Boys, I need your help. Smut warning

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Eddie POV
Me and Gaege were laying in bed and watching a movie. It was a romance movie and it was really beautiful, just like my lil goosey. Gaege was snuggling my arm and I rested my head on his head. In the movie there was this one part that gave me butterflies, it was when the two couples had a big wedding and they got married. I wonder if it's not too early to propose to Gaege. I might need the boys help though. "Mi amor I will be right back, I just need to go get the mail." I said. "Ok." Gaege replied. Gaege moved over so I could get up then I went to my dresser and I grabbed sweatpants and a t shirt then I put them on really quickly and I went outside. When I walked outside I grabbed my phone and I called the boys. "Hey boys." I said. "Hey Eddie, lemme guess, is this about Gaege?" Grant asked. "Umm yeah, how did you know?" "Well everyone is in this call except for him." "Well yeah it's about Gaege, and I need y'all's help for what I have planned." I said. "Ooooh! What do you have planned?" Josh asked. "Well, I want to do a surprise proposal, I was thinking we could go to a beach or maybe a carnival? Then I can propose to them there." I said. "Ooh we should go to the beach." Mully said. "Ok, thanks boys." I said. "No prob bro, talk to y'all later." Mully said. "Alright bye dawg." I replied then I hung up. I went back inside and I went upstairs and Gaege was passed out in bed. So I turned off the tv, I threw the covers on him and I gave him a kiss on his forehead then I went downstairs and sat on the couch and watched tv. I grabbed my laptop that was sitting on the coffee table and I looked on some websites for wedding rings. I found this one that had a huge diamond on it, and it had some other stones around it. "This ones perfect!" I mumbled to myself. I bought us and it was $20,000 but it's worth it. It said that the ring should come tomorrow so fingers crossed that it will come on time. Then I quickly shut my laptop because I heard Gaege coming downstairs.

Gaege POV
I went downstairs and I saw Eddie close his laptop but he looked really nervous and he shut it really fast. "Umm, Eddie are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine." Eddie replied. "Ok?" I said. Eddie seemed really suspicious but I'm gonna trust him. I went into the kitchen and I got a bowl and ice cream. I put the ice cream in the bowl and I grabbed some chocolate syrup from the fridge and I poured it all over my ice cream. I put the chocolate back in the fridge and I sat down on the couch next to Eddie. Me and Eddie were watching a cooking show as I was eating and Eddie put his hand on my thigh and side eyed me with a smirk. I put my ice cream down and I crawled on top of Eddie. Me and Eddie kissed slow and soft then we started to make out. I took off my shirt and Eddie took off his then we continued making out. I felt Eddie slip his tongue in and I bit is lip a little bit. I pushed my body towards Eddie a little bit so our body's were touching and I felt him get hard. Eddie started to kiss my neck and leave hickeys all over. I started to moan which made Eddie even harder. I got off of Eddie and I grabbed his hand and we went upstairs to our bedroom. Eddie sat on the bed and I kneeled down in front of him. I took off Eddies pants and boxers and I started to jerk him off and he bit his lip. After a while I stopped then I started sucking. Every time I licked the tip Eddie would groan in pleasure. When I stopped sucking, I pushed Eddie down on our bed and I stood up and took off my pants then I crawled on top of Eddie and put his dick in me. I started to go up and down on him which made him moan a little bit. "Hmm!" Eddie moaned. I dragged my hands up and down Eddie body as he grabbed my thighs. Eddie was rubbing the back of my thighs which made me hard and I could feel Eddie get a boner in me. "Uah Gaege!" Eddie moaned. I bit my lip and Eddie looked at me with a smirk.

Eddie POV
I flipped me and Gaege over so we were in doggy style, I started to thrust into Gaege fast and hard because you know what, fuck it. Gaege is gonna be walking funny when we're done. Every time I thrusted into Gaege, I could hear him grunt a lil bit. I kept getting harder and harder til I couldn't take it anymore and I came in him. I laid Gaege down and I started to jerk him off so he could finish. Gaege came in my chest but this time I whipped it off and licked it off my hand. "Damn papi!" Gaege said. Gaege started giggling and I smiled at him. Me and Gaege got ourselves cleaned up and we laid down with each other on bed so we could fall asleep because I'm tired as fuck. "Gaege, if we got married...... Would you be happy?" I asked. Gaege looked at me and we both started blushing. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Gaege asked. "I don't know, I was just curious." I said. I looked at Gaege and he looked back at me and we smiled at each other. Gaege laid down on his side and I wrapped my arms around his waist and I pulled him close to my body. "I love you baby." Gaege said. "I love you too mi amor." I replied. Then I kissed Gaege on the back of his head and we fell asleep.

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