In my Life: Part II

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Thatth0mas, I really hope you like this part of your One Shot:)


One year later....

I never thought that a person's life could change so much in a short space of time, but the truth is, mine has changed. If I ever had any doubts about my choice to change jobs and cities, now I'm sure I made the right choice. This job opportunity was the best thing that ever happened to me! I'm not going to lie and tell you that there were no days when I thought of leaving this position I'm taking on in the asylum, but the good days make up for the less good ones.

My relationship with my other co-workers is quite good, especially with Cisco. I know it's only been a year since we met, but today I consider him as a brother. And my relationship with Barry, my patient, is also very good. The first few days were the most difficult, but I think that was because none of us were used to this situation. I wasn't used to this type of work and he never had someone to take care of him and keep him company every day, for hours.

For me, the most emotionally complicated days were the nights when Barry woke up with nightmares about that day the young man came out hurt from the confrontation between Flash and the meta-human. I still remember, as if it was yesterday, the first night I witnessed his nightmares.


I was just finishing dinner when I hear noises on the intercom beside me. Without thinking twice, I left the rest of my sandwich on the table and went to Barry Allen's room. When I got there I knocked on his door three times and when he didn't open it, I used my keys and went inside.

He had his eyes closed, moving around a lot in his bed and was sweating a lot. I recognized the "symptoms" of a nightmare right away, so I sat beside him on the bed and pulled his body so that his face was in my lap and stroked his hair as I tried to wake him up.

- Hey, it's okay. Barry wake up please.- I said while stroking his hair.- You're safe, Barry. Wake up, please.

"Ca... Cailtin?!" Barry asked, opening his eyes. It took him a few seconds to realize what had just happened, but then he remembered his nightmare.

"Are you better?" I asked worried, but he just gave me a weak smile and got off my lap.

- I was having a nightmare.

- Yeah, I know that.- I said, laughing.- I was worried about you... It looked serious. Do you want to tell me what your nightmare was about?

- The custom... About the young man who was injured in that confrontation.

- I know you don't believe me when I tell you that it wasn't your fault, but really the fault of what happened wasn't yours. You saved the life of that young man and the rest of the people who were being held hostage. But I'm not going to insist on a discussion of this matter either, so you want me to stay here with you?

- Would you really do that for me? Spend the night here?

- If you need me, of course I do.- I said covering him and I lay down beside him, but on top of the blankets."

End of Flashback

Every week, he and the rest of the meta-humans who were here, with the exception of those in the most dangerous zone, received visits from their closest family and friends. I still remember the first time I met Joe West and his daughter Iris who was Barry's best friend since kindergarten and his old crush. Seeing his joy at seeing them in the living room made me extremely happy.

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