Oh my god

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Eddie POV
I woke up in a great mood, and I think Gaege needs to go home today so I'm upset about that. Then I heard Gaege wake up. "Good morning baby." Gaege groans. "Good morning mi amor." I replied. I gave Gaege a kiss on the forehead then we got up. Me and Gaege went downstairs and we got cereal then we sat at the table and started eating. "Baby are you going home today?" I asked. "Yeah because I need to make some videos." Gaege replied. Then I was thinking that me and Gaege should make a video together when he gets home. "When you get home, do you wanna make a brush video with me?" I asked. "Yeah, I need to make a lot of videos." Gaege said. We both giggled a bit then we were done eating, and we put our bowls in the sink. "Alright I should probably get going, I will talk to you later baby." Gaege said. Then we gave each other a kiss. "Talk to you later mi amor." I replied. Then Gaege left the house.

Gaege POV
I got to my house, and I went in the front door and I went right up to my VR office so I can play VR chat with Eddie. I texted Eddie to get on then he joined the discord call and the server in VR chat. We turned on our cameras and we started recording.
Eddie- "Alright lil juicy, it's crayon time!"
Me- "Yay crayons! What flavors do we have?"
Eddie- "we have red, blue, and green."
Me- "Ooh red is my favorite!"
Me and Eddie continued making the video til Mully called. "Hold on Eddie, Mully is calling me." I said. "Alright." Eddie replied. I took of my headset and I answered the phone. "Wassup?" I asked. "Hey umm, Josh is in the hospital bro. He got into a really bad car accident and I think you should come down and see him." Mully said. "Ok, I will be there soon." I replied. Then I hung up. Then I went over to my desk and I sat in my office chair. "Eddie I'm gonna pick you up then we have to go down and see Josh, he got into a car accident and he's in the hospital right now." I said. "Ok, come pick me up." Eddie said. Then we left the call. I rushed to the kitchen then I grabbed my car keys and I rushed off to Eddie's house.

Eddie POV
Gaege got to my house then I went in his car and we sped off to the hospital. We got a pass to go and see Josh, and when we went in Josh's room we saw Mully and Grant sitting in the chairs. "Hey guys." Me and Eddie whispered. "Hey, the doctors said the he should be fine." Grant said. "Oh good." I replied. Me and Gaege sat down then we saw Josh wake up. "Josh?" Gaege said. "Huh?" Josh mumbled. "Hey mate." Mully said. "Hey, what happened?" Josh asked. "You got into a really bad car accident." Grant said. "Oh, am I gonna be ok?" Josh asked. "Yeah you'll be fine." Mully said. "Ok." Josh replied. The doctor came in to check on Josh and she gave him prescribed medication for his wounds. Josh was free to go with us but me and Gaege have to take care of him because he won't walk good for a few weeks. So me and Gaege left and we helped get Josh in the car then we drove to my house. When we got to my house, we got Josh out of the car then we brought him inside. We sat him on the couch and we sat down next to him. "Thanks guys, I really appreciate you and Gaege helping me." Josh said. "No problem dawg, we're glad we can help." I said. Gaege got up to get Josh some water, and I talked to Josh to ask him about the accident. "Should we call Kristy to drive down here?" Gaege asked. "Yeah we probably should." I said. "Nah, it's fine because the doctor called her already." Josh said. "Ok." I replied. Gaege came in the living room and he gave Josh some water. "Thanks mate." Josh said. "No prob." Gaege replied.

Gaege POV
Oh my god, I don't know why this had to happen today, honestly. Well today sucks. "Babe it's getting late, I'm going to bed." I said. As I bend down to give Eddie a kiss. "Aww TeamGAE got real!" Josh said with a smirk. "Shut the fuck up dawg!" Eddie said. "Yeah Josh you asshole!" I said. We started laughing then I told Josh goodnight then I went upstairs and went to bed.

Eddie POV
"Bro I'm getting tired too." Josh said. "Same I'm probably gonna go to bed." I said as I got up off the couch. I helped Josh get up then I laid him down on the guest bedroom bed. "Goodnight mate." Josh said. "Goodnight Josh." I replied. I turned off the light for Josh then I closed the door and went up to my room.  I saw Gaege asleep, and he was hugging his pillow. I got over to him and I gave him a kiss on the head then I went in bed and fell asleep.

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