Not sick Yay. Damon BOO!!

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(Sorry I was sick still am I have the FLu I will try too update alot this week Sorry its short tried my best Next couple chapter will be the best)

~!Danielle Pov

 Finally not sick anymore it took forever but I'm not. Its Thursday tomorrow Friday and Luke said me him and Bent are going out.  I just woke up Lukes mom made this tea and it really helped. I made sre to do everything I needed to do for my morning things. I can't wait to see my Baby  boy. Im going to kiss him all over. Im happy that my mom can go home. She stood and took care of me the whole time. I love her like crazy she stood and took care of me. I need to see my babies right now. Luke and Bentley I just want to spend my whole day laying down with them. Sneaking into Luke room. His back facing the ceiling hands and arms and arms sprawled out on the bed. I tip toed to him and strattled his back. Placed my hands on his back he instatly tensed up under my touch. I  love how I can make him feel this way. Smiling to myself damn this is the best guy in the world. He took care of my son while I was in bed sick. I couldnt help but kiss the back of his neck. I gasped as I felt a woosh of air meet me. I looked up to see Icy Blue eyes stairing down at me. Those eyes are so captivating I love them I love him.

I giggled as Luke kissed the sidde of my neck. My giggling soon stoped and gripped his hair in my hands crashing his perfect pink lips to mine. We soon stoped when I seen Bent running into the room.

"Dada" Bent screamed. Did he just call Luke Dada oh my god. I hope Luke isn't upset about that. I looked up at him to see him looking nervous. Why would he be nervous I should be not him. I gave him Im sorry look and Grabbed my baby. I kissed his little cheeks make them red. I love this little boy his little giggle. Luke flopped down on the side of me put his hand around my waist. Bent giggled and sat up stairing at me pulling my hand.

"Dada!!" Bent said tapping Luke on the face. Luke smiled and grabbed Bent small hands and kissed it.

"Whats up baby boy are you hungry?" He asked Bent. Smiling for him just not saying No Bent my name is Luke or something like that. Bent smiled and try to get off the bed. I didn't want him to get hurt so I placed on the floor and sighed. I sat up and looked at my son smile and sit on the floor. Luke  pulled me back down on the bed straddle my waist and pecked my lips one last time.

"Good Morning Baby. Lets go get food for my family." He said. He is to perfect to explain I really truely love him and no one else. I love how he treats Bent like his own son and me like a Princess.

"Morning Lets go" I told him. I got off the bed as soon as Luke got off of me. Picking up my little monster I carried him down stairs. Luke followed putting a shirt on much to my disappointment I would totaly love to watch his body.

We sat in the kitchen I fed Bentley some yogurt while Luke cooked. He should be a fucking shirtless chef he is to cute for that. He should be someone or something that keeps his shirt off the whole time. He has a perfect body but I know I would get jealous of that. All those girls falling Over my second mate. I cant or well couldnt control it anymore.

"Luke." I said. He looked up from flipping the pancake and smiled.

"Yeah sweetie." He said in hunky voice.

"Can you take your shirt off Please." I gave him my puppy dog eyes. He looked and smiled.

" I waiting for you to ask. I seen you watching me. Oh and Danielle if you ever just want to watch this sexy body just ask I will take my shirt off. Or you can come and take it off for me." He winked playfuly. He tooks his shirt off and threw it on the table. I smiled as I watch my sexy boyfriend flip.

~Damon Pov~

One More day. I cant wait one day and I get the girl I love. I misss Danielle I love her. She is not suppose to be away from me this long I love her she will sttay with me. I actually thought about letting Bently to stay alive. Then I was like Nope I get joy from killing so might as well kill the child that is not mine. His father is the man I hate and the Man that has my mate. I have everything planned for tomorrow. I'm going to kiss the shit out of Dani when I see her. I will have to fake something so Luke will watch. I will confess Luke secret in front of her. She will hate Luke and Walk away. Then everything fall into place. Hopefullly everything will turn out right if not there will be very big punisment to everyone. Saturday my other lover is coming with her daughter. I love Summer to much to hurt her and her daughter. I love Dani more but she has not been listening to me she will face what is coming. 

"Mom!!!" I yelled. Im sitting in my office doing paper work. She got out of her funk for now. She just been spending time with the babies and little kids. She is just waste of space she will need to go soon. I will leave her intill she see her grandkids. Its just one last gift till she dies. Wouldnt want her to have a unpleasent death. Whats a better death then seeing her son eyes rip her throat out. I would love to die by my own son hand. But of course if the kid every raisis a hand at me he will be dead before he hitts me. No one has time for ignorant stubborn rival child. I cant wait to have little me running around. Or little Danielle and Summers it will be the best. I want them to get pregnant at the same time so they give birth the same time. Of couorse Danielle son with me will be the next Alpha. Summer child will just be my son. Of course I will pake favorites it will be the first.

"What?" She said. She had a baby in her hand smiling at him. 

"Make me a Sandwich please." I told her. she nooded and wlaked out. She came back 15 mintues later. I ate 5 sandwihes and finished my work not before calling Summer. Its a big day tommor now its time for bed mission starts a 8 am sharp.


We have been ;aying down all day. I love it. We stood on the sofa and watched movies and ate. Bent even just stayed with me or layed on the floor playing with his toys quietly. Luke didnt mind staying with me after his phone kept ringing he just turned it off and wrapped his hands around me not moving . He told everyone from the pack  not to bother us. Man he is perfect. Bent is now done sleeping its latex about midnight and we are still watching movies. I was Luke is a sleep his light snooring in my eaar as his head rested on my shoulder. He must be tired  having to take care of Bent for so long. I was sick for about a week Bent is hard to take care of. He goes to bed late and wakes up early. Chaning his diaper is nasty but I do it cause i love him.

"Babe wake up" I shook Luke . He groaned and opened hiseyes. Damn those blue why are they so blue like Bents.

"Yeah" He said his morning voice. That voice made me shiver just listening to it.

"Lets go to Bed"  He nodded and stood up. I turned off the tv and stood up. I squealed as he picked me up bridal style and took me upstairs. I cant wait intill he tells me what he been wanting to. Big day tomorrow as soon as my head hit the pillow my eyes flutter closed laying with Luke and just went into a bliss ful sleep.

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