Wilby And Josh

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(a/n im writing on my phone so there probably going to be alot of spelling mistakes sorry ill fix it tomorrow)

After getting back to Sarah house Luke put me down. He scurried off to Bentley who is sitting on the grass with toys and Abby. Luke played with the both of them as I watched and smiled.

"Is he your mate" Josh whispered in my ear. I like the sound of that. Josh being my mate instead of that ass thats at my house. Why is he never home. Like I understand he is bestfriends with Jai and Mason. He should go home and they go over there. He also always seems to have his panties in a knot. I dont know if it cause he is Alpha and has lots of things to do. I would understand that but he just doesn't process the words that come out of his mouth. Like when he said 'Who cares about Bentley'. That pissed me off and was a turn off. At that point I knew we would never be together. I understand that Bent is not his son but he is mine. Isn't he suppose to be supportive of Bent and love him. Luke isn't even Bentley father or my mate but it seems like he loves Bentley. I known both of them same amount of time. I like one and the other I just loathe. Its also me suppose to like my mate but nope I loathe him. Suprisingly my wolf feels the same. She talked to me the other day saying his wolf is a jerk and if we she can go on a run.

I cant wait to run in my wolf form. Its been about a year an half since I have. She wouldn't let me shift cause of Bentley. After I gave birth I wanted to go for a run. I asked here and she said Not cause she didn't trust anyone to watch Bentley. It took awhile for here to trust Josh with him. I can control her just not when I first had Bentley. She taught me how to do things on my own. She is the best and here name is Amy.

"No, He is just a friend how do you know him?" I asked him. Now looking at him. Wilby and Sarah are both not hear. Where did they go?

"He is the Alpha I was talking about. An you like him aww my baby girl getting back in to taking interest with men" he says pinching my cheek. Him pinching my cheek is like buying your favorite food but not being able to eat it cause someone else did. I hurts and get you angry. That was totally the worse metaphor in the world. Its a good thing I wont major in English when I go to college.

"Oh I didnt know his last name just Luke. Also no I don't. You make me sound like I was interested in a girl rather than men." I told him.

" You know what I ment" he said laughing.

" Danielle baby girl, sorry to interupt but Bentley needs a bottle he is hungry and sleepy" Luke said. Luke craddled a grumpy little Bentley.

"I will go make one" I said skipping up to the house. I opened the door I swear my eyes widen as big as watermelon at what I seen. I closed the door then reopened make sure my eyes didn't fool me. Yep I saw what I saw two naked people sticking there tongues down eachother throat. To be specific Wilby and Sarah. I closed the door and walked back to Josh and Luke.

"what happened? Where's the bottle?" Josh asked. I was to shock to answer so I grabbed him hy hi wrist and walked to the door. I opened the door quietly trying not interupt them. Josh stuck his head in the door and eyes went wide we closed the door fast and went back to Luke.

"Was that" He asked. I nodded my heads knowing he was referring to Wilbert and Sarah. "Oh my God What? How? When? Now I get it." He says

"Get what?" I asked

"Sar and Wilbert if you noticed they are always together and disappear. They are mates and Abby is his daughter cause they are mates and been like this for awhile. Thats why when I asked who wanted to come he said him first. Always on the phone with here to. I have solved a mystery." Josh says putting his chest out.

"So true." I said

"Okay well I still have a crying baby in my arms thats hungry. Also a little girl name Abigail is sleeping in them grass. Take my word grass is not comfortable." Luke says. I bursted out laughing at them sight of Abby.

"Okay okay, lets go and let them do what they have to. Josh go grab Abby. We are going to my house till they are done." I told them walking. I ran in the house ignoring Damon. Making Bentley his bottle I gave it to Luke who took the liberty to feed him for me. All of us went to my room. I layed on my bed with Abby in the middle then Luke holding Bentley and Josh at our feet. I got up and put in the movie she them man. Its an old movie but funny.

The movie finished. Everyone was sleeping. I got up made a bed out of blankets on the side of the bed. Now the hard part pushing Josh off. I went placed my hands on his back and pushed he wouldn't move. I did it again luckily it worked. I went and put a blanket on them couch for Abby. Placing here under tucking here in. I crawled into bed and tried to grab Bentley from Luke hold. Nothing seem to work. I tried one more time. I was trapped under his arm with Bentley now infront of me and Luke behind me. His arm snaked around my waist and his face barried in my hair breathing in my scent. I found unbelievably comfortable. I layed and closed my eyes and slept.

"Oh my god, Take a picture, Hurry up Wilbert" I heard someone whisper. I tried to turn but couldnt. I felt Bentley under my arm still sleeping.

"okay I got it" someone whisper again.

"OH MY GOD SHUT UP" Josh yelled. I peeked open my eyes. I saw Wilbert and Sarah. I picked up my head and looked at them and them clock. It read 7:30.

"shhh baby lay back down" Luke said behind me. He gently pushed my heads down and went back to them same place.

"Sorry we came to find Abby" Sarah says shyly.

"Your late NOW LAY DOWN GO TO SLEEP AN SHUT UP" Josh said. As you can tell he is not a morning person.

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