Its been a while. Smut warning

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Gaege POV
Me and Eddie have been taking care of Josh for a few weeks and today was the day where he is able to go home. "Hey Josh, it's time to bring you back to your place." Eddie said. "Alright." Josh replied. Josh has been practicing getting up by himself, and finally he can do it. "Gaege I will be back, ok baby." Eddie said. "Ok. I love and be safe." I said. "I will, don't worry. See you in a little bit mi amor." Eddie said. "Alright, bye." I replied. Josh and Eddie left, and I've been thinking about the last time me and Eddie had sex. We haven't had it in a while and I wanna have it again. It felt so good to do it with Eddie. I heard the door open then I saw Eddie and I ran up to him and I jumped on him and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Then we started to make out. Eddie closed the door and he pushed me up against the wall. While we were making out, I felt Eddie slip his tongue in my mouth and I did too, then he bit my lip a little bit. Eddie started from my lips then he made his way to my neck. I laid my head up against the wall and I became the biggest moaner ever! "huhh!" I moan the Eddie started sucking my sweet spot.

Eddie POV
I started sucking Gaeges sweet spot which turned him into a moaning machine. Gaege jumped down from my arms then I grabbed his hand and brought him to my room. We took off our clothes and Gaege laid on my bed then I got on top of him. I put my dick in him which made him moan really loudly. "UAH! SI PAPI!" Gaege moaned. I grunted a little bit which turned Gaege on. I felt Gaege get a boner as I finished in him, I slip me and Gaege over so now Gaege is top. I started jerking Gaege off and he started biting his lip. Gaege came in my chest and he took his hand and whipped it off then licked it off his hand. "Damn bitch!" I said with a smirk. Gaege started giggling. Me and Gaege got up and we took a shower, then we got out and we put on sweat pants then we went downstairs to make dinner. "Hey Eddie, what are we gonna do for dinner?" Gaege asked. "I haven't figured it out yet." I said. I grabbed Gaeges waist as he was looking in the fridge and he moaned a little bit. "Aww my lil goosey still turned on?" I asked. "Maybe." Gaege said with a smile. Then I gave him a kiss on the top of his head. "Your cute." I said. "I know!" Gaege replied. "Sometimes you make me wanna act up." I said. "I can tell papi." Gaege said. I groaned a little bit then Gaege looked up at me and he rolled his eyes. Then I let go of Gaege and I sat at the dining table and I checked my phone for notifications. As I was on my phone I saw a picture Gabby posted. "Aw shit! I forgot to block her." I mumbled. "What?" Gaege asked. "Gabriella, I forgot to block her." I said. "Oh." Gaege said.

Gaege POV
I continued to search the fridge for food and I saw a box of burritos. Then I took the box and I threw it at Eddie. "Ow! Gaege what the fuck! Your such a bitch!" Eddie yelled. Then I started laughing. "Hey this ain't funny pendajo!" Eddie said. I kept giggling til I fell on my knees and I just rolled on my back and continued to laugh. I felt Eddie run over to me and he started tickling me. "Get the fuck off me!" I yelled. Then Eddie started laughing with me. We continued laughing for a few minutes and Eddie kept tickling me. Then he finally stopped and helped me up then I punched him in the arm as hard as I could. "Ow that hurt puta!" Eddie said. "HaHa your such a little bitch!" I said. "Aye! Don't make me act up!" Eddie said. I giggled a little bit. Then I went over to the dining table so I can find where the burritos were. "What are you doing?" Eddie asked. "I'm trying to look for the burritos." I said. "Well you threw them at me and they fell on the floor so look under the table." Eddie said. I looked under the table and I saw the box. I crawled under the table and I grabbed the burritos. "Aye don't throw them at me again!" Eddie said. I giggled a bit then I tried to open the box. "Mi amor do you need help?" Eddie asked. "Yeah because I have no muscle." I said. Me and Eddie giggled a bit then Eddie got the box open. "Baby it wasn't that hard." Eddie said. We both started laughing then I grabbed plates and Eddie put the burritos on the plates. I grabbed the plates with the burritos on them, and I put them in the microwave.

Eddie POV
Gaege put the burritos in the microwave and while we were waiting for them to be done, I turned on the tv and I saw the news. It was sorta boring until I saw Gabriella on there. "Gabriella has been sent to jail for sexual assault and sexual harassment. Her victim was Eduardo. He is 29 years old and he is from Mexico. The caller was Gaege Gibson." The news reporter said. I look over at Gaege and I can see him smiling at the tv. "Umm Gaege, when did I get sexually assaulted and harassed?" I asked. "Well you didn't, but I did. Once when you guys were dating, she asked me if she can borrow one of my VR games and I told her yes. Then when she got to my house to pick up the game, she pushed me up against my bedroom door and she tried to make out with me but I kept pushing her away. Then I ran away from my house and I waited for her to leave. And I can't stop thinking about it so I used you for the victim and I called. And I used you for the victim because I don't feel like doing the whole court thing." Gaege said. "Also I do t want her coming back, I want us to be safe." Gaege said. I walked over to Gaege and I gave him a hug and he hugged back. "You didn't have to do that mi amor. We are safe." I said. Then we broke the hug. "I love you." Gaege said. "I love you more." I said. I gave Gaege a kiss on his forehead then the microwave alarm went off. I walked over to the microwave and I took the burritos out of there. I gave Gaege a plate with the burrito on it then me and Gaege sat down at the dining table. We started eating then I put my left hand on Gaeges thigh then I hear him moan a little bit. I look at him a little bit with a smirk then we continued eating. When we finished eating, I put both of our plates in the sink then me and Gaege were ready for bed. Me and Gaege went up to my room then we laid in bed. "Goodnight mi amor, I love you." I said. "I love you too baby." Gaege replied. Then we gave each other a kiss then we fell asleep.

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