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Eddie POV
Me and Gaege were cuddling on the couch as we were watching tv. I was just playing with his hair as he was slowly falling asleep. "I need to go to the bathroom, I will be right back." Gaege said as he got up and gave me a kiss. "Ok mi amor." I replied. As Gaege went upstairs to go to the bathroom, I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and it was my dad calling, then I answered. "Hello?" I asked. I could hear my dad crying. "Eduardo, my son, I am calling you because, well- do you remember when your mom went into the hospital a few months ago because her heart wasn't working the best?" My dad asked. "Yeah, dad what happened?" "Well last night I went to visit your mom and I hugged her then she just stopped breathing." My dad said. "Wha-what? Dad stop playing!" I said. "I'm not, your mom has passed away." My dad said. I was speechless for a minute then I started crying a little bit. "O-ok." I said. "I'm so sorry son but I have to get going now. Bye Eduardo." "B-bye." I replied then I hung up. I ran upstairs into mine and Gaeges room and I jumped in bed and I shoved my face in my pillow then I started balling my eyes out. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I cried in the pillow. Then I heard Gaege get out of the bathroom.

Gaege POV
I opened the bathroom door and I heard Eddie crying in our bedroom, I opened the bedroom door and Eddie was laying in bed with a pillow over his face. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Eddie cried. I ran over to Eddie and I kneeled down next to him and I stroked his hair to comfort him. "Eddie what happened?" I asked. Eddie sat up and grabbed the pillow then threw it at the wall as hard as he could. Then he laid back down. "Eddie what is wrong please tell me." I said. Eddie started screaming crying then I ran downstairs and got him a water and I gave to him. "Drink this." I said. Eddie grabbed the water and he opened it then he started drinking it. Then he closed it and gave it back to me. "Eddie it's ok, you can tell me anything." I said. "M-My mom passed a-away." Eddie cried. "WHAT! When did you find out?" I asked. "Like 10 minutes ago." Eddie cried. Eddie sat up and I hugged him and he cried in my shoulder. I started rubbing his back and stroking his hair. "It's gonna be ok baby, she's not hurting anymore." I said. "I know, but it's gonna be hard without her in my life." Eddie said. "I know it's gonna be hard, but you will be ok soon don't worry. I'm always here to comfort you. I love you." I said. "I love you too Gaege." Eddie cried. I gave Eddie a kiss on his forehead then we broke the hug.

Eddie POV
I'm happy that Gaege is here for me, if I didn't have him then I wouldn't have anything. "Let's go to bed and we will try to have a better day tomorrow." Gaege said. "Ok, I'm just. In shock." I said. "Don't worry, she is in a better place now." Gaege replied. I laid back down and Gaege laid down next to me and he put his arm around my stomach and I put my arm around him so he can feel more comfortable. "I love you mi amor." I said. "I love you too baby." Gaege replied. Then we slowly fell asleep.

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