-4- A Honest Thief and A Dirty Crook

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"Where are my friends!?" I stood at the entrance to the hideout, holding a guard at swordpoint, "Tell me or die."

He was silent, so there was bloodshed.

Blood spotted my boots as I walked in, "I refuse to leave without my friends."

The thieves around me attacked, but I was on a warpath. I knocked them aside with ease. Leaving possibly unconscious bodies in my quake. They might have been dead. I didn't care. I left Iida alone for this. I needed to get back to him.

"(Y/N)! I'm over here!" It was Mina's voice. I locked onto the voice and ran towards it, cutting back anyone in my path.

"Mina!" She stood before me, but something was wrong. I looked at the wall behind Mina to find Mina.

"Sorry," I noticed Mina was bleeding a little as the fake her spoke to me, "I just needed to borrow her voice."

I held my sword towards the fake before me, "I take it you're the blood thief. The thief rumored to transform into her victims using their blood. Like a sicko."

"That's me Princess!" Toga lunged at me, meeting my blade in the middle, "Let's play!"

"I'm not a princess," I aimed low, only hitting higher to block my enemy's blade.

"And you're not a fighter either," This wasn't Mina's voice. Nor did it come from Toga. It was all I heard before I was knocked unconscious.


"(Y/N)!" I opened my eyes to see that I was tied to a large pole, with my party tied at my sides. It had been Kirishima that woke me up, he was the closest to my left with Bakugo on my right, "Thank All Might you're okay."

I whipped my head around, "Is Mina-?"

"She's on my left," Jiro spoke from somewhere behind me, "She's knocked out, but she seems fine."

"Well..." I looked up to see a thief with wings, she was gorgeous beyond all reasoning, "So you are the one who they've been claiming will save them. I have to admit, I didn't expect you to kill 27 of our thieves on your way in."

I heard Kaminari, "You took out 27 of them!?"

"They made me mad. I was in the middle of something."

"Now I need you to tell me," She held Iida's mirror in her hand, "How did you get the mirror I gave to my dear Tenya?"

So that's Iida's first name, then I fully registered what she was saying, "Your Tenya? You... You're the one who cursed him!" I lashed against the bindings, shaking the pole that dared to try and hold me back.

"I didn't curse him!" She snapped at me, "I made sure he would realize the truth! He belongs to me! And once the clock strikes midnight, he'll be mine for good."

"What are you talking about!?"

"Once the moon reaches its peak, the spell will finally be complete. His heart will become mine."

She placed her hand on my chin, "It doesn't matter how much you try to intervene. I will have him."

"You have caused him so much pain," I pulled my chin free, "I won't let you hurt him again."

"And what do you plan to do?" She gestured around, "Your Dragon King is knocked out cold. Your entire party is at the will of my men. Toga has been wanting to cut you since she first laid eyes on you. And I am all powerful."

"And I..." I pulled harder, feeling the ropes give way enough to let me stand, "Am pissed you would even think of messing with him. You ruined his life! Tell me how to break the spell!"

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