We should talk part 2

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Eddie POV
When me and Gaege got to my house, I unlocked the door and opened it, then we sat down on the couch in my living room. I grabbed Gaege a water just in case if he starts crying then he has something to help him sorta calm down. I sat down next to Gaege and I held his hand. "Gaege, we need to do something about you over thinking about me during the videos we make with the boys because your gonna get kicked off the channel if you keep doing this." I said. "Well I don't know why I do that, I wish I knew Eddie but I don't!" Gaege said. "Mi amor I'm not mad, please listen." I said. "Ok." Gaege replied. Gaege let go of my hand and I started to feel bad. "Gaege, we can't keep missing videos for the boys." I said. Gaege started to cry. "Mi amor stop crying please." I said. "Eddie I don't know what we have to do and I don't know what you want from me." Gaege cried. "Let me talk to the boys. I will be right back." I said. I grabbed my phone and I got off the couch and I went into the bathroom and I called the boys. "Hey guys, listen Gaege is downstairs crying on my couch because of his zoning out and overthinking. And I don't know what to do." I said. "Why was he zoning out?" Josh asked. "Because of me, he was texting me because he missed me and he was zoning out because he was thinking about me." I said. "Well he can't keep doing this." Josh said. "That's what I told him but I don't know how to help him." I said. "What about a therapist or something?" "No! I don't trust any pendajo around Gaege!" I said. "Maybe you should let Gaege move in with you?" Mully recommended. "I don't know dawg, I love him to death but that's a big step. And I don't know if he is ready because we have only been together for a few months." I said. "Yeah but it's already been almost a year dude." Mully said. "Yeah I guess, I will ask him." I said. "Thanks guys." "No problem mate." Damn that's a good idea. I sat next to Gaege and I held his hand and he started crying again. "Gaege, baby it's ok. Listen, I have to ask you something. Do you wanna move in? Listen I understand if you don't want to because that is a big step in our rel-" I said then Gaege cut off my sentence. "YES EDDIE!" Gaege yelled as he stood up and started jumping up in the air. I stood up and I wrapped my arms around Gaeges waist and he hugged me then I gave him a kiss on his forehead. "But if you move in then will you stop zoning out and stuff?" I asked. "YES I WILL I PROMISE!" Gaege yelled. Me and Gaege broke the hug and we sat back down on the couch. "When do you feel like moving in?" I asked. "Umm next week maybe, so I can get all my stuff packed then I will get it all here." Gaege said. "Ok, sounds like a good idea." I said. Me and Gaege started watching tv then Gaege rested his head on my shoulder and I put my arm around him so he felt comfortable.

Gaege POV
EEEK! I'm so excited to move in with Eddie! I can't believe he asked me to move in with him! I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. I felt so happy and I got butterflies, I started to think about our future, us adopting a beautiful girl and boy, and us getting married! We are going to have the most perfect life. "Mi amor do you wanna order something?" Eddie asked. "Yeah, can we get pizza?" I asked. "Yes." Eddie said. Eddie ordered the pizza and when it got here, I ran to the door and I grabbed the pizza out of the guys hand and Eddie gave the pizza man the money then he left. Me and Eddie went into the kitchen and we put the pizza on the counter. Eddie grabbed plates and I grabbed us forks then Eddie put the pizza on our plates then we sat down at the table and started eating. We recorded ourselves a few times and we made a few cute videos of us eating. "CAN I GET A HOIIIYAHH?" I yelled. "HOIYAH!" Eddie replied then he ended the video. When we finished eating, I grabbed mine and Eddies plate then I put it in the sink. "Ugh I'm tired as fuck!" I said. "Same, I'm going to bed." Eddie said. "Me too." I replied. Me and Eddie went up into his room and we went in bed then we fell asleep.

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