Chapter 7

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"You guys what?!" She asked.

"I said, we kinda kissed." I repeated. The other line fell silent for a couple of minutes.

"Ash? You still there?" I asked, worried that she had gone back on her word and hung up.

"Huh? Yeah. Sorry, I just can't believe it." She answered.

"Yeah, I can't either." More silence.

"So, how did you find out he was, you know, still alive?" She asked after another long moment of silence.

"Well I didn't find him or anything. He found me. It was just yesterday actually. Besides today, we bumped into each other like, 3 times yesterday. Once in the morning when he was there by my kitchen window. And by the way, it scared the crap out of me. Then I accidentally hit him with my car when I was taking Dylan to the hospital. Then-" I was cut short by Ashton's sudden shout.

"Dude! You hit your dead ex boyfriend with your car?!"

"Calm down! I didn't do it on purpose. Plus, I didn't even hit him that hard, he seemed alright after. But then he ran away. Anyways, the third time I saw him was after the movies when I went to my car. We talked a bit, but then I drove off, still shocked about everything." I finished with a sigh.

There. I told her. It was nice to get that all off my chest.

"Wow. So, you guys have been having like, small encounters and stuff?" She asked.

"Again, not on purpose. But I guess so."

"What about today?"

"It's not like that was planned. He just came to my door and Dylan let him in, so we just talked and then that happened."

"Oh. So what was it like?"

"What? Talking to him? It was exhausting! I had to keep telling him how I was already in a relationship with Edward, even though Luke kept asking me to give him another chance." I explained.

"Not not the talk! The kiss! What was it like? And, he really asked you for another chance?"

"Yeah, he did. But anyways, I don't really know. At first I was a little surprised, but to be honest, I actually kinda liked it. And it reminded me how much I miss him."

"Get some girl! That's some real deep stuff!" She cheered.

She's literally the best friend ever. She knows exactly how to cheer me up.

"Okay, well I got to go. You know, school stuff since lunch is almost over. I'll talk to you tomorrow at school?" She asked.

"Yeah, okay. See you tomorrow. Hey, remember? Cross your heart?"

"And hope to die." She answered.

"Okay, I love you!"

"Love you too, girl!" She hung up, leaving me with no regrets for telling her.

My mum got home a little after 6 and we had dinner shortly after.

"So, how was your guys's days?" She asked us both.

"Collins had a-" Dylan started, but I quickly kicked her, hard, under the table. I coughed to cover up.

"What did you have, Collins?"

"Oh. I still had ay, uh headache. So I took more Advil. But I'm much better now!" Whew! That was close, I thought.

"Oh. Well I'm glad you're feeling better. Anything exciting happen?" She asked.

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