The party

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Gaege POV
I woke up and I was so tired still. But I remembered about the party so I sprung out of bed and checked my phone to see the time. "11:23am WHAT ITS ALMOST 12:00!" I yelled. I ran into the bathroom and I brushed my teeth then I ran back into my room and put new clothes on then I grabbed my car keys and sped off to Eddie's house. When I got to Eddie's house, I saw him setting up some tables and chairs outside. I got out of my car and walked over to him. "Hey Eddie!" I said. "Hey wassup dawg! I'm happy you came bro." Eddie said. "Thanks, do you need help with anything?" I asked. "Umm well I have some snacks on the counter in the kitchen, if you wanna go grab them then put them on the tables." Eddie said. "Yeah that sounds great, imma go do that!" I said. I went into Eddies house and I grabbed the snacks that were on the counter and I looked up and I saw a picture of Eddie when he was a kid. It was pinned on the wall. I took the pin out then I grabbed the picture. "Aww he was so cute!" I thought. This picture makes me smile. Eddie walked into the kitchen and he noticed me admiring the picture. "Whatcha lookin at? Oh my baby photo, I think I was 3 in that." Eddie said. "Oh sorry, I saw this picture and I think you look cute in this, well not cute but cute." I said stuttering. "Yeah I get that a lot." Eddie said. Eddie sorta got closer to me and I started blushing, and I could feel the warmth come off of him and onto me. I pinned the picture back on the wall then Eddie went back outside. I grabbed the snacks then I went outside and put them on the tables. As I was putting the snacks on the tables I saw Eddie on the phone.

Eddie POV
I was talking to Gabby on the phone and she said she would be at the "party" soon. I told her ok then we hung up. I looked over at Gage and he started walking over to me. "Hey, I finished putting the snacks on the tables. Do you need help with anything else?" Gaege asked. "Umm, I don't think there's anything we need to do other than wait for everyone to get here. But thank you, I appreciate your help." I said. "No problem." Geage replied. Me and Gaege started talking about random stuff for a little bit then Gabby got here. She got out of her car then she walked over to me and Gaege. "Hey baby!" Gabby said. Then she gave me a kiss. "Hey babe!" I replied. "Oh, and hey Gaege." Gabby said. "Hey." Gaege replied. Gaege sounded a little mad when she said hi, so I pulled him aside so I can ask him wassup. "Hold on Gabby." I said as I grab Gaeges arm. I pulled Gaege over near my car. "Are you ok, you seem mad?" I ask. "No im not mad." Gaege said. "Are you sure, because I feel like you have something against Gabby." I said. "No I like Gabby, she's cool." Gaege said. "Dawg if something is up then you can tell me, I don't take offense to anything." I said. "Well thanks, but don't worry I'm not mad at anyone." Gaege replied. "Alright I'm just making sure." I said. Then I went back over to Gabby, and Gaege sat at one of the tables.

Gaege POV
I don't know why I felt so much anger when Gabriella got here, and I hate lying to Eddie. I don't know why I do this to myself. I know I love Eddie but it's so hard to talk to him without me screwing everything up and without me almost giving him hints that I have feelings. Hopefully I have the balls to tell him soon. Mully and Josh got here and we all said hi to them then they started talking to Eddie and Gabby. I sat at a table by myself because I don't really wanna go near a crowd of people. Eddie grabbed a bunch of alcohol from the cooler he had outside, and he put it on the table I was sitting at then he sat down next to me. "Hey Eddie, why aren't you talking to Gabby?" I asked. "Well I just wanted to know if you want to go in the pool with me?" Eddie asked. I started blushing because, damn did Eddie just ask that? "Yeah but I don't have a bathing suit." I said. "Don't worry I have one you can borrow." Eddie said. Then me and Eddie went inside the house and we went in his room. Eddie went in his closet and grabbed me a pair of swim shorts. "Here." Eddie said. "Thanks bro." I said. "No problem dawg." Eddie replied. I went into the bathroom to get changed and Eddie locked the door to his room so he can change. I put on the swim shorts and they perfectly fit. I started blushing because these shorts are Eddies. I went out of the bathroom and I saw Eddie waiting down the hallway. "You ready dawg?" Eddie asked. "Yep!" I said. Me and Eddie went back outside and we went in the pool. We sat in the pool and we just talked about life. And I blushed a deep dark red the whole time.

Eddie POV
I started blushing because Gaege looked super cute in those shorts. And he sounds super cute when he talks. "Hey did I tell you that you look cute in those shorts?" I asked. "Oh thank you!" Gaege said. I knew this was my time to shoot my shot and finally take him to my bed. "Hey follow me." I said. Me and Gaege got out of the pool then we went inside and we went up to my room and I saw Gabby having sex with Mully in my bed. "GABRIELLA WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled. "Eddie, baby this isn't what it looks like I-" Gabriella said, then I cut off her sentence. "YOUR HAVING SEX WITH MULLY IN MY BED! YALL CAN FUCK YOURSELVES AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I yelled. Then they put their clothes on then they left. I sat on my bed then Gaege sat next to me. I started crying. "Hey it's gonna be ok, you need to stay tough big guy." Gaege said.

Gaege POV
Me and Eddie witnessed Mully and Gabby having sex in Eddies bed and I was sorta happy because now Eddie and Gabby are probably going to break up but at the same time I feel bad for Eddie. I tried to comfort him then Josh came in his room. "Yo what the fuck just happened?"Josh asked. "Me and Eddie saw Gabby cheating on Eddie with Mully." I said. "Bro that's fucked up!" Josh replied. "But it will be ok mate, don't worry because you have me and Gaege. We can help you." Josh said. "Thanks guys but I was gonna break up with her anyway. Because she cheated on me a few days ago with her step brother so this was her second chance that I wish I didn't give her. I never wanted to trust her." Eddie said. Gabby is a slut. "Bro Gabby is just a slut that wants attention from as many guys she can find. Also earlier I was mad when Gabby got here because she told me to fuck her but I told her no because, I really don't like her like that. But I was too nervous to tell you because I feel like you would've been heartbroken." I said. "Gaege your aloud to tell me anything and I won't get mad at you." Eddie said. "Bro I gotta go, but I hope your able to figure this out." Josh said. "Ok bye dawg." Eddie said. "Bye mate." Josh replied. "Bro you should lay down and rest, so when you wake up then you might get over it." I said. "Yeah, I'm tired anyway and I've had too many drinks." Eddie said. I giggled a little bit then Eddie laid down in his bed and I put the covers on him. I went over to the light switch and I turned off the lights. "Alright I will be downstairs and I will wait for you to wake up." I said. "No, don't leave me." Eddie said in a sad voice. "Ok." I replied. "Can you lay down with me?" Eddie asked. "Yes." I replied. I got under the covers with Eddie and we fell asleep.

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