It all started on the call

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Eddie POV
Me and Gaege joined the discord call with the boys. And he looked like the happiest person ever, which made me happy. Right as I looked at Gaeges camera, I noticed that he was blushing. I don't know why but I felt like bringing it up. "Hey Gaege you look like a strawberry. Your face is all pink and red." I said. Gaege started doing a nervous smile, then he started rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh umm I-I umm, well its sorta hot in my umm room." Gaege said stuttering. I smiled and rolled my eyes. Then I started to blush a little bit, but hopefully no one noticed. "Alright boys, join the call next week so we can make a YouTube video, the fans are going crazy." Mully said. "Alright mate." Josh said. Then me and Gaege nod. "Alright I will see y'all next week. Bye guys!" Josh said. "Alright bye!" We all replied.

Gaege POV
We all left the discord call and I started to get pissed off that I was blushing. I started slapping my face and crying. "Oh my god, Eddie won't date me if I keep acting like this!" I said. I heard my phone ringing then I answered. It was just Grant calling. "Yo wassup?" I asked. "Hey, why were you blushing on the call?" Grant asked. "Oh umm I was umm-" I said as I couldn't continue my sentence. "It's alright Gaege, you can tell me." Grant said. "Ok umm, well I have a crush on E-Eddie." I said in a sad tone. "Well I support that, but Eddie is dating Gabriella so I don't know how this is gonna work." Grant said. "Yeah I know, I try to get Eddie off my mind but it hurts me if I do. And he is just so, I don't know, just nice, smart, funny, hot!" I said. "Well maybe you can talk to him about it." Grant said. "Well I don't want to ruin our friendship if it goes wrong." I said. "Well it doesn't hurt to try." Grant said. "Well thank you Grant, that really helped." I said. "No problem, call me if you need help with anything." Grant said. "Alright I will talk to you soon, bye!" I said. "Bye!" Grant replied. Then I hung up. "Ughh I need to take a shower." I mumbled. I walked into the bathroom and I turned on the shower and I took off my clothes, but before I got in the shower I checked social media to see if anyone had news about anything. Then Eddie posted a picture and he had, No. Shirt. On. And damn he looked hot. I started to get hard and horny, then I grabbed my Bluetooth speaker then I hooked up my phone to the speaker, and I started playing music on it. I went in the shower and I leaned on the shower and I started to think about the picture. Then I started to finger myself. I sat on the shower floor and I spread my legs open and I started to jerk myself off. "Uah Eddie!" I moaned. I started going faster and faster and moaned louder and louder, then I finally squirted. "God damn it Eddie, you did this to me!" I mumbled. I started giggling a bit then I actually started to wash myself. When I was done cleaning myself, I turned off the shower and my speaker then I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and went into my room to get dressed, I got dressed then I sat on my bed and looked at my phone. My phone said that I got a missed call from Eddie, so I called back and he answered. "Hey Eddie sorry I missed your call, I was in the shower." I said. "Its okay dawg, but im throwing a party tomorrow and I wanted to know if your going?" Eddie asked. "Yeah of course I will go, who else is going?" I asked. "Umm well it will be me, you, Gabby, Josh, Mully, and Grant. So it's not really a party but that's the best term for it." Eddie said. I started giggling a bit. But I don't want Gabby to be there, I want Eddie all to myself! "Oh okay that sounds good, but yeah I will be there tomorrow." I said. "Alright see ya tomorrow dawg!" Eddie said. "Alright bye!" I replied. Then we hung up. "SHIT! Why does Gabby have to be there, I just want Eddie to myself." I said as I threw myself on my bed.

Eddie POV
It sucks that I'm dating Gabby because I like Gaege, well do I? I think I do. Whatever I have to go to bed. "Babe I have to go to bed, I'm gonna have a long day tomorrow." I said. "Ok I'm going to bed too." Gabby said. Then Gabby left to go to her house and I went to bed.

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