Don't Forget About Me: Part III

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Two months later....

Two months.... Two months have passed since Jessie and I started our mission which was to find BrainWasher, that is, the meta-human that put me in this situation. Two months in which we walked through various streets, abandoned houses, houses with people, garages, abandoned warehouses, alleys with dead ends and stores from the various Earths, but without success. Honestly, even I am having a hard time remaining optimistic and hopeful.

There are those who say that people who don't want to be found can hide extremely well and today I fully believe that statement. Just the other day, I started thinking about what I missed most about my past life, but the only thing I could think about was my friends at STAR Labs, Cisco's half-childish half-professional attitude, Harry's professionalism and advices. Wally's ever-curious questions, and finally, in Barry's love, companionship, loyalty, and friendship.

And they're the ones I've been thinking about, to stay motivated in this mission, which is longer and more complicated than I initially thought. Another important pillar of recent times has been Jessie, who every day motivates me not to give up. But about three days ago, a new "variable" entered this mission and this new variable was named James Stevens. James was a nineteen year old who also suffered at the hands of BrainWasher's powers.

Apparently he was waiting one afternoon for his best friend, who happens to be a meta-human, at the edge of a bank, when a white light went against him and the next minute, like me, he had woken up in a strange place and no one remembered his existence. So, after some persuasion on the part of James and Jessie, I agreed to make him part of our mission, as the truth is, I didn't want to risk a teenager's life on a mission that may or may not pay off.

Right now we're on Earth-4 looking for evidence of BrainWasher's presence, but so far we haven't found anything, which doesn't help my positivity. After we had searched for another section of this Earth, the three of us returned to the pension to rest.

"What's going on in that little head?" Jessie asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

- What if we don't find him? What will we do? We're not just talking about my life anymore, Jessie, there's a young man in the next room who wants to get his back too. What if we fail?

- You can't think like that, Cait. You gotta think positive, because we're gonna find him. You'll see, tomorrow will be the day we find him!

- God hear you, because honestly I don't think I can take this mission much longer.

The next day, as has been happening every day for two months, Jessie and I, accompanied by James, left the pension and continued to look for the meta-human and it seems that Jessie's prayers were answered, because it's not that at the end of the affternoon, we found him. As with the other Earths, BrainWasher was about to rob one more bank, but this time we used Jessie's super speed, my ice power and the handcuffs to capture him.

- You are a difficult man to find.- I said as I put the handcuffs that suppress the powers on him.- What do you say about taking a little trip? You didn't have plans for this afternoon did you?!

- Where will we take him? - Jessie asked taking the command that opens the portals that was in her backpack.

- For the STAR Labs cortex. There they can help us!

As soon as Jessie pressed the button, a portal appeared in front of us and after we had crossed it, we werw in the cortex of STAR Labs with a confused Cisco.

- Jessie? I didn't know you were coming back so soon, dear.- said Harry who had arrived at the cortex.- Not even that you were accompanied! Who are your friends?

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