Moving in gone wrong

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Gaege POV
Well today is the day, today is the day I move into Eddies house. Me and Eddie have been talking about this and how exciting this is. And I'm so happy that I'm going to faint! "Alright baby I'm gonna go see the uhaul guy so I can put all my stuff in the truck. I will be back." I said. "Ok, wait do you need help?" Eddie asked. "Umm actually yeah I might." I said. "Alright then I'm going with you." Eddie said. "Ok!" I said. Me and Eddie went to the car and we started driving off to my house. When we got to my house, I saw the uhaul truck and I saw the guy standing in front of it. Me and Eddie got out of the car and we walked up to the guy. The closer me and Eddie got to the guy, I noticed that it was my ex. Then I stopped and looked at Eddie. "We have to leave!" I demanded. "Why, I thought you wanted to move in my house?" Eddie asked. "That guy is my ex, we have to leave." I said as I tried to move Eddie. "Wait." Eddie said as he pushes me off a lil bit. "So your saying that guy is your-" Eddie said as he got cut off. "HEY GAEGE!" The guy yelled. "Ugh." I sighed. "What?" I said. "Come over here." The guy yelled. I walked over to him and he tried to hug me but I pushed him away. "Alex stop! We're not in a relationship anymore, I don't know why you keep trying." I said. The Eddie walked over and stood next to me.

Eddie POV
I stood next to Gaege and I gave the guy a dirty look. "Hi sir, I'm Alex. Gaeges boyfriend." Alex said. "Gaege can you tell me what is happening?" I said. I started to get heated and Gaege looked uncomfortable. "Well we're not together anymore so I don't know why he keeps saying we are still together, maybe because he's and abusive douche bag and now he feels bad." Gaege said. "No! I did nothing to you! Your such a little bitch!" Alex said. "Hey you don't say that to Gaege! He is the nicest person ever and we're happy together! So go fuck yourself!" I said. Alex started squaring up to me and I pushed Gaege back a little bit so he will stay out of it then I felt a sharp pain go through my arm. Then everything went black.

Gaege POV
OH MY GOD! EDDIE GOT SHOT! "EDDIE!" I yelled. Alex got in the truck and started driving off. "EDDIE? WAKE UP PLEASE!" I yelled. Eddie was breathing but he passed out. Eddies arm was bleeding out a lot and I ran to my car and I grabbed paper towels so I can cover up Eddies arm. I ran back to Eddie and I went down on my knees then I started wrapping the paper towels around his wound. Then Eddie started to open his eyes. "Eddie?" I asked. "Huh?" Eddie groaned in pain. Then I helped Eddie get up and I walked him to the car. Eddie sat down in the car and I closed the door for him then I got in and we started driving off to the hospital. "Eddie are you alright?" I asked. "Mhm." Eddie groaned. "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'm fine, are you ok?" Eddie asked. "Yeah. I-I'm fine." I said. Then me and Eddie got to the hospital and I brought him in. And after a few minutes the nurse brought me and Eddie into one of the hospital rooms and he laid Eddie down in the hospital bed as I sat down in one of the chairs.

Eddie POV
"Alright Eduardo, what happened? Your arm looks pretty bad." The nurse asked. "Well I think I got shot. Me and this guy Alex were arguing then all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain go through my arm then everything went black." I said. "Ok, well a doctor is gonna come in and he is gonna up on you and try to fix your arm some how." The nurse said. "Ok." I replied. The nurse left the room and Gaege was sitting next to me and he was holding my hand. "I'm so sorry baby. This was all my fault." Gaege said. Gaege started crying a little bit. "Hey don't say that, because it's not your fault it's mine. I'm the one who hired him. I know I should have let you hire a truck guy." I said. Gaege stopped crying then he held my hand tighter. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." Gaege said. The doctor came in and he asked Gaege to leave the room, so Gaege left the room then the doctor started checking on my arm. "Alright do let me look at thi-" the doctor said then he gave me a surprised look. "What am I ok?" I asked. "You- you should be dead!" The doctor said in shock. "What?" I asked. "You should be dead! The bullet hit multiple veins in your arm and that mean that you should be dead. Your lucky that we can fix this though." The doctor said. "Ok." I replied in shock.

Gaege POV
It's been a few hours and the doctor hasn't let me back in the room yet, and I'm starting to get worried. I knocked on the door and the doctor opened it and he pulled me aside. "Is Eddie ok?" I asked. "Your very lucky that he is. But we need to reconnect his veins because multiple of them broke. But don't worry, it's an easy fix." The doctor said. I started to get nauseous, because the feeling that I got when he basically said that Eddie could have died, it hurt me. "Ok thank you so much!" I said. "Don't mention it." The doctor said then he walked back in the room. I sat in one of the chairs outside of the room, and I started crying happy tears because Eddie is gonna be ok. Then the doctor walked out of the room to talk to me again. "Mr Gibson, Eduardo is gonna have to stay at the hospital for tonight." The doctor said. I almost started to have a panic attack because I won't be able to see Eddie for the rest of the day. "Ok but can I say bye to him first?" I asked. Then the doctor nodded and he opened the door for me to go in. When I walked in my heart hurt. Eddie had all these wires and tubes around him and he looked like he was in so much pain. I walked over to Eddie and I started bursting into tears. "Eddie I love you and I'm so sorry your going through this right now. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I love you." I said. "Baby it's gonna be ok, and I love you too. I can't wait to see you tomorrow, I'm gonna give you the biggest hug." Eddie said. I giggled a little bit then I continued crying as I gave Eddie a kiss and left the room. I started driving home so I can get all my stuff out of there and into my car then into Eddies house. Ugh today has been so rough.

Eddie POV
I miss Gaege. I want Gaege. I need Gaege. I love Gaege. I hope he will be ok while I'm gone.

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