Wedding (the end)

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Gaege POV
Today was mine and Eddies wedding day and Josh insisted to help me look for wedding dresses. There won't be a lot of people coming today it will just be me, Eddie, all the boys, my sister, and Eddies two sisters. Me and Josh were getting ready to go out and look for dresses as Eddie, Mully, and Grant got everything set up. When me and Josh got to the dress store, the first thing we saw when we went in was this beautiful long white dress that had flowers around where your waist is supposed to be. "Oh my god Josh look at this one!" I said. I grabbed Josh's arm and I dragged him over to the dress. "This one is really pretty." Josh said. "Do you think Eddie will like this one?" I asked. "It doesn't matter is Eddie likes it, it matters if you feel comfortable in it." Josh said. I glanced at Josh and I gave him a light smile. "I wanna try this one on." I said. "Ok." Josh replied. I grabbed the dress and I went into the dressing room. When I finished getting the dress on, I looked in the mirror and damn I never felt this good about myself. "Josh!" I yelled. Josh came in the dressing room and stood outside the door as I walked out. "I really love this one." I said. "I do too. Is it comfortable?" Josh asked. "Yes! Very comfortable." I said. "Is this the one you want?" Josh asked. "Yes!" I said. "Alright." Josh replied. Josh left the dressing room and he waited for me as I got my regular clothes back on. When I finished, I grabbed the dress then me and Josh went to the cashier and we gave her the dress so she could scan it. We bought the dress then we started driving back to my house. Eddie and the boys were still getting everything set up so I quickly ran into the house to get ready. Josh went to help the boys so I tried to get ready by myself. A few hours later I looked out the window and I could see that everyone was here then I got a text from Grant. "Hey Eddie is ready for his princess." Grant texted. "Ok I'm ready." I replied. "Alright, by the way your sister is gonna walk you down the aisle thing." Grant texted. "Ok." I replied. I quickly ran downstairs and I saw my sister waiting for me by the front door.

Eddie POV
I waited for Gaege for a lil bit then I saw the front door open and the first thing I see was a beautiful, perfect, and amazing man walk outside. My mouth dropped and I could already feel tears running down my face and I saw the same thing on Gaege. Gaege walked down the aisle like a beautiful and sexy princess. Gaege stood in front of me and I can see tears running down his face like waterfalls. "Gaege Gibson, you are my fiancé, my world, my beautiful princess. You are mine only. I wouldn't trade you for the world. The first day I laid eyes on you, I fell in love. You were my best friend and I can't believe how far we have come. You have been with me for a good 3 years of my life. And I'm sorry for all the times I have ever hurt you and I am sorry for all the times I have ignored you. And thank you for forgiving me. You deserve more than the world, you deserve the whole universe. Gaege Gibson will you be my beautiful husband?" I asked. I kneeled down in front of Gaege as I pulled out the wedding ring.  Gaege started to cry harder as he put his hand out. I put the ring on Gaeges finger and I stood up and we gave each other the biggest and tightest hug ever! Gaege jumped up in my arms as he wrapped his legs around my waist. Then I held him bridal styled and I walked him down to the wedding cake and everyone stood around the table. I put Gaege down so he could cut the cake. Gaege cut the cake and everyone started clapping for us. I looked at Gaege and he looked back at me and we gave each other a kiss. We broke the kiss and I whipped his tears off his face. "I love you mi amor." I said. "I love you too baby." Gaege replied. Then everyone had cake and we all had fun and got drunk and shit.

Eddie and Gaege POV
Well that was our love story. Of course we had our ups and downs but they were all worth it. And damn we had some pretty great moments. We continued to do YouTube, hangout with the boys, have sex, snuggle, have more sex, love each other, and go on adventures. We spent everyday loving each other and crying together. And that's the end of our story.

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