The fan

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Eddie POV
Me, Gaege, and the boys were just chilling inside a McDonald's at the mall. Then a fan came over to take some pictures with us. "Oh my god are you guys the boys?" The girl asked. "Yeah wassup?" Gaege asked. "I was wondering if I can take a picture with you?" "Yeah of course dawg!" I said. Me and the boys got up and we stood next to the girl and we took the picture. All the boys sat down and the girl asked me if she could show me something. Which of course me being the idiot I am, I said yes. She brought me over to the McDonald's bathroom then she brought me into one of the stalls and she grabbed the caller of my shirt and she started making out with me. I kept trying to push her off but she wouldn't let go.
Then I heard Gaege come in. "Eddie?" Gaege asked. Gaege was trying to look for me then I was able to get the girl off. "Gaege help!" I yelled. Then the girl grabbed me again and Gaege was able to break the lock to the stall then Gaege pushed the girl off me. "Stop bitch! Eddie is mine only! If you want an Eddie then your gonna have to search for one, I know you won't find one that's as unique as my Eddie!"Gaege said. The girl was just sitting on the floor and I was just watching Gaege flip out as I was in shock.

Gaege POV
I was flipping out then I looked over and it looked like Eddie was crying but he wasn't making any noise, there were just tears running down his face. I grabbed Eddies hand and we went outside to my car without saying anything to the boys and we just drove home. "Eddie can you tell me what happened?" I asked. Eddie still had tears running down his face but he still made no noise. "Umm I-I don't know. She wanted to show me something and she just pulled me into a bathroom stall and it all just happened so fast. I know I should've said no but, but I hate saying no to fans. I'm sorry Gaege, but I tried to get her off me but she wouldn't let me." Eddie cried. I started crying a bit too. "Eddie it's ok. Please don't cry, I know it wasn't your fault." I said. Me and Eddie cried for a little bit then we got home. Me and Eddie went inside and we sat on the couch then me and Eddie hugged for a little bit. When me and Eddie let go I whipped his tears off then we gave each other a short soft kiss. "I love you baby." I said. "I love you too." Eddie replied. "Oh my god I need to take a shower." Eddie said. "Same, I will take one after you." I said. "Ok." Eddie replied as he went upstairs. I still can't believe this happened. This is why I can't trust a lot of people.

Eddie POV
I feel so bad that Gaege had to whiteness that. Ugh I wish I said no to her. Why didn't I. I went into the bathroom and I stripped myself and I turned on the shower and I went in. I started crying again as I was washing myself because I can't stop thinking about what happened. When I finished cleaning myself, I turned off the shower and I got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and I saw Gaege laying in bed. "Are you tired mi amor?" I asked as I was walking to Gaeges side of the bed. "Mhm." Gaege said. "I love you." I said. "I love you too Eddie." Gaege replied. Me and Gaege gave each other a kiss then I went on my side of the bed, and I laid down then I fell asleep.

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