Happy valentines day Mi Amor. Smut warning

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Eddie POV
TODAY WAS VALENTINES DAY FOOLS! And I decided to have a good, sexy, and shopping day with my baby Gaege. And I don't think Gaege knows it Valentin day which that's a good thing for now because I want to get him some flowers and chocolates for a surprise. Gaege was still sleeping so I quickly ran out to the store and I bought some flowers and chocolates and I saw some pretty cupcakes that I bought too, and a big stuffed bear, and a new keyboard, and camera, well I bought a lot of stuff that he doesn't need. I got back home and good thing Gaege was still sleeping. I went into the bedroom and I shook Gaege then he started to wake up. "Good morning mi amor." I said. Gaege started rubbing his eyes and he saw the flowers, then he quickly grabbed the flowers and he started to smell them. "Baby they smell so good, but why did you get me flowers, I'm sorry I didn't get you anything." Gaege said as he hugged me. "It's ok baby, but today is Valentine's day and I wanted to surprise you, but I still have more stuff!" I said as I grabbed the bag of stuff next to me. "Here I got you chocolates, a big stuffed bear, a new keyboard, mouse, camera, and I got you some laughing lollipops because why not. Oh and I got you this." I said as I pull out a little diamond ring from my pocket. "Gaege Gibson, I promise I won't hurt you, I promise I won't yell at you, I promise that I will be with you throughout your ups and downs. If you take this ring, then you excepted my promises and we will not break them." I said. Gaege started crying as he took the ring and put it on his finger. "Eduardo, I promise that I won't hurt you, I promise that I won't yell at you, and I promise that I will be with you throughout your ups and downs. I promise that I won't break our promises." Gaege said. I helped Gaege get up off the bed and we gave each other a hug. "Our promises won't be broken. I promise they won't. I love you Gaege Gibson." I said. I started crying with Gaege as we were hugging. "I love you too Eddie." Gaege said. We both give each other a kiss then we broke the hug. "Oh my fucking god, your making me cry." I said as I was laughing and crying at the same time. Then Gaege started laughing.

Gaege POV
I can't believe Eddie gave me this beautiful promise ring! It so pretty and I will hold onto it for as long as I can. Eddie is the only person I want in my life, sorry to all of the other boys but Eddie is honestly the only person I need in my life and he is the only person that actually cares about me. "Thank you Eddie, I've never actually knew someone who cared about me and I never knew someone who wanted to put a ring on my finger." I said. Eddie looked down at me and smiled. "Your welcome mi amor, do you wanna try your chocolates I got you? I don't know which ones you like so I got a box that had a bunch of different kinds." Eddie  said. I  blushed. "Yes I want to try them, I like all chocolates." I said. I grabbed the box with the chocolates and I opened it and I took one of the chocolates and I looked at it, it had mine and Eddies name on it and I noticed that all of them do. "Aww Eddie. These are cute." I said. Eddie smiled. "Yep I got them custom made so the chocolates would have our name on it because I thought it would be a cute lil gift." Eddie said. "Thank you baby. I'm sorry I didn't wake up to get you anything, but I can run out later and grab a bunch of gifts for you." I said. "Gaege, your my gift. I don't want anything else in life but you. Your the only person I need." Eddie said. I started blushing again. "Are you sure?" I asked. Eddie nodded. I grabbed the chocolate again and I took a bite out of it. "It taste really good! Wait before I eat anymore of them, open your mouth." I said. Eddie smiled then he opened his mouth and I fed Eddie the rest of the chocolate. "Damn that does taste really good." Eddie said. I giggled a lil then I put the top of the box back on then I put the chocolates on top of my nightstand. "Alright I need real food now." I said. Me and Eddie were giggling a bit then we went downstairs into the kitchen so we can make some breakfast. Eddie was making us eggs and toast and it smelled so good! "It smells good baby." I said. I hugged Eddies waste as he was cooking. "Thank you, it's almost done." Eddie said as he turned around and gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

Eddie POV
I continued to cook as Gaege sat down at the dining table. I went over to the cabinet and I grabbed two plates and I set them down on the counter. Then I went over to the toaster and I grabbed the toad and I put them on the plates. But the eggs weren't completely done yet so I waited a lil bit. Then I took the eggs off of the pan with the spatula and I put them on the plates. "Mi amor breakfast is ready!" I yelled to Gaege. Gaege came over and he grabbed his plate then he sat back down at the dining table. Then I grabbed my plate and I sat down next to Gaege and we started eating. As I was eating, I heard my phone ring. It was Grant trying to call me. "Hold on baby, I will be right back." I said. I got up and I grabbed my phone and I went outside and answered. "Yo wassup dawg?" I asked. "Yo happy Valentine's Day, I was just calling to check on you an Gaege." Grant said. "Oh thanks dawg, we're doing good and I got him a promise ring today. Bro it costed $100,000!" I said. "Damn dude, he must be really happy." Grant said. "Yes. I'm just trying to figure out what I can do to be a better boyfriend. I feel like I'm not doing a lot for him and I feel like he doesn't like me as much as he did in the beginning of the relationship." I said. "Well he always calls me and he always starts to brag about you and he says that your the best boyfriend in the world. So your good bro. Have y'all done it in a while?" Grant asked. "Done what?" "You know have umm." Grant said. "Ooh sex?" I asked. "Yeah that." Grant replied. "No we haven't done that in a while." I said. "Well it's Valentine's Day so you and Gaege should do that." Grant said. "Good idea dawg! Thanks bro but I have to get back in the house and eat. I will talk to you soon." I said. "Alright bye bro." Grant replied then I hung up. Alright so now I know what I have to do. I went back into the house and I sat back down next to Gaege. "Mi amor you didn't eat anything yet?" I asked. "No not yet because I was waiting for you." Gaege said. I smiled at him and he started blushing.

Gaege POV
Me and Eddie continued eating. When me and Eddie finished eating, we put our plates in the dishwasher and we sat on the couch. Eddie rested his head on my lap and I started playing with his hair as we were watching tv. After a while Eddie stood up to stretch his arms then he sat back down on the couch. Then I felt Eddies hand rub my thigh and I moaned a lil bit. Then Eddie smirked at me and he started to rub faster. I kept moaning until Eddie grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. Me and Eddie softly kissed and we never broke it. We started a make out session then I got off if Eddie and I grabbed his hand and brought him upstairs then he closed the door and we took off our clothes. Eddie sat on edge of the bed and I got down on my knees in front of him. I spread Eddies leges and I started sucking his dick. Eddie started moaning and started sucking faster and faster. "G-Gaege!" Eddie moaned. I started to lick the tip and Eddie started to cry tears of pleasure. "GAEGE! SI M-MAMI!" Eddie moaned. I crawled on top of Eddie and I pushed him down on the bed. Me and Eddie started to make out again and as we were making out I put his dick in me. Me and Eddie stopped kissing them I started to go up and down on him then Eddie bit his lip. Eddie grabbed my hips and he moved is hand down to my thighs. Eddie flipped us over in doggy startle and he started to thrust. Eddie started thrusting harder and faster every time I moan and it hurt so bad but felt so good. "Mh E-Eddie!" I moaned.

Eddie POV
Gaege started to moan which started to make me hard. As I was getting hard, I started to leak in Gaege. Then Gaege started squirting on the bed and he started to pant and get tired and I was too. Me and Gaege both finished then we laid down next to each other and we fell asleep.
This is definitely the best Valentine's Day

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