. - But why were you looking for me?

- You think there's something wrong with me? I mean in addition to the swelling in my brain, which is already smaller.

- Of course not, why do you ask that?

- Because I don't understand why I remember everyone but you. And the worst thing is that I feel that you are the most special person I have in my life, but I can't remember. And believe me I tried, every day I see the photographs you left at my house, but...

- Hey, don't think like that. Believe me, I know it's unpleasant not to remember me, because it's bad for me too, but there's nothing wrong with you. You just need more time!

- Do you think I'll ever be able to remember you and all our moments together?

- Of course yes.

- What if I don't? What happens if I can't remember you?

- We will have to create new memories. But don't worry, your full memory will come back, you just need more time.

It's funny under the circumstances that memory comes back to a person. And in Caitlin's case, her memories of me came back, but not because I showed her photographs or special spaces, but it was in between a confrontation with a meta-human. A week after our conversation on the swings in the park, we were called into yet another confrontation with a meta-human.

I still tried to convince Caitlin to stay at STAR Labs since she wasn't 100% yet, but she was convinced to come with us. It was when I stepped in front of her to protect her from a sudden onslaught of the meta-human that she regained her memory of me.

- Barry? You are fine? Are you crazy? Putting yourself in front of me like that.... You know you could have hurt yourself seriously.

- I'm fine, it was no big deal. Just another bruise.

- No big deal? You also said that when you tried to confront Bivolo alone and look how it went.

- But that was different... Wait, did you remember that? This means that...

- My memory came back. Barry, I remember everything about you... about us...- Caitlin said smiling and I did what I was thinking of doing during these two months and kissed her.

Right now I didn't want to know about the meta-human who was fighting our friends, I just wanted Caitlin to know how much I missed her, or rather miss us together. I still don't know why it took her so long to remember me, but that doesn't matter, not anymore. Most importantly, I finally have my Caitlin back.

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