Coming home

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Gaege POV
Eddie has been in the hospital last night and it was time to pick him up. I grabbed my car keys and I drove off to the hospital and when I got there I saw Eddie standing outside of the hospital entrance. I drove up to Eddie and he got in the car. "Hi mi amor! I missed you." Eddie said. "I missed you too! Oh by the way, yesterday I got all my stuff in what I can now call our house." I said as I looked at Eddie and smiled. "I'm so happy that you live with me now. This is one of the biggest steps we took in our relationship." Eddie said as he started blushing. "Yeah and now we will always be together." I said. I lean over to Eddie and I give him a kiss and he kissed back, then we broke it. Me and Eddie started driving off to the house and when we got there, I helped Eddie out of the car because his arm was really sore so I just decided to help him. Me and Eddie got in the house and I sat him down on the couch. "Do you need anything, are you hungry?" I asked. "Not really, but thanks mi amor." Eddie said. "No problem baby." I said as I bent down to give Eddie a kiss. After me and Eddie kissed, I sat down next to him and I turned on the tv. Th news was on and sometimes me and Eddie watch the news before we go to sleep.

Eddie POV
Me and Gaege were watching the news before we go to sleep and Gaege got up to grab a beer. Then we saw that the cops were called on Alex and he got sent to jail. "Alex Mermox got charged for assault. He was charged because he shot someone in the arm. The person he shot was named Eduardo but people know him on youtube as EddieVR, the doctors say that Eduardo is going to be ok but he was very close to his death." The news reporter said. I started to remember what happened then I look over at Gaege and I saw him throw his beer at the tv then the tv broke. "Mi amor are you ok?" I asked. Gaege started crying. "I hate him, I don't want him in jail, I want him dead! You didn't deserve that! I just want Alex gone, I want him to just be gone! I wish this never happened." Gaege cried. I pulled Gaege toward me and I started rubbing his back as his body leaned up against mine. "Baby it's ok. Listen, I'm ok and your ok. That's all that matters. I love you." I said. Gaege whipped his tears off and looked at me. "Your right. I love you too." Gaege said . Me and Gaege went up to our bedroom and we laid in bed then we gave each other a kiss then we fell asleep.

Gaege POV
I wish it never happened but at least me and Eddie are ok and safe now.

Ay Mami🌹 eddievr x juicy/Gaege (the boys read)Where stories live. Discover now