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Eddie POV
Me and Gaege just finished eating breakfast and a movie, then Josh called me. "I will be right back mi amor. I love you." I said. "I love you too." Gaege replied. Then I gave him a kiss on the forehead and I ran upstairs into our bedroom and I answered Josh. "Hey dawg wassup?" I asked. "Bro me, Mully, and Grant are going to the beach, I think you and Gaege should come and it can be your time to propose." Josh said. "I'm down, but I don't know if the ring is here yet." I said. "Well y'all should come anyway." Josh said. "Yeah, I think Gaege wants to go somewhere anyway so this is perfect, alright I will see you in a lil bit and I will see if the ring got here." I said. "Ok bye mate." Josh said and we hung up. Then I ran downstairs so I could check the mail. I opened up the mail box and the ring was in there. My heart started pounding with excitement and my adrenaline got super high. I ran back inside and I ran upstairs then I threw the ring in my dresser so I can hide it from Gaege, and as I was walking out of our bedroom Gaege was standing in the door way. "Why did you just run outside then up here without saying anything to me, what's wrong?" Gaege asked. "Nothings wrong, I'm p-perfectly good. Also Josh wants to know if me and you wanna go to the beach. It will be me, you, Josh, Mully, and Grant." I said. "Ok cool, I will go." Gaege said. "Yesss!" I thought. "Ok, wanna get going now?" I asked. "Yeah!" Gaege replied. Me and Gaege ran downstairs and we threw on our shoes and we drove off to the beach.

Gaege POV
As me and Eddie arrive to the beach, we see Josh, Mully, and Grant sitting on the beach chairs near the water. Me and Eddie get out of the car and we held hands as we walked over to the boys. "Hey love birbs." Josh said. "Hey dawg." Eddie replied. All the boys got up and we gave all the boys a hug then we sat down with them. We all started talking about random and stupid stuff then I saw Eddie whispering to Josh. "Hey what are you telling Josh?" I asked. "Nothing." Eddie replied. "No, tell me." I said. Then Eddie got up and he went down on one knee. "Gaege we have been together for almost a year now and, being with you has been the best thing I have ever done. You are the most special, loving, and caring boyfriend anyone could ask for. I never thought my life would be any better. Gaege Gibson, my beautiful boyfriend, will you marry me?" Eddie asked. My mouth dropped. Eddie opened up the box with the ring in it and I immediately ran up to Eddie and I put my hand out. Eddie put the ring on my finger and as he stood up I jumped in his arms and he fell on his back. I moved Eddie hair back so it wasn't covering his forehead, and I gave him a kiss. When me and Eddie broke the kiss, we both looked at each other with a smile and we could hear a bunch of people clapping. Me and Eddie looked around a little bit and there was a crowd of people who were clapping for us. I look back at Eddie and he had sand in his hair, I started giggling a little bit and Eddie did too. "What, do I have sand in my hair?" Eddie asked. "Yeah." I said. "Of course I do, you fucking psycho." Eddie said. I looked directly at Eddie and I crossed my arms. "I'm not a psycho. I'm just a lil juice box." I said. "Yep, but your my lil juice box." Eddie replied. Me and Eddie got up and everyone left except for the boys. Then the boys gave me and Eddie hugs and they said congratulations. "Thanks guys, if me and Eddie didn't meet y'all then me and Eddie wouldn't have met and we wouldn't be where we are now. And thanks to you guys, me and Eddie just got engaged. I love y'all so much." I said. Then I started crying a lil bit. "Aww Gaege don't cry." Mully said. "Gaege your gonna make me cry." Eddie said. Then Eddie started to tear up a lil bit. I started giggling a little bit as Eddie hugged my waist. "I love you mi amor." Eddie said. " I love you too baby." I replied. Me and the boys had a fun time at the beach and as the boys were having fun, me and Eddie watched the sunset. After watching the sunset me and Eddie started to get tired. "I'm getting tired." I said. "Me too, I don't know how much longer my eyes can stay awake for." Eddie replied. Me and Eddie said bye to the boys and we drove home and went to bed. But as we were sleeping, I couldn't stop thinking about how me and Eddie are now engaged. I couldn't be any happier.

Eddie POV
IM SO HAPPY GAEGE SAID YES! Well he didn't exactly say yes but he let me put the ring on him and he says we're engaged now so practically HE SAID YES! Oh my fucking god I could not be any happier!

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