Date night

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Gaege POV
I woke up and I looked over and Eddie wasn't there. Then I got up and started walking around the house. "Eddie?" I said as I started walking around the house. Then I went downstairs and he still wasn't there. "Eddie?" I said. then I fell to the ground and started crying. "EDDIE!" I yelled in pain. I was so worried, and I don't know where he is. "EDDIE!" I yelled over and over again. Then I heard the front door open. "Eddie?" I asked. Then I saw Eddie walk in living room. "Oh my god Gaege are you ok? Please talk to me." Eddie said. Eddie lifted me up off the floor then he sat me on the couch. Then he went into the kitchen to get me water. "Here baby." He says as he gives me the water. I take a sip from it then I set it down on the coffee table. Eddie sat down next me then he gave me a hug and let me cry in his shoulder. "Gaege it's ok I'm here. Now tell me what happened." Eddie said. We broke the hug and Eddie started rubbing my back. "I woke up a-and I looked o-over and y-you weren't t-there." I said. I continued to cry and cry. "I'm sorry I left baby, I had to go to the jeweler to get this." Eddie said as he takes something out of his sweatshirt pocket. It was a chain necklace that had a locket on it. And when you open it, then there's a picture of me kissing Eddie. "Eddie, this is beautiful." I said. Then I started crying in happiness. I hug Eddie and he hugged back. "It's for you and I got one too." Eddie said. "Thank you baby." I said. "Your welcome, now if we ever break up which probably won't happen, then you will still always have me." Eddie said. I looked up at him and smiled. "This is so cute, I can have you forever!" I said. We both giggled. Then I kept admiring the necklace as I rested my head on Eddies shoulder. "You know whats cuter than that necklace?" Eddie asked. "What?" I asked. "You of course!" Eddie replied. Then he gave me a kiss on my head. "Yeah and do you know what's hotter than the sun?" I asked. "What?" Eddie asked. He obviously knew where I was going with this. "You of course!" I mocked. Then he rolled his eyes. I looked up at him and he looked down at me then I gave him a kiss. "Hey Eddie can you help me put on the necklace?" I asked. "Si." Eddie said. Then I gave Eddie the necklace then I turned around so he can put it on. "There you go." Eddie said. Then I turned around to face him then he started blushing. "How does it look?" I asked. "It looks beautiful on you." Eddie said. "Here I will put yours on." I said. "Ok." Eddie replied as he gave me the necklace. Eddie turned around and I put the necklace on him. Then he turned back around. "How is it?" Eddie asked. "It looks so good on you." I said. Then I gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek. Then we watched tv together.

Eddie POV
"Mi Amor do you wanna go out to dinner tonight?" I asked. "If I get to spend a bunch of time with you then yes!" Gaege replied. "Well we can focus on dinner later because it is 1:37 so what's for lunch?" I asked. "Huh I didn't plan on cooking lunch yet." Gaege said. "Well I was thinking we can have a grilled cheese or burritos." I said. "Ooh burritos! Uncle Eddie I want burritos!" Gaege said. "That's literally my favorite brush video." I said. Then we both giggled a bit. Gaege laid down on my lap and he looked at his phone and he took pictures of me and him. Then he sat back up and his hair was all messed up and it makes him look like a psychopath. "Gaege y-your hair. You look like a psychopath!" I said. I started laughing then he gave me a mean face. "I'm not a psychopath I'm just a little juice box!" Gaege said in his baby juicy voice. "Your cute, I love you." I said. "I love you too!" Gaege replied. I got up and I went in the kitchen to go make us lunch. When the burritos were done cooking, I called Gaege into the kitchen so he can get his burrito. "Here you go Mi Amor." I said. "Thank you baby." Gaege replied. "Your welcome." I said. Then Gaege took his plate and he sat at the table and started eating then I sat next to him. "Where do you wanna go out to eat tonight?" I asked. "Umm how about Red Lobster?" Gaege asked. "Yeah that sounds good. Wait do we need reservations?" I asked. "No, or at least I'm pretty sure you don't." Gaege replied. "Oh ok." I said. When me and Gaege were done eating, we put our plates in the sink then we went upstairs to get dressed for dinner date later. I was wearing a red button up shirt, white ripped jeans, my black and white Nike's, and my locket chain because it looks really cute.

