In my Life

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Thatth0mas I really hope you like this One Shot :) :)



Tomorrow is my first day working at AMH, Asylum for Meta-humans. Until yesterday I was working in a laboratory in Memphis, in a unit specializing in the study of meta-humans. I loved what I was doing, but unfortunately my co-workers weren't the best and honestly, when the opportunity to come work in Central City came, I didn't even think twice and said goodbye to the lab.

Who was not at all thrilled with my change of job and city was my mother who was always tould me that leaving the laboratory was a mistake, but I believe it was the best decision I made.... since always! I admit that on the trip between Memphis and Central City I started to wonder if she was really right in what she was saying and that maybe I wanted to think about it more, but as soon as I set foot in the Asylum entrance, I felt I was in right place.

But I still haven't told you what I'm going to do in my new job. Starting tomorrow I will be the doctor of one of the patients at the AMH, that is, I will be following my patient between eight in the morning until ten at night, every day. One of my roles is to ensure that the meta-human assigned to me remains on track in controlling and using their meta-human powers.

Even though I'm just starting my new job tomorrow, the director of this Asylum, a gentleman named Harrison Wells, told me I'd better show up today for him to give me a guided tour. When I got there I showed the email Wells had sent me the night before to the guard and he let me in and told me to wait at the entrance to the building. Unlike other Asylums, this one didn't look scary at all, in fact it looked quite cozy for the space it symbolizes.

- Dr. Caitlin Snow, before we begin our guided tour, I want you to know that we are delighted to have you on our team. Although you don't have enough experience for the position that you will assume in this Asylum, I'm quite confident that you will do it very well and that this experience will be very beneficial for you, both personally and professionally.

- Thank you very much, it is a great pleasure to be part of your team and I want you to know that I will be 100% committed to my duties. I just wanted to ask you if you already know who my patient will be?

- Yes, and by the way, you'll meet him today. Let's get to know the rest of the building first and let's get to know your meta-human.

The first area that Wells showed me was the STAR Labs laboratory, where not also new formulas were produced, but also new weapons and it was in this space that I met Cisco Ramon, a mechanical engineer. Then Wells took me to the common room which was where meta-humans who were considered friendly could interact with each other for a few hours each day. Then he showed me the section reserved for more dangerous meta-humans. Finally he led me to a section that looked more like college dorms and we stopped in front of a door that just had a lightning bolt on the door in yellow.

- And in here, we end the guided tour. Are you ready to meet your meta-human?

- Of course!- I replied smiling.

"Caitlin Snow, I present Barry Allen, your meta-human patient." Wells said, as he opened the door to the meta-human's room.

Looking first at the aesthetics of this room, it doesn't even look like it's an asylum room, as in addition to having huge drawings glued to the walls with double-sided adhesive tape, there are also plenty of books on the shelves next to the bed. On top of the bed is a man who looks about my age, with brown hair and hazel color eyes.

- Barry this is Caitlin Snow, the doctor who will help you. - Wells said and Barry dropped the book he was reading and looked me up and down.

- It's a pleasure to finally meet you Dr. Snow. Dr. Wells spoke very highly of you. - Barry said smiling.

- The pleasure is all mine. - I said looking directly into his beautiful eyes and he just smiled and went back to concentrating on his reading.

"Let's go to my office to talk better about tomorrow," Wells said. After saying goodbye to Barry, we went to Wells' office, which was very close to the building's entrance hall.- Sit down, Dr. Snow, and feel like you're at home. Before we start talking about work, I was wondering if you've settled in somewhere?

- Yes sir, I'm living in an apartment that is quite close to here by chance. And today I'm going to arrange a car so I can get around the city.

- I'm glad you're adapting. I know that the early days in a new city are complicated and if something is needed to help your adaptation process, there is no telling us.

- Thank you very much Dr. Wells, I will do it. - I said smiling.

- I have a folder here with all the information about your patient, Barry Allen. But first I think I have to explain a few things about your patient. Barry Allen is not a patient like the rest, as he has a very special past. About five years ago he was hit by the particle accelerator explosion, a project that my team and I were working on and because of that explosion he gained special abilities. After being in a coma for a few months, Barry Allen learned to control his powers and use them to protect the citizens of Central City. It was from there that Flash appeared in the city's image, as its main protector. But about a year and a half ago and as a result of a confrontation between him and Savitar, Barry lost his powers.

- Poor thing, but they're back? His powers?

- Fortunately yes, they returned six months after the confrontation with Savitar. After his powers returned, he retrained and used them for the protection of this city, but about two and a half months ago he unwittingly hurt a citizen while facing a meta-humanm who had the citizen as a hostage. And since then, Barry tries his best to suppress his powers and that's why he's here in this asylum.

- Well, what a story. Losing powers, coming back and the incident with the citizen who got hurt...Poor Barry.

- I'm just telling you this to let you know about his past, because it could be relevant to the future.- Wells said smiling.- But everyting is better explained in there.

- Thank you Dr. Wells. - I said smiling and left his office.

He also asked me to go to the asylum office to make my access card so that tomorrow the doorman doesn't have to call the boss to see if he can let me into the building or not. As soon as I was given my access card, I left the asylum and went to the car stand to see a car for myself. When I arrived at the stander and after seeing all the used cars, but in good condition that were for sale, I ended up buying a gray car, with five doors. It wasn't all those fancy cars, but it was enough to get me around Central City and that's what matters.

After I already had the keys to my new car in my hands, I stopped by the nearest supermarket to do some shopping for my apartment, as my lockers were empty. Despite the fact that there were a lot of people in the supermarket, I managed to get out of the way quickly and as soon as I opened the door to my apartment, I packed my groceries and went to change my clothes, to a more comfortable one.

My apartment wasn't very big or fancy, but it was cozy and big enough for one person to live there in comfort. The most important thing was the household appliances and the rest will be fixed later. Before it was time to start making dinner, I took Dr. Wells' advice and took a look at the portfolio he gave me on Barry.

Seeing everything that is written here about him makes me respect him even more, as he gave his life to protect this city every day. It shouldn't be easy to balance the life of a super hero with the life of a simple human, but he did it every day and that's admirable and you have to respect it. And I promise that, starting tomorrow, I will do everything to make him feel comfortable with my presence and with his presence in that asylum.

Note: Next week will be the second and last part of this One Shot.

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