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Although things are quite calm for Star Labs, as in the last few days there have been no meta-human attacks, which is worrying but quite pleasant at the same time, giving the team members the possibility to rest and focus their energies on laboratory, such as improving weapons or creating new formulas, in CCPD things were not going well.

A case that initially seemed to be quite simple, turned out to be more work than expected. Two weeks ago a very powerful drug dealer showed up in Central City and killed three people. Joe and Eddie took the case and came to the conclusion that the victims were old contacts of the dealer who made deals with LAPD to get a reduced sentence for changing Skylar's name.

But the problem arose when Joe and Eddie had everything prepared to capture him and when they arrived at the man's house, the house was empty. But it was empty, as only the furniture was inside the house. It was as if someone had warned the dealer that the police would come to his house that day. And in the days that followed, whenever they thought they had found the dealer, he always ran away! As the days passed, the number of victims also increased, some were Skylar's old partners, but other people had a clean record, as if they were just victims by chance.

It was then that after a conversation with some of their informants, Joe and Eddie discovered that Skylar would be present on a couples cruise, in the company of his girlfriend. Of course, the first thing they thought of was being present on the day of the boarding and as soon as they saw him, they captured him, but given the history and after talking to their captain, they decided to send someone there, undercover.

The problem is that Skylar already knew them well, so it couldn't be either Joe or Eddie, but they also wanted someone they knew would do a good job of capturing him and wouldn't let him get away, so Joe thought quickly in Barry. Now he just had to agree to go undercover on a couples cruise.

- Of course I accept, Joe I know how dangerous Skylar is for Central City and if I can help to capture him, I will help. Also, I have an advantage he doesn't have, my super speed. And what will my disguise be?

"Sorry I'm late." Caitlin said walking into Barry's office.

- Caitlin? What are you doing here?- Asked Barry surprised to see his friend there, because he didn't remember that they had arranged something.

- Joe called me and asked me to stop by. He wanted to ask me a favor.

- As you may already know, there's a drug dealer on the loose in Central City.

- Yes, Barry has already discussed this case with us in the lab.

- We hear he's going to be on a couples cruise this weekend... I wanted to ask if you and Barry wouldn't mind going undercover as a couple to help us capture him. I realize it's weird and they understand if I'm told no, but...

"I accept!" Caitlin stated, not letting Joe continue to speak.

- I already told you that I accepted and I won't change my answer.

- Seriously? Thank you both.- Joe said showing a smile.

"No need to thank Joe, we're happy to help capture him." Caitlin said smiling.

- I'm going to deal with your false identities today, tomorrow pack your bags and at night I'll give you your "new" documents and I'll explain the plan better and on Saturday you'll board. What do you think?

- Perfect! - The two answered at the same time.

The next day, just as they had agreed that afternoon, Caitlin and Barry met with Joe and talked about the mission. Their disguises were called Sophie Russell and Dean Danvers and they've been dating for four years. They're nurses at a hospital in San Francisco and they finally got a vacation, so as soon as they saw the ad for this cruise, they decided to board.

The next morning, Caitlin stopped by Barry's at seven-thirty in the morning to go on the cruise. When they got there, they tried to see if they could find Skylar, but as there were so many people, they couldn't make eye contact, so they decided to check in first and put their bags down in their ward.

- Welcome to the Summerland cruise. I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun this weekend.

The ward wasn't huge, but it had enough space for two people. Each ward contained a king size bed, two bedside tables, a wardrobe and even had a small bathroom. After we'd put our clothes on the racks and our bags on the top shelf of the closet, we grabbed Caitlin's computer and went through all the information we had on Skylar.

As we couldn't capture him as soon as we saw him, as we were at sea, the only thing we could do was observe him and capture him as soon as we reached Central City again, where Joe and Eddie would be waiting for us to take Skyççar to a cell at the CCPD.

After seeing all the information about Skylar, we decided that the best thing would be to go looking for our bandit and after traveling almost the entire cruise, we found him at the restaurant having breakfast in the company of his girlfriend, who was a girl who appeared to be much younger than he was.

"The food does look very good." Caitlin said as she looked at the food on the buffet.

"I think it would be unprofessional not to sit at one of the tables, since our target is here." Barry said, intertwining his hand with Caitlin's and advancing into the bar. After breakfast, Caitlin and Barry took a tour of the cruise ship to get to know the space better. Then they went to lunch at the cruise restaurant, which had very delicious food and in the afternoon, while Caitlin was going to the SPA to keep Skylar's girlfriend company, Barry went to the casino, because he knew that would be where Skylar would be.

After dinner, the two decided to have some fun and went to the Music Hall, which was the spot of the cruise that had bands, music, DJs, and also had a themed night. The next day, they repeated the "activities" they had done the day before, but decided to enjoy some of the sun and spent a good part of their afternoon sunbathing in the pool area.

The weekend flew by and as soon as they knew they were only five minutes away from reaching Central City, Barry and Caitlin went to capture the dealer. Catching him off guard, capturing him was not difficult and although he put up some struggle, with the help of both Barry's and Killer Frost's abilities, they managed to capture the dealer.

- Thanks for the help guys.- Joe said as he put Skylar in one of the police cars. - We couldn't capture him without your help. And after talking to our captain and Wells, we decided you deserved a few more days of vacation, so you can board again for a few more days, all expenses paid.

"But can we go like Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen?" Caitlin asked smiling.

- Of course yes. Enjoy the rest of your mini vacation. - Joe said smiling, leaving and Caitlin and Barry boarded the cruise again.

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