Paintball Niches

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Last night was amazing after we got home we all just sat by the fire and talked. Im so madly in love with Luke. He is just so right for me. He keeps me on my feet. He always there for me now he just so perfect. I love him so god damn much.

"Im bored."Jai groaned. We all sat out on chairs looking at the water. Jai and Mas was playing football but gave up. Bent is playing in the sandbox with Amanda. Lex and Cody are talking. Mom and dad are just holding hands. Luke well Luke is being Luke and is trying to embarrass his little sister.

"shut up and go put sweat pants and a hoodie on."Luke yelled. We all did as he said and followed him to the car. Luke buckled Bent in as I grabbed some drinks.

Five minutes later we arrive at a huge field. It was more the 26 acres. There where barrels walls and trees. Stacks of called up hay and swing sets. Getting out the car there is a tree covered in paint. It looked so awesome its huge here. There was a huge house next to the tree. Luke walked to the door with Bent following him. Luke dug in his pocket and grabbed his keys. I was surprised when the door opened. Lex ran inside the house and was out of sight. I walked in after Luke.

"Lance!!" Luke yelled. Luke stood at the door and waited. I watched as a tall man about 6'1 came into view. That is pretty tall since Im only 5'3. He had blue eyes like Luke. He looked exactly like Luke. They could be twins. The only difference is Luke is buffer and who I presume is Lance has a birth mark on his neck a small one.

"Hey Bro."He said. They gave eachother a hug a smiled.

"Dani this is my younger brother Lance I haven't told you about him cause he is a Dick." Luke stated

"Hi nice to meet you." I told Lance. He smiled and shook my hand.

"Hi Dani im his little brother by a year. I just came back from traveling the world with my mate." Lance said.

"Cool." I said happily.

"Okay anyway so this is Dani our son Bentley. Her parents Rick and Kathy her brothers Jai and Mason and this is Amanda and Cody...... Cody is Lex mate........."Luke whispered so Cody couldnt here.

"WHAT!!"Lance yelled. Luke and him shared a look and smile. They did a barley autoable whisper to Were's.

"Lancy have you seen my oth-" A voice stoped. I looked at the owner of the voice and smiled. The girl was about my height and same age her bright red hair past her shoulders with a wave. Bright blue eyes shinning at us. One thing that didnt go unnoticed is her round belly sticking out. Showing that she is preganant and is almost ready to give birth.

"Holy mother of pearl YOU ARE HUGE!!"Luke shouted. I turned to glare at my boyfriend. The ginger that stood there with a shoe in her hand broke down into tears she fell to the floor and held her hands to her face. Luke completley confussed as to why she is crying. I watched as Lance walked over to Luke and slapped him upside the head muttering that his brother is an idiot. He walked over to the girl and hugged her whispering in her ear. I walked over to Luke and glarred at him.

"What?"He asked.

"What is your problem go say sorry now."I demanded. He sighed and walked over to the girl holding my hand. I was dragged by him as Bent was dragged by me. I picked Bent up and hugged him to me.

"Cheyenne I didnt mean it as it sounded not like oh my god your huge but as in your glowing." Luke said.

"So im fat."She said.

"Yes" Luke said with a smile. I scowled at him. "Wait I mean yes you are fat but its okay cause you are pregnant. Pregnant people are suppose to be fat."Luke said. That made Cheyenne burst into tears.

"Im fat I look like a big fat baby elephant."She cried into Lance shirt.

"Not a baby elephant maybe a baby hippo."Luke said.

"Son I think it is time to shut up."My dad said.

"Wait dont baby hippo weigh more then a baby elephant." Mas asked Jai.

"Yes" Jai whispered. I heard Cody start laughing his hand flew to his mouth to stop laughing.

"A baby Hippo!!"Cheyenne Screeched.

"Okay Maybe not a baby Hippo mayb-

"Hi Cheyenne Im Dani this is my son Bentley." I stepped in. Luke looked greatful. Cheyenne looked up tears in her eyes. "Please excuse my boyfriend horrible choice of words. You dont look like a hippo. You are beyond beautiful you are more beautiful then a....." I trailed off thinking of something beautiful.

"Sloth." Luke said. I turned to stare at him who was looking at a tree behing Cheyenne.

"A sloth" She cried.

"No not like a sloth like the sun. Without the sun we wouldnt have anything we wouldnt even be here. You seem like an amazing person since I just met you. Now listen to me. You are beautiful and you are ten times more beautiful pregnant I bet Lance cant get enough of you. So lets get you up and I will make you something amazing I ate all the time when I was pregnant." I told her.

"Okay" She mumbled happily. She stood up and grabbed my hand dragging me to the kitchen. In the kitchen I grabbed nutella, fluff, Bannana, and soft pretzel. I made it into a sandwich and handed it to her. She smiled as she took big bites. We walked back to the front where everyone was. Cheyenne thanked me and walked over to her mate.

"Hey thanks Dani....Luke stuff in garage have fun." Lance shouted. I followed Luke to the garage.

"Okay guys suit up Lex is already out there."Luke said handing us paint ball guns.

" Give Me Benny and go have fub sweetie."Mom said. I smiled and handed him to her grabbing my gun and mask. Luke held the balls filling mine and his up.

"MAY THE GAMES BEGIN" Mason Yelled. I rolled my eyes and shot at Jai who was coming close to me. I did a victory dance when he put his up and yelled out. I checked my surroundings and ran to a wheel barrel. I smiled as I see Lex couole feet infront of me. I aimed and shot her getting her out. I walked into the woods and stood there. I heard Mas yell out. So it now just me and my mate. I know he will use our bond to find me so ai sat down.

Luke came strolling in an smiled.

"Hey baby." He said evily.

"Hi can I get a kiss first before you shoot me" I gave him the best puppy dog face. He sighed and came closer to me.

I bent up to kiss his perfect pink lips. I smiled as his lips touched mine. I wrapped my arm that didnt have a paintball gun around his neck pulling him closer. He gentley bit down on my lip asking for an entrance to my mouth. I gladly accepted and fought my tongue with his for dominace of course he won. I heard him drop his gun and his big hands brought me straight into his chest my body not touching any part of his. I lifted my arm and went to his back and shot him three times. He gasped and pulled back in shock.

"You shot me." Luke said dramatically holding his heart and falling to the floor dead. I smiled and bent down and kissed his cheek.

"Good game." Luke said standing up.

All day we stood playing Lance even joined us it was oretty funny watching my dad play cause he was really good at it. He got me out all the time. Luke knew my trick so wouldnt fall for it at all. The funniest part all day was when Mas tried to jump over a barrel abd fell face first. Then he tried again and I shot him in the ass. He cried to mom telling on me. He pulled him pants down at the back to see his big purple bryise from where I shot him. I have paint all over my hair. I got hit in the head but barley could feel it. It was shuch a rush and so much fun.

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