-5- The Final Spark

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I was the first to move. My blade led my steps as I made a beeline for Chisaki. His blade met my own in combat. He was taller and stronger. And my movements were sloppy and uncoordinated in comparison. I began striking wildly while I thought of what to do next.

I could pinpoint where I should hit. The throat was always a good target, it's the brain's access to oxygen and blood. But the throat is easily defendable in combat. Eyes are another good striking spot. They're extremely delicate, and once destroyed he can't see what to do next. However, he's taller than me, so it'll be hard to reach them. Then there's a lower blow, his crotch. It's sensitive and unexpected. But it'd be hard to reach with my blade without drawing suspicion, and it would leave my top half open.

All of the advantages and disadvantages filled my mind as I dealt blow after blow. Hitoshi was following a strategy. I don't give Chisaki time to think, dealing the overall damage; meanwhile Hitoshi attacks to try and deal even more damage. It's one of the biggest advantages of going two on one.

I locked my aim on his face, really any place on his face was a good place to strike. Even with a goal in mind, I was still hitting everything I could.

Chisaki took a huge swing, knocking me and Hitoshi back. He then took the opportunity to retreat towards the tower steps, making his way up the tower.

I ran after him, "He's trying to get to Eri!"

Hitoshi followed me, "She's not even up there."

"We know that," I smirked, "But he has no clue. And that tower seems like a good end of the road."

We followed him up the tower. His voice called out, "Where the hell is she!? I'll end that miserable monster's life!"

"No," I held my blade out, "No you won't. We're not done."

We all jumped back into combat. I pushed him back towards the balcony, Hitoshi following my lead. I struck towards the face, Hitoshi striking towards the crotch. This was forcing Chisaki to switch back and forth between high and low. Overwhelming and esausting him, but even then he was focusing on my attacks. I was hitting the hardest. Aiming where I was supposed to in order to maximize damage.

"This is... pathetic..." Chisaki pushed us back, his back was against the balcony, "You think you've cornered me..."

"Looking at it," Hitoshi delivered the witty remark this time around, "We kinda have."

"No..." He laughed, "I just... found a way to escape."

He got up on the balcony, balancing on the stonework.

Anger flashed through me, "Don't you dare! I'm not letting you out of this so easily!"

I moved, joining Chisaki on the stonework. Our blades clashed once more.

"(Y/N)!" Hitoshi called after me, "What are you doing!?"

"Killing-" our blades struck again, "Kai Chisaki! Once-" metal on metal once more, "and for all!"

Damn I'm dramatic.

"It won't be so easy!" He forced me out on one of the rain gutter gargoyles, "In fact... It'll be as hard as the ground below us."

He stuck me back, but I was prepared this time. In his frenzy, he left himself exposed.

So my blade had no trouble running straight through his stomach. Then right back out, letting the blood of the beast run through the canals of the blessed blade.

He screamed in agony, leaving me to say the final words, "I slayed the monster."

Then he fell. His blade left his hands, leaving the hands to grasp onto anything they could. The monster clawed up, grabbing my feet. Since I had no shoes from the entire 'execution ' thing, it was easy to make me lose my balance.

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