Lets talk. Smut warning

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Gaege POV
I woke up and Eddie had his arm wrapped around me. I started blushing because it was cute. Then I got out of his bed and I went downstairs into the living room. I looked at my phone and I saw a missed call from Mully. I called him back and he answered. "Hey bro, is Eddie still sleeping?" Mully asked. "Why do you want to know? And why did you want Gabriella? You know Eddie is hurt, right?" I asked. "Yes and I know I screwed up but she asked me and I was too drunk to get away from her. Then everything just happened." Mully said. "Ok well I'm going to believe you because she tried to have sex with me once." I said. "Ok thank you! And can you tell Eddie that I'm sorry?" Mully asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Ok thanks mate, bye." Mully said. "Bye." I replied then I hung up. I heard Eddie coming downstairs and he had no shirt on so he looks really hot! "Good morning Gaege, sorry that I made you sleep here." Eddie said. "Nah bro it's fine. I didn't mind." I replied. "Well thanks for being here with me." Eddie said. "No prob." I replied. Then me and Eddie sat on the couch then we started talking about life and shit. "Oh yeah umm, Mully says sorry about last night and he was too drunk to control himself." I said. "Tell him that it's ok and We're still friends." Eddie said. "Friends or best friends?" I asked. "Friends, because your my best friend." Eddie said. I started smiling and blushing a lot. Then I grabbed my phone and started texting Mully. "Hey Eddie says that it's ok and y'all are still friends." I texted. "Ok." Mully replied. I put my phone down then me and Eddie started talking again.

Eddie POV
I started blushing when Gaege smiled at me. He looks really cute when he smiles. "Oh I need to talk to you about something." Gaege said. I started to get worried. "Ok, wait did I do something wrong?" I asked. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. But umm, I have fe-feelings for y-you." Gaege said. My face lit up then Gaege started crying. "Gaege what's wrong? Why are you crying." I asked. Gaege looked at me and his eyes were like waterfalls. "I
u-under-stand if you d-dont wanna be f-friends anym-ore." Gaege stuttered. "Gaege breath." I said. I picked up Gaeges head so he can face me then I gave him and soft kiss. And he kissed back. Then we broke it. "Gaege, I want to be more than best friends. You are funny, smart, cute, and nice. I wouldn't trade you for the world and I wouldn't replace you with anyone else." I said. I held Gaeges hand as he was whipping his tears. "Really?" Gaege asked. "Yes really! I love you more than anyone else!" I said. Gaege got on top of me and he started to kiss me and I kissed back. I started from his lips then made my way down to his neck. "Hm!" Gaege moaned. "Damn we just got together and you already wanna get hot?" I whispered in Gaeges ear. "Hmh." Gaege moaned. Gaege moans started to turn me on. "Let's take this upstairs." I said. Gaege looked at me and smirked then he got off me and I grabbed his hand and brought him upstairs. I closed and locked my bedroom door then we took off our shirts and Gaege laid down on the bed. I got on him and he put his hands over his head and I used my hand to pin them down. He moaned a little bit then we started to make out again. I got off him and I pulled down our pants. Then I went back on top of him and we continued to make out. Then he wrapped his right leg around me and I started rubbing his left thigh which made him become a moaning mess.

Gaege POV
I started to moan a lot which started to turn Eddie on. Eddie started to suck on my neck and leave hickeys all over. "E-Eddie f-fu-ck me." I moaned then Eddie smirked. Eddie lifted my legs up then he put his dick in. "UAH!" I moaned. Eddie started thrusting fast and hard and it felt so good. Eddie leaned down toward my ear and he whispered, "does that feel good baby boy?" "MHM!" I moaned. Then Eddie bit his lip. Eddie flipped us over so I was top, then I started going up and down on him as we continue to make out. "Ba-by I'm going to
c-um!" Eddie groaned. Then I started to speed up then he finished in me. Then I laid next to Eddie. "Wait I didn't finish." I said. Me and Eddie started panting then he smirked at me. Eddie grabbed my dick and started to stroke it fast. "Hmm!" I moaned. Then I started leaking, then I finally squirted. "Ugh but I don't wanna be done." I said. Then I got back on top of Eddie and I started to suck his dick. "Gaege your really not do-done?" Eddie moaned. Then I shook my head. And Eddie bit his lip. I kept sucking then he squirted in my mouth. Then me and Eddie got up. "Your so good mami." Eddie said. Then I started blushing. "Your good papi." I replied. Then Eddie bit his lip. Then me and Eddie got dressed and we went to bed because we were too tired to do anything else.

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