44. and you can use my skin to bury secrets in

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Loki read Mobius' journal.


Pairing: Loki/Mobius M. Mobius, Loki & Sylvie Laufeydottir

Alternative ending of the fourth episode of Loki series season 1.

Or (spoilers alert) Loki didn't get pruned in that scene.


"Loki," Sylvie called. "We need to go. Now,"

The Time-Keepers were gone. No, not the Time-Keepers, they never existed to begin with, but at least, whoever was behind all of this, wasn't currently present. Though they couldn't linger. What they needed to do right now, was get out of the TVA as fast as they could.

Loki knew that. He couldn't bring himself into walking away, not after his eyes accidentally landed on a notebook, a journal, which shouldn't have caught his attention at all, hadn't it been for the cursive MMM initials written on the brown leather cover.

Prune him, Ravonna's voice haunted his memories, it froze him for a moment. Just like how he was frozen on the spot when they turned Mobius into complete nonexistence, and all he did was watch, when he could have — should have — done something; stepping in, pulling Mobius out of the way, taking the end of the reset stick for him. He did nothing. He had stood there, still, unmoving, when they deleted Mobius out of existence altogether. Loki did nothing to stop them.

He was the only person who saw good and ever believed in you. You let him die.

"Loki," he flinched when Sylvie placed a hand on his shoulder, like he'd been too lost in his trance he was nearly, if not utterly, disconnected from reality for a while.

Her eyes, then, landed on the item — the only item — on the desk, the same desk Loki and Mobius used to sit at during their interrogation. "What's that?" She asked.

Loki didn't respond. Though he brushed the tip of his fingers lightly down the letters. He was tempted to pick it up, not because he was curious but because he felt as though he needed to. This was Mobius'. This belonged to Mobius, and somehow, it suddenly became the only reminder of the man's life, the kindness which he'd given Loki. It became... the only token left of him.

Loki picked it up in the end.

"We need to go," Sylvie said, repeated, louder, when she realized she wasn't getting any verbal response from him, though she knew he heard her nonetheless. She opened the time door, then dragged Loki by the elbow, not too harshly, just hash enough that he followed her. She didn't say anything about the journal he, instead of leaving it there, decided to keep.


"Are you ever going to tell me what this is about?" She finally asked, after thoroughly watching him simply stare at the notebook in his hands for nearly three hours now.

The time door took them to some sort of a cabin, creepy and abandoned, but it was good enough for a shelter, at least for a night.

"Are you actually going to read it or not?" She added, when Loki remained silent. "Loki," Sylvie raised her voice, not loud enough that she was yelling, but loud enough that she snapped Loki out of it, whatever trance he was in again.

Loki looked at her now. The look on his face confirmed he didn't hear a single word she had previously said.

Sylvie sighed, and took a seat on the couch next to him. She took one glance at the journal secured in his hands, then her eyes shifted towards his face. "Whose is that?" She asked, although something in her voice suggested she already had an answer. She just didn't know his name, never got the chance to actually know the man before --

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