-3- A Dance with Destiny

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"This might sting," I placed a warm towel on one of Iida's wounds. He winced, but didn't lash or say anything. That scared me.

"I'm sorry I don't know any healing spells. I wish I-"

"It's okay."

He silenced me. Although I immediately went back to repairing his wounds, my mind went to trying to find the right words to fix this.

"Hey," I began bandaging his torso where the largest wound was, "How about we have that dinner? It may be a little... improper. However, it might be fun! Dinner by a warm fire, it's a nice way to get to know one another. Avoid another... miscommunication."

He held his teeth together as I poured some water over a wound on his arm, "This wouldn't have been a problem if you hadn't broken the rules."

I bandaged the last of his wounds, "I'm sorry. I really am. But sometimes you have to stay calm and just correct behavior instead of just punishing someone. I know I should have left when I realized I was in the wrong place, but I didn't mean to go in the west wing. I just lost my way when I was going back to my room."

I watched as a redness filled his face, "I sincerely apologize. I... I jumped to conclusions."

"I think there are lessons to be learned," I got up and placed the supplies back on the table, "I need to learn to follow the rules closely. Not stretch them for my own benefit. And you need to learn to loosen up. And think about others actions so you can act accordingly. Now how about we have that dinner?"


Weeks passed. I helped Iida around the castle, and the two of us talked until he made us go to bed at 9:00 pm JST. I decided to test out the cooking lesions Mina had attempted to give me. Though that mostly resulted in the invisible servants having to help me put out ten or so fires.

"Hey Sir Iida!" I called out as I entered the library, a small tray of cookies that I succeeded in making in hand, "Do you want to try these?"

He didn't look up from his book. So I sat the tray down next to him, then looked over his shoulder, "What'cha reading? Something interesting?"

He suddenly stiffened up, shutting the book, "It's nothing. And it is highly inappropriate to read over someone's back!"

"Come on!" I pulled a chair to Iida's side, "We're friends! Tell me what's up. Please?"

He placed his hand on the book, "I was just thinking of... new experiences. I haven't had company in so long. I would like to be entertaining. If you are to stay here forever, I refuse to bore you."

I laughed, "That's sweet, but I'm having plenty of fun. I never have a chance to just relax. I've always been chasing after another adventure. Unless you count cheering up Bakugo while we drink enough ale to sedate a giant."

"Chasing adventure?" He seemed to be going to great effort to ignore the ale thing, "What do you mean?"

"Oh man!" I lit up, "I have to tell you everything! I've done so much with my old party. There was this one time we went to find this giant dragon horde of gold and diamonds and we found Kirishima instead! Granted that was basically our first adventure, but it's what hooked me in."

I went on for hours, acting out scenes from my stories. I explained myths and legends that I had proven true. I told him about the friends I had met and enemies I had created over the years.

The entire time I was talking, I would take glaces at Iida to make sure he was okay with me going on. I noticed that with every new story he seemed to smile. He would laugh at the funny voices I would make for my companions and foes. He would ask questions if he didn't understand what I was saying. It was amazing.

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