You're the One That I Want

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3rd Person POV:

When two hearts meet in the same space and time, passion happens, and that's what happened between two friends and co-workers. However, this is a passion that was never expressed by either party, as both were afraid and, over time, had convinced themselves that the other person didn't feel the same way...

Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen are two friends who got along great from day one. From the day Barry Allen woke up from his coma in the STAR Labs infirmary, an intense and beautiful connection was established between these two human beings. This friendship quickly gave way to a stronger feeling that can only be called love. However, the timing of this love was never the best, which is why it was never confessed by either party.

Apart from the fear factor, which is one of the biggest factors in the world for things not to happen, other factors were also born for neither Barry nor Caitlin to confess to each other. And the more time passed, the more complicated it was for them to come to terms with what they felt. Then the final straw arrived to end the hope of a relationship between Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow.

It happened when Caitlin Snow was in line at Jitters, waiting to receive four coffees, to take to STAR Labs. There she met Don Marvelck, an environmental lawyer. Don was a good person, he was loyal, he was friendly, he tried hard to get along with all of Caitlin's friends, as he knew they were an important part of her life and their relationship quickly escalated. Barry Allen never liked Don, but it wasn't because he was a bad person, but because he was dating the woman he loved.

And it was then that the worst news swept through STAR Labs and that news was neither more nor less than the announcement of Caitlin Snow's engagement. It was at that moment that Barry's heart broke into a thousand pieces and it was at that moment that he promised himself that he would get over what he felt for Caitlin. And for that, he approached a colleague who worked with him in the laboratory at CCPD, Petra. She was a nice person and a very beautiful woman, but she was nothing like Caitlin.

The most awaited day of Caitlin's life had finally arrived, yet she didn't seem too sure what she was feeling right now. At this precise moment, she was in one of the rooms at Rose Farm, which was the location of the wedding, wondering if this was what she really wanted to do, and it was then that an envelope appeared under her door.

"All the love I have inside me belongs to you. I can no longer deny it or try to deceive the whole world, because no one believed in me anymore, when I said I didn't feel anything for you, apart from a friendship. I swear I tried to change how I feel, I tried to direct this love to someone else, but I couldn't get you out of my mind or my heart. It just belongs to you!I know this is the worst time to tell you this, but I couldn't let you get on with your life with Don, who is an incredible man, without you knowing the truth. I really hope from the bottom of my heart that you are very happy next to the man you chose to be your eternal companion.... But never forget that I loved you, I love you and I will always love you.
Barry Allen."

That letter had stirred up all the feelings that always been there for Barry, but that she'd buried, or been tempted by, all this time. She took out her cell phone and dialed Cisco's number. She knew that before she walked down the aisle, she had to talk to Barry.

- Cisco, is Barry here yet?-She ​​asked as soon as she saw that Cisco had answered her call.- Great, you can ask him to come here because I really need to talk to him. Thank you, you are the greatest!

Seconds later, she heard someone knocking on the door and she knew it was time to have the conversation that they should have had a long time ago.

- Cisco told me you needed to talk to me. Is everything okay?

- I've been reading your letter. Is it really true what is written here? - Caitlin asked pointing to the letter that was on top of the bedroom chair and Barry sat on the edge of the bed.

- Yes it is, but...

- Why now? Why not a few months ago? Why on my wedding day?

- To be honest I don't have a good reason, maybe because I think I had nothing more to lose if I told you now. I fully understand that my timing is horrible, in fact I don't think there is any worse timing than this, but it didn't feel right to let you get married without at least knowing how I feel and....

Caitlin then did the one thing her heart had wanted to do for a long time and she silenced Barry with a slow, passionate kiss on the lips. As soon as the initial shock wore off, Barry moved his lips to Caitlin's rhythm and it was as if those lips were made for each other. Caitlin knew perfectly well the gravity of what she was doing, for in a few hours she was going to marry another man, but she knew that the man she truly loved was the one right in front of her.

"Did this really happen?" Barry asked, bringing his index finger to his lips.

- I have to talk to Don urgently. Do you mind if we talk in a little while? Don't leave here, please!" Caitlin asked, opening her bedroom door and heading towards the room where Don was with his best man.

"Hey, hey, it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride's dress before the wedding." said Eric, who was Don's best friend and best man.

- I know, but I really need to talk to Don. Alone!

As Eric and the rest of Don's friends left the room, Caitlin took a deep breath and thought of the best way to tell Don what she'd wanted to say since she left her room.

- What's up? You're scaring me, Cait.

"I can't do this." Caitlin said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

- This...? What is this?

- Marry you. Sorry Don, but I realized today that my heart belongs to someone else. I swear I didn't mean to hurt you, but I can't keep lying to you or myself.

- It's Barry isn't it? - Don asked, but he noticed his fiancée's face and I don't even need to hear his answer. - I always suspected that there was something that wasn't 100% resolved between the two of you.

- Aren't you upset?

- Upset? No! I can't be mad at you, Cait. I'm confused and maybe a little disappointed. I really want to marry you, but I understand perfectly well that you don't want to marry me. But at least I'm glad you told me now... It would be worse if this conversation happened in a few months or a few years.

-Don ... I don't even know what to tell you ...- Said Caitlin wiping the tears that were falling down her face.

- You don't need to say anything else. I will warn the guests that there will be no wedding. I really hope you and Barry are very happy together, you both deserve it.- Don said giving Caitlin a hug and leaving the room.

Caitlin was confused by Don's reaction, but she knew she had to break the news to Barry. She knew she couldn't wait any longer because after so long, she was ready to be happy with the man she truly loved.

-You're here!-She said smiling when she got to her room and saw Barry looking out the window.

- You asked me not to leave, so I didn't.- said Barry and Caitlin went to him and kissed him.- How was the conversation with your fiancé?

- Ex-fiancé. It was good, we both realized that we weren't made for each other and that we should go our separate ways.

- So that means...

- Is it true what we were told? There won't be a wedding anymore? - Cisco asked bursting into the room.

- It is! We both realized it was wrong! Now if you don't mind, I'm going to take off this pretty dress and put on my tracksuit so we can go to lunch later, because I must admit I'm really hungry.

- Why take off the dress? Let's get married.- Barry said smiling.

- You're crazy, we just started dating now.- Caitlin said, laughing at her new boyfriend's question.- Let's make a deal, ask me that question in a year and then I'll say yes.

And so it was, a year later, on this very day, March 18th, Barry knelt in front of his beautiful girlfriend and asked her to marry him.

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