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(Awesome facts on side ------>) 

Walking down the stair of Luke quiet house. All you can hear is slight whispers and snooring coming from rooms. Luke wasnt in bed when I woke up and nether was Bent. I looked in the kitchen door to see a super musclar back. Bent was sitting on his high chair. Luke back flexed everytime his arm moved to flip the pancake. 

God  his back is amazing I just want to lick it. Lick it wow! The way his ustle flex is just so damn hot. Why does he have to be so god damn sexy. Just staring at his back makes me creeper maybe I should move. No I have a good view I'll just watch him for a couple more seconds. Okay yeah thats enough just stop stairing and go play with Bent or tell him good morning. I couldnt help myself I walked over to him and hugged him from behind. I placed my head at his shoulder blade and my arms snaked under his holding his shoulders. He instanly placed his right hand on mine an brang it to his lips and kissed it. I snuggled in to his musclar back. I just dont want to think of all his muscle that I will be tempted to touch him. Thats why I placed my hand on his shoulder so I wont touch his abs.

"Good Morning" I mumble in his back. 

"Good Morning My Beautiful Mate." He said. He placed another kiss on my hand. I couldn't help get  happier as he called me his mate. I feel like the happiest person in the world. Just him saying that calling me his mate. Its like he fully accepted us and im ready to accept him. To wear his mark on y neck and just spend the rest of my life with him. I lifted my head a little a kissed the side of his neck. He tensed under my touch and squiezzed my hand tighter. He moved back me following his steps in one quick moment  he picked me up and brought me in front of him.Our eyes conected he brought his lips crushed onto mine. Our lips moved in sync his arms wrapped them self around my waist crashing me into him. I felt the need to get as long as possible to him. I put my arms around his neck and pushed him closer to me. He bites down on my lower lip asking for an entrance I agreed his tongue went threw my mouth both of our tongues trying to fight for dominace. He trailed his hands up and down the side of body stoping at my thighs. His other hand trailed behind as well. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs aroung his waist our lips still not stoping. He gentley placed me on the counter his tongue still exploring my mouth I couldnt help the moan that escaped my mouth when his fingers trailed my neck and stoped where he is suppose to mark me. The only thing breaking our kiss was Mas annoting voice. Luke placed his forhead on mine staring in my eyes. We were both breathing heavy holding on to each other.

"I dont know about you Jai. But seeing my sister make out with someone is pretty disturbing espacially since there are kids in the room. Right Bent I dont think you want to see your Mommy and Her Boyfriend make out and it get all steamy." Mas yelled. I looked at him and shook my head.

"Why are you guys up its early?" I asked them. Mas smile grew wider and so did Jai who ggrabbed Bent from the high chair.

"I dont know how long you to where making out but its 10:20" Jai said. I blushed we weren't making out that long just about ten mintues. I blushed and jumped off the counter when Luke moved back a little. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my neck.

"Hey Alpha."Jai said. He walked out the kitchen with Bent.

~Damon POV~


What is Danielle problem how can she love something that wasn't suppose to happen. She was raped why in the world would she keep the child. Just looking at that Brat kid reminds me she is not a virgin and it makes me sick. I dont know why but I just have things for virgins. I will admit it im one of the biggest man whores here. I can't settle down. I thought when I foung my mate I would just settle down finally and stay with her. But my plans changed when I seen that slut walk around with that child like he was a prize. He should'nt be here. I know damn straight that Luke is the guy that "Raped her". Bent and him look exactly alike. For all I know she probaly wasm't even raped but asked for it.

She is uggh I hate her I hate that kid and I hate Luke. I dont care if he is my cousin. He will pay. I will kill him. If it take me till the time I breathe my last breathe he will be dead. I dont like him for taking her away from me. She is mine well was mine. I dont need no tramp when I have all these Beautiful ladies here. How can she love a ugly little kid more than her own mate. How can she like Luke more than her original mate. My wolf says her wolf is so annoying and naggs all the time. I cant have that. All I want is Danielle the kid has to go and so does Luke.

"Alpha everyone is here expect the Knight family like you requested." Tom one of my pack mates said. I called an emergancy pack meeting everyone must attend. Jai is my second in comand well was after he comes back. I am forcing all of the Night family to leave my territory and never come back.

"Everyone Quiet DOWN!!!" I yelled using my Alpha voice.

"Son Proceed" My dad said. I nodded and looked at my pack.

"We will declare war against Starling Pack Alpha Luke. He has taken our Luna and we will get her back." I told them. A few hands went in the air and I pointed at one.

"Where is the Knight Family?" Someone asked. Now here goes the lieing I got this.

"Luke has captured the Knight family and keeping as Hostage if we enter his land he will kill them all." I lied I heard gasp. Yes its working by this rate Luke and Bent will both be out of my life and Danielle will be mine. But first I have to get her alone and tell her about Luke being the guy who raped her.

"How do you know?" My dad asked.

"I have someone on the inside there." I told him nodding my head. "Now we will do a sneak attack in three weeks everyone get ready to train its starts tommorw nonstop." I told them and walked out. I acted broken hearted and went to my room calling Jai.

"Hey Alpha."Jai said.

"Dont come back you aand your whole family is kicked out Bye" I said and hung up. Everything will turn out perfectly.

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