-1- The Greatest Fool

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"Hizashi..." I listened to the three from the pub as I followed their path to the heart of the festival, the raven-haired man sighed, "I swear if you got us lost again..."

"It's not my fault!" The bard was staring at the map in his hands, "You leave for a half-decade or so and the entire Great City changes on you."

The Great City... One of the few organized cities outside of capitals. There is no king here, no queen, no royalty. It all follows the lead of the Prophet, a figure that is said to talk to the gods. It's Bullshit. But it's the way of the city. Although... I guess the fact that the city still stands says that something is watching over this city. God or not.

"Stop arguing," the third man spoke, "Dad... Just figure out how to leave the city. We need to get our next job."

"Oh Hitoshi," the blond minstrel grabbed the boy by the cheek, "Don't worry so much! This is my home city! It's filled to the brim with bards and kind souls gather here like moths to a flame!"

"Then you can ask a local to lead us out," the Raven man smirked under his scarf, "Simple as that."

"No way Shouta!" Hizashi stuffed the map in his bag, I had no idea why I kept following them, but they were leading towards the bell tower so the situation was pleasurable, "It's the Festival of Fools! Can't we just stay a little longer?"

Hitoshi let out a single chuckle, "And so your true intentions slip through the cracks."

"I can't believe this," the Shouta sighed, "Come on then. The sooner we get to the festival, the sooner I can get this idiot to leave it."

I realized I had been fidgeting with the pendant around my neck while watching the travelers.

"You!" A town guard approached me with a dagger in his hand, "Performers are to be at the festival for his grace's appearance."

"I'm not a-"

"I know a bard when I see one," He interrupted me, "You performers are to be at the square now."

The guard ushered me along, I had no idea how he could even tell I was a bard. I always seemed to fit into the thieving stereotypes. Though I don't disagree with that notion. Looking at me in my current state I'm shocked I look like anything besides a thief. At first glance I was wearing a long cloak, not unlike the ones the men Shouta and Hitoshi wore. A long piece of gray cloth that covered every inch of my body, leaving only my face free to the world. However, even that was restricted by the hood framing my face, and the purple mask covering my nose and mouth.

He shoved me into a tent ment for performers, "Now get ready! You're going on in ten minutes!"

"Well damn..." I sighed and began looking at my surroundings.

I removed my mask, placing it on the table. I had a new plan. I go through with this performance thing, then I can sneak away to the church and the bell tower. If people think I'm a performer then it'll be less of a hassle.

I was about to shed my cloak and hood when the flaps to the tent flew open. I let out an involuntary gasp as a child was flung into the dressing tent.

I approached the child with caution, "Hey, you okay? Do you need a healing potion?"

I reached out to help them up, but they yelled out before I was able to do so, "Don't touch me!"

I backed up, "Sorry. I was just going to help you up. Do you need anything dearie?"

The child stood up, "N... No. I'm okay."

I sighed and grabbed a lollipop from my bag, I had grabbed a few on the way to town, "Then there's no harm done. Just try to be a little more careful."

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