The sleep over. Smut warning

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Gaege POV
Today Mully and Josh are coming over for the night because why not? We haven't got to actually hang out with them for a while and whenever we try to then someone gets hurt or it's just super boring. And I had some plans for all of us to do today. Me and Eddie were sitting on the couch as we were waiting for Mully and Josh. Also Grant had to take care of his dad for a little bit so he wasn't able to come. A few minutes later I heard the door knock. Me and Eddie raced to the door and quickly opened it. "Sup dawg!" Eddie said. "Sup guys." Josh replied. Eddie brought Josh and Mullys bags upstairs to the guest bedroom as me, Josh, and Mully sat down on then couch in the living room. Eddie came back downstairs and sat down next to me. As we were all talking, I felt Eddie grab my ass and I started blushing. But I noticed that Mully and Josh were sitting a little close to each other, like their body's almost touched. I was a little curious if there was something going on between them but it's none of my business so I just left it alone for now. "Oh by the way, you guys are gonna have to share the guest bedroom because there is only one guest room." Eddie said. Josh and Mully looked at each other and they started to smile then they looked back at Eddie. "Ok." Mully said. We all continued talking then I got up to grab some beers and stuff and I brought them back and gave them to everyone. "Hey guys, as we get drunk, we should play truth or dare." I said. "Oooh truth or dare, damn babe you have the best ideas." Eddie said as he kissed my cheek. I looked at Eddie and smiled. Then we all started to get drunk for truth or dare. "Alright are y'all ready?" Josh asked. "Yep!" We all replied. "Ok, Eddie truth or dare?" Josh asked. Eddie looked at me and he started to make his thinking face. "Umm dare." Eddie said. "Ok, I dare you to take a whiskey shot." Josh said. "I can do that no prob!" Eddie said. Eddie poured the whiskey in the shot cup and he quickly drank it. "Damn bruh!" Mully said. We all giggled a bit then it was Eddies turn. "Umm, Mully truth or dare?" Eddie asked. "Umm truth." Mully replied. "Ok, umm, is it true that I'm better than Josh?" Eddie asked. Then we all started laughing. "No, Josh is better." Mully said. "Damn puta! You really had to do me like that." Eddie said. "Ha you little bitch." Josh said. "Ok my turn! Umm, Gaege truth or dare?" Mully asked. "Umm dare I guess." I stuttered. Mully gave me a weird look, a look that gave me a feeling that I won't like this. "I dare you to make a sex tape with Eddie and post it on all social media." Mully said. "Bro I will have sec with Eddie but I'm not posting it." I said. "No you have to." Mully and Josh said. "Are you guys actually fucking serious?" Eddie asked. "Yes now do it or we're leaving." Josh said. I can clearly tell their drunk. Me and Eddie sighed as we grabbed our phones and went upstairs.

Eddie POV
Me and Gaege got upstairs and we locked our door and we took of our clothes then I started recording us. I got on my bed and laid down as Gaege crawled on top of me and we started making out. I started sucking Gaeges neck and I felt Gaege slide down my legs. I sat up and Gaege started sucking my dick. Every time Gaege sucked, I grunted a little bit and he moaned a lil. Damn Gaege made me feel good right now. Gaege started to jerk me off super fast and I started leaking on his hand and he licked it off my dick and his hands. Gaege crawled back on top of me and we started to make out again. Then I flipped us over so we were in doggy style and I put my dick in him and he moaned very loudly. "Uah f-faster!" Gaege moaned. I started thrusting faster and faster which turned Gaege into a moaning mess. I checked to see if we were still recording and as I was doing so, I finished in Gaege. I flipped Gaege over so I could see his face and I started jerking him off. I started to jerk him off faster and faster then he squirted on my phone and we started laughing a little bit then I finished recording. "Damn bitch, your still so good." I said as I give Gaege a kiss on his head. "You too baby." Gaege replied. I smirked at him and he bit his lip. We threw our clothes back in and we went downstairs. As we were walking down the stairs, me and Gaege saw Mully and Josh making out. Me and Gaege started recording them because it was funny as hell, and we're definitely going to post it later! Then I saw Josh look over a little bit and they broke the kiss. "Oh y'all are done?" Mully stuttered. I quickly stopped recording then me and Gaege started laughing. "Y'all kiss like fucking fish!" Gaege asked. Gaege started dying laughing then he fell on his knees and he rolled down the stairs. "Gaege!" I yelled as I did the same thing. "HaHa very funny." Mully said in sarcasm. "Yes it is very funny." I said as me and Gaege were dying laughing on the floor. "Wait, y'all are dating?" Gaege asked. "Ugh, what do you think?" Josh asked. Josh rolled his eyes at us then me and Gaege saw Mully grab Josh's ass. Me and Gaege were on the floor laughing for hours then Mully and Josh went upstairs and went to bed. Me and Gaege continued to laugh as I rolled over on top of him and I pinned his hands down. Gaege looked at me as he bit his lip then we did a slow but soft kiss. And when we broke it, there was a string of drool that connected to mine and Gaeges mouth. Me and Gaege got up and we could tell that we were drunk. "Eddie are you gonna post our video?" Gaege asked. "Well I don't want to because I don't want to get attacked but I sorta have to." I said. "Oh ok. Well you could put it on private so only your friends can see it." Gaege said. "Ooh good idea, because I still posted it but differently." I replied. "Exactly." Gaege said. I posted the video and me being me, I didn't post it on private so now I'm fucked. And yes it was an accident and I'm drunk so I didn't notice that. Me and Gaege sat on the couch and we snuggled and watched a movie then we fell asleep.

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