Gaege POV
I was getting ready for me and Eddie to go out for dinner and I was blushing a lot because he asked, and my ex never brought me out to a restaurant before. For our date, I was wearing a black and white polo shirt, black ripped jeans, black vans (type of shoe), and my locket chain. I walked out of the bathroom and I saw Eddie standing in the hall then he looked over at me. "Aye mami!" Eddie says then he whistled. "Damn Papi you look hot as fuck!" I said. Then Eddie smiled. "We don't have to go for another hour so we can find something to do while we wait." Eddie said. "Ok, like what?" I asked. "Umm how about we take a few pics of us?" Eddie recommended. "Yeah, but when are we gonna tell the fans?" I asked. "We will soon don't worry." Eddie said. Me and Eddie took a few pictures and we started getting almost 100 likes every second. An hour passed by, then me and Eddie were ready to leave. Eddie grabbed the car keys and drove us to Red Lobster. Me and Eddie listened to music and we sang to the music in the car. I blushed the whole time then Eddie put his hand in my left inner thigh. My face turned a deep red. Then we got to Red Lobster and we went inside and we got seated. Me and Eddie got a booth table and we sat down across from each other. We held hands over the table for a while then Grant was calling me. "Oh Grant is calling, I will be right back!" I said. I got up and went outside. "Hey Grant, wassup?" I asked. "Nothing I just wanted to know how you and Eddie are doing?" Grant asked. "Oh we're doing good, we're on our first dinner date." I said. "Oh that's nice, how about Mully I haven't talk to him in a while because well you know." Grants said. "Yeah, umm he's doing good, he said sorry to Eddie and Eddie forgave him but we just don't talk to Gabriella anymore." I said. "Yeah she's a bitch!" Grants said. "Yeah ya think!" I said then we both laughed. "Well I will let you and Eddie have your dinner date, I was just calling to check up on you." Grant said. "Well thanks for checking, talk to ya later." I said. "Yep, bye." Grant replied. I hung up and I put my phon in my pocket then I went back inside and I sat down across from Eddie again. "Hey mi amor, what did Grant need?" Eddie asked. "Well he just wanted to check up on us." I said. "Oh ok." Eddie said. We held hands again as we were on our phone. The waitress came over and asked us what we wanted for food and stuff, then she went to go grab it. "Hey Eddie, umm I don't know if you enjoyed last night but just so your not embarrassed or anything, and if I'm being real I actually really enjoyed it. And when I had sex with my last boyfriend, he made it hurt and it was really uncomfortable. So thank you for making me comfortable and pleased." I said. "No problem mi amor! And I loved it too, it made me feel really good!" Eddie says as he kissed my hand. I started blushing because it was cute. The waitress came over and gave us our food then they left. Me and Eddie let go of our hands then we started eating. After me and Eddie ate we were so full. "Holy fuck! I'm so fucking full, and I feel like shit." Eddie said. "I know, dude this lobster is so filling and my stomach is gonna fucking explode." I said. Then Eddie made a surprised face and nodded. The waitress came over and gave us the bill then we payed it and left. Me and Eddie went home and when we got home we saw Gabriella standing at the door.

Eddie POV
I saw Gabriella standing at the front door of my house and I was about to lose my shit! I got out of the car and I opened it for Gaege so she can see that I've been out with Gaege. Me and Gaege held hands and walked up to Gabriella. "Hey Eddie, listen we need to talk." Gabriella said. "Ok." I replied. Me, Gaege, and Gabriella went inside then me and Gaege sat down on the couch, and Gabriella sat on the one in front of us. "What do we need to talk about? Huh, how about the time when Mully was fucking your shit? Huh, what about that time?" Gaege said. "Listen I know I messed up but can we work this out?" Gabriella asked. "No, we can't." I said. "Why?" Gabriella asked. Then I look at Gaege and he looks back at me then we kiss. "EDDIE WHAT THE HELL?" Gabriella said. "Cabron I don't want to be with you at all! You controlled Mully into having sex with you! What you did was unforgivable. And puta, you can leave!" I said. "Fine if this is how it is!" Gabriella said then she left. Me and Gaege went upstairs and we did our usual kiss and goodnights and stuff like that then we fell asleep.

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