We should talk part 1. Self harm warning

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Gaege POV
Me and Eddie woke up and we were very tired. "Ugh I'm so tired." I groaned. "Same." Eddie replied. We got out of bed and we threw on our shirts and we went downstairs. I checked my phone and it was Tuesday, and today me and Eddie had to make a video with the boys. "Ugh I have to go home, we have to do a video with the boys." I said. "Ok, text me when you get home." Eddie said. "I will." I replied. I left Eddies house, and when I got to mine I ran to my office and I quickly joined the discord call and I texted Eddie that I was home then he got on the call. "Hey baby." I said. "Hey mi amor." Eddie replied. "Aww y'all are so cute." Grant said. "Shut the fuck up dawg!" Eddie said. "Hey Grant I don't see your girlfriend, huh where's yours?" I asked. Grant rolled his eyes. "Alright boys I'm going to start the video alright!" Mully said. "Ok." We all replied. Mully started the video and I was not ready. I was staring at Eddie because he looked so hot when he gets ready for videos, well he looks hot all the time but right now he looks amazing! "Juicy, Juicy? JUICY!" Josh yelled. I stopped zoning out. "Oh sorry guys I was zoning out." I said. "We've been calling your name for the past hour dude." Mully said. "Oh sorry." I said. "Ok well we have to restart the tiktok, so you can see it too." Mully said. "Alright." I replied. We watched the tiktok but I kept glancing at Eddie. Eddie looked so good bro. I grabbed my phone and texted Eddie. "Hey papi your looking good! I'm gonna have to get your churro tonight Mhm papi." I texted. Then I looked up at my computer and I saw Eddie look at his camera and smirk. "Juicy get off your damn phone!" Mully said. "I'm sorry, guys I don't feel good. Can we do this recording another day?" I asked. "Ugh fine. I'm leaving, bye guys." Mully said. "Alright bye." Everyone replied then everyone left the call except for me and Eddie. "Mi amor, are you alright?" Eddie asked. "Yeah, I just wanna see you." I said. "Baby you need to try and get over this." Eddie said. "Over what?" I asked. "Whatever keeps making you wanna see me all the time, like I'm happy that you think of my but sometimes you think of me at the wrong times. And I love you to death but you can't think of me 24/7. Because I did the same thing and Josh kept texting me and telling me to stop zoning out." Eddie said. "Well I'm just scared, I don't like leaving you." I said. I started crying and Eddie left the call. "Of course I screwed this all up!" I cried. I started balling my eyes out and I started hitting myself. "Why do I do this to myself! He doesn't want me anymore!" I said. I grabbed a beer bottle from off my desk and I smashed it off the corner of my desk and I grabbed a piece of the glass and I cut my skin and I wrote, "Eddie doesn't want me anymore". I kept crying and bleeding then I heard a knock at my door. I put my arm behind my back so no one saw the marks and I whipped my tears then I opened the door and I saw Eddie. "Oh hey Eddie." I said. "Hey Gaege, hey can we talk please." Eddie asked.

Eddie POV
I looked down a little bit then I saw blood dripping from behind Gaege. "Mi amor are you ok?" I asked. Then Gaege started crying. "Gaege let me see your arm!" I said. Geage showed me his arm, and I read what it said. "GAEGE THIS ISN'T OK!" I said. Gaege continued to cry and I started crying too. "I'm sorry Eddie." Gaege said. "GAEGE YOUR NEVER DOING THIS TO YOURSELF EVER AGAIN! I LOVE YOU AND YOU BETTER NOT THINK THE OPPOSITE!" I said. "I'm so sorry Eddie, but when you left the call I thought you were mad, and I-I-I thought you wouldn't want me anymore." Gaege cried. "Gaege, baby I'm sorry that I left the call like that but listen, I love you more than anyone in the world and, your my baby boy, and your the best person I have ever met. I would never break up with you, because your mine, only mine." I said. Me and Gaege continued to cry then I lifted up his head and I whipped off his tears. "Mi amor breath." I said. Gaege took a big breath then he let it out and he stopped crying a lil bit and I did too. "Let's get you cleaned up." I said. Me and Gaege went into his bathroom and he gave me the first aid kit. I took alcohol wipes and I wiped his cuts with it so they don't get infected. Then I took a few bandages and I covered up all the cuts. "There you go baby." I said. Gaege hops off the counter then he hugged me. "Thank you Eddie. And I'm sorry." Gaege said. "It's ok mi amor, don't do that ever again!" I said. And Gaege nodded. "Alright let's clean up the floor, there's a lot of blood spots." I said. Gaege grabbed a wet paper towel and I grabbed some soap. I put soap on all the drops of blood on the floor and Gaege whipped the blood off. When me and Gaege were done, I put the soap away and Gaege threw the used paper towels away. "Good job mi amor." I said. Then Gaege whipped the sweat off his forehead. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah it's just hot in here." Gaege said. "Oh." I replied. "Do you wanna go back to my house so we can talk?" I asked. Gaege nodded then I grabbed my car keys and we got in my car and we started to drive off to my house.

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