NO NO NOOO. Smut warning

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Josh POV
I woke up in bed with Mully, but Mully was still sleeping and I wanted to wait for him to wake up. Then I checked my phone and I saw a text from Christy. "Josh are you cheating on me with Mully?" Christy texted. "NO! I would never do that!" I replied. "Josh, you and Mully are coming back to the house and we're having a talk about this." Christy texted. "Ok." I replied. I started to panic and I tried to wake up Mully then I saw his eyes open up a little bit. "What's wrong baby?" Mully asked. "Mully, Christy knows that we're in a relationship and she wants us to go back to my house to talk about it." I said. "Ok, I knew I should've waited for you guys to devorce." Mully said. "No I wanted our relationship and I already knew mine and Christys relationship wasn't going to last that long anyway." I said. Me and Mully got dressed and we started driving off to my house.

Eddie POV
Me and Gaege woke up after we heard the front door close. We quickly ran downstairs and we didn't see anyone in the house so we went to check and see if Mully and Josh left. I walked in then guest room and they weren't in here so obviously they left. I went back downstairs and sat down on the couch with Gaege. "They must've left." I said. "Yeah, I wonder why they left so early." Gaege said. Then I started thinking. "Wait, did Josh get a divorce before he got with Mully?" I asked. "Oh I don't know. I don't think he did because he would have told us." Gaege said. "Should I call him?" I asked. "Umm, maybe wait a little bit." Gaege replied. "Yeah I probably should." I replied. Me and Gaege snuggled on the couch and watched our show for a little bit then Mully started calling me. I picked up my phone and I answered. "Hey, are you and Josh ok?" I asked. Then I heard Mully sigh. "Bro what happened?" I asked. "Christy just kicked Josh out of his own house and now he has nowhere to go, so he was wondering if he can stay with you and Gaege for a little bit til he can find a house and get the divorce done and over with." Mully said. "Yeah that's fine dawg, and if you wanna stay over too then that's ok with me." I replied. "Alright thanks mate, we will see you in a little bit." Mully said. "Alright bye dawg." I replied then I hung up. "Mully and Josh are staying over til they get this all situated." I said. "Ok." Gaege replied. Me and Gaege continued to snuggle and stuff until a sex scene came on the tv then I started to get hard and Gaege was too. I grabbed Gaeges thigh and I hear him moan a little bit and I started to rub his thigh and he knew what I was trying to do. Gaege got on top of me and we started making out. I grabbed Gaeges ass then he started moaning into the kiss. Me and Gaege kept gasping for air then I slipped my tongue in his mouth and I bit on his lip a little. Gaege got off of me and he pulled my pants down then he started sucking my dick. Gaege moaned while he sucked and I bit my lip. He can tell that I was getting harder and harder. Gaege started playing with the tip and I moaned his name a little bit. "Gae-ge!" I moaned. Gaege crawled back on top of me and we made out as he was jerking me off. "Mhh!" Me and Gaege moaned into the kiss. Then I started to suck Gaeges sweet spot and he started to become a moaning mess. "HUUH EdDIe!" Gaege moaned. I slowly pulled down Gaeges shorts then I picked up Gaege and I laid him down on the couch. Then he wrapped his legs around my waist as I put my dick in him. Then I started to thrust slow and hard which turned Gaege on even more. Gaege put his hands up my shirt and he started rubbing his hands up and down my chest and abs. Gaege kept moaning and moaning then I started jerking him off which made him moan louder and louder. "HUAH SI PAPI!" Gaege moaned. "HaHa I know you like that puta!" I said. "MHM!" Gaege moaned. Than Gaege started leaking then he eventually squirted. He came on my chest as I finished in him. Then I looked over and I saw Josh and Mully standing there recording and laughing.

Mully POV
Me and Josh got to Eddie's house and Gaege gave me the resident keys yesterday to the house. I opened the door then me and Josh saw Eddie and Gaege making out. Me and Josh quietly closed the door and we started recording them. Then we saw Gaege sucking Eddies dick which made me and Josh laugh a lil bit but they still didn't hear us. When Gaege started moaning, me and Josh were laughing so hard, but the tv was loud enough for them not to hear us. Then Eddie started to fuck Gaege then mine and Josh's mouth dropped. "Why do they fuck like that?" Josh asked. "I don't know but this is funny as hell." I said. Then we saw Gaege squirt on Eddie and that was when I stopped recording. Then we saw Eddie and Gaege look over at us. "HEY PENFAJOS HOW DID YALL GET IN?" Eddie yelled. Eddie and Gaege quickly put there pants back on then me and Josh started dying laughing. "Bro why do y'all fuck like that?" Josh asked. "Shit the fuck up!" Eddie said. Me and Josh continued laughing then Gaege grabbed my phone and gave it to Eddie. "Why the fuck did you record us puta?" Eddie asked. Eddie deleted the video then he gave me my phone back. "Y'all are so gross!" I said. Me and Josh kept laughing as Eddie and Gaege were getting annoyed at us. "Ok are you guys staying over or not." Gaege said. "We are, we are. But I'm going to bed now because I'm tired as fuck." I said. "Same." Josh replied. "Yeah me and Gaege should probably be going to bed too." Eddie said. "Alright goodnight love birbs." Me and Josh said. "Shut the fuck up!" Eddie replied. Me and Josh went in the guest room and we put our bags next to the dresser then we laid in bed. "Goodnight baby boy." I said. "Goodnight babe." Josh replied. Then we gave each other a kiss then we fell asleep.

Gaege POV
I'm so pissed off that Mully and Josh recorded us. Their legit assholes. Eddie closed our bedroom door, then we laid in bed and we turned on our tv. Me and Eddie snuggled in bed as we watched a movie then Eddie gave me a kiss on my forehead. "I love you mi amor." Eddie said. "Noooo I love you!" I said. "Nooo I love you more!" "Nooo I love YOU more!" "No no no no noooo! I love you more!" Me and eddie kept going back in fourth til I got on top of him. I started fake punching his chest then we both gave each other a kiss then we started making out. Our making out became very aggressive but it felt really good. Then I felt Eddie get hard then I pulled down my shorts and I pulled down Eddies pants a little bit then I put his dick in me. I started going up and down on him as we continued to make out then we broke the kiss. "Damn is this round two?" Eddie asked. "Maybe." I said as I bit my lip. Then me and Eddie continued to aggressively make out again. Then me and Eddie had sex and shit then we eventually fell asleep and we didn't feel like putting our clothes back on so we just fell asleep naked.

